TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics


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GTFO of this country and kick all Afghans out of Turkey.
Seeing photos of Afghan refugees waving Taliban flags in Turkey while threatening our troops, are you nuts or what?

Why are they waving taliban flags shouldnt they go back since the Taliban is coming close to taking the country back.

They shouldnt stay anymore.


Azerbaijan Moderator
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nah, they really havent explained why Turkish soldiers should guard this airport and before that, I agree, that we shouldnt be there. First explain the motivation of guarding that airport and then we can decide if we support it or not, right now this all seems to be rushed by NATO-boy Akar for whatever reason.
Afghanistan is important because it allows the US to control Central Asia and keep out China. A not-so-well-kept secret about the Taliban is that they have very good relations with China and possibly even Russia, since their representatives recently went to Moscow to meet with Russian officials. And both of them support it as a way to keep the US out, because the Taliban won't mess with you as long as you keep out of their territory (they even made deals with China about mining rights). In fact, China supported the Afghanistan rebels against the Soviet Union too - the guy that the Soviets invaded Afghanistan to depose was a Maoist ideologue.

This also has to do with the US recently removing the East Turkestan Islamic Party from its terrorist list - its going to use the Uyghurs as a proxy for weakening China and Turkey will be the face of it. So it will be Turkey and ETIM + other Uyghurs vs. China and the Taliban. And just like in Syria, when this blows up horribly in everyone's faces, I expect NATO to quickly do a 180 and start shitting on Turkey as the sole problem here because it's not like they're the ones funding Islamist radicals everywhere.

Save this comment and then look it up in 10 more years. I guarantee you, I will be 90-100% right about this. If this was about Turkish interests, Turkey would be better served negotiating with the Taliban as a proper state actor. Most Afghanis support them, despite what US propaganda says and absolutely nobody likes the puppet government. And mind you, I don't like the Taliban either - they are assholes and are as prone to being dishonest as the rest of them, not to mention what they do to the Hazaras and Uyghurs in their territory. But this is a very ill-advised move.
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Long story short, NATO/USA is trying to push Turkey against China.

They want that Turkey becomes a wall against Chinese economic and political sphere of influence.


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Long story short, NATO/USA is trying to push Turkey against China.

They want that Turkey becomes a wall against Chinese economic and political sphere of influence.

While at the same time Turkiye cops sanctions from its allies.

We need to stop being a wall for the West's enemies like Russia and China.

Let them deal with it themselves. We should not sacrifice our asses for them.


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The more I think of it it is probably primarily aimed at deporting refugees since a refugee push is already happening towards Turkey but there is a much easier route when it comes to refugees, build a wall, mine it, give clear messages that whoever crosses gets deported and also follow trough that, but we will see, the current refugee situation in Turkey is already one of the primary reasons why he will loose the next election, dont think he can pull another refugee wave.


The more I think of it it is probably primarily aimed at deporting refugees since a refugee push is already happening towards Turkey but there is a much easier route when it comes to refugees, build a wall, mine it, give clear messages that whoever crosses gets deported and also follow trough that, but we will see, the current refugee situation in Turkey is already one of the primary reasons why he will loose the next election, dont think he can pull another refugee wave.
I doubt he will lose


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The more I think of it it is probably primarily aimed at deporting refugees since a refugee push is already happening towards Turkey but there is a much easier route when it comes to refugees, build a wall, mine it, give clear messages that whoever crosses gets deported and also follow trough that, but we will see, the current refugee situation in Turkey is already one of the primary reasons why he will loose the next election, dont think he can pull another refugee wave.

Just open the border to europe and tomorrow Turkey will have no refugee issue and it wont cost a penny either to do.


Just open the border to europe and tomorrow Turkey will have no refugee issue and it wont cost a penny either to do.

Greece has fortified the border and it would break current agreements which Erdogan cannot afford to do.

What he can do is change Turkish law so the refugee definition fits everyone, not just those coming from Europe (stupid law). Then they can apply to the UN in Turkey for asylum to be resettled in Europe.


Azerbaijan Moderator
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It won't work, Europe won't take anymore regardless of international law. Hypocrisy? Yes. Inevitable? Also yes.

Turkey won't be able to get rid of refugees by offloading them to Europe. There's only one way to get rid of them and prevent further incursions but it takes someone willing to make the hard and quite possibly immoral decisions.

Just saying. Playing nice in geopolitics will never get you anywhere. You always have to be willing to play the underhanded bastard and in Turkey's situation, Western Europe already sees you guys as Nazis with a crescent and star regardless.

Most of all it requires someone that can play diplomacy well. Erdogan doesn't need to be Bismarck but he could at the very least think things through.


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Finish the borderwall, load them in a bus, destination Turkish-Iranian border, throw them out and push them back, that's were they belong.

Only men are coming f*cking cowards leaving their women, sisters, mothers etc. back.


Smuggling is good business.

No wonder smugglers love the refugee crisis because it gives them a steady income.

Scary how the wave has begun. Cant we just fly them off to Sweden and Finland aka the homeland of progressivism.

Feels like AKP are making things up as they go along, No plans whatsoever


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Smuggling is good business.

No wonder smugglers love the refugee crisis because it gives them a steady income.

Scary how the wave has begun. Cant we just fly them off to Sweden and Finland aka the homeland of progressivism.

Didn't you understand that NOBODY in Europe is willing to take these illegals anymore? Neither Greece nor Bulgaria will let them pass through the border and no one in EU is willing to take them in.

The problem is that Turkey doesn't have a border security anymore. AKP is on purpose filling the country with the trash of the whole Middle East.


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Feels like AKP are making things up as they go along, No plans whatsoever

No plan whatsoever because they sold it off to the EU for bread crumbs.

While the EU fortified its borders.

EU knows in the the future its going to go through a demographic crisis as brown and black people outnumber white people in the future. Not just Syrians and Afghans they have to worry about its the Sahara too.

Erdogan gladly acted as the EU border officer while EU gave the middle finger to us by saying enjoy the bread crumbs.

Basically saying here enjoy the refugee crisis and the demographic time bomb thats going to rip your economy.

Remember the Russians inflicted numerous refugee crisises on the Ottoman Empire.

Until the Empires collapse the Ottomans were still receiving refugees. Now imagine at those times the burden that the empire was going through f*** me cannot imagine that.

Turkey, Libya and Morocco have become the border guards in protecting the EU while in turn they screwed their countries up with millions of refugees.


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Didn't you understand that NOBODY in Europe is willing to take these illegals anymore? Neither Greece nor Bulgaria will let them pass through the border and no one in EU is willing to take them in.

The problem is that Turkey doesn't have a border security anymore. AKP is on purpose filling the country with the trash of the whole Middle East.

Will send them off to sweden in parachutes.

Europeans love preaching tolerance. Here is some tolerance that they can enjoy more brown people.

Why is Akp doing it?? Arent they just going to make them lose the elections even more badly. What do they aim to achieve by doing open borders they are already pushing their voters away.


Will send them off to sweden in parachutes.

Europeans love preaching tolerance. Here is some tolerance that they can enjoy more brown people.

Why is Akp doing it?? Arent they just going to make them lose the elections even more badly. What do they aim to achieve by doing open borders they are already pushing their voters away.

Maybe Erdogan is waiting for the 5 years so they are eligible to apply for citizenship. That'll overcome any loss of votes for the "great leader of the ummah".


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Maybe Erdogan is waiting for the 5 years so they are eligible to apply for citizenship. That'll overcome any loss of votes for the "great leader of the ummah".

Real question is do Refugees hold the same mentality like Erdogan. How many would be loyal to tayyip? Refugees just want money and a place to stay i doubt many will be loyal to Tayyip. Tayyip is doing a big mistake.

I can safely say majority of Muslims dont hold Ummah views unless you pray together stick in politics and its a different story where everybody would eat each other up.

I question how many of the refugees themselves hold any loyalty?? Is Tayyip naive here or is he just playing 4d chess 🤣
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Creating a unnecessary threat where it's not needed.

Iran is literally creating a internal problem by unloading them on our border. No Jandarma no Police no border guards this is done on purpose. Nobody ever should say something else, they want to destroy the demographics and weaken the Turkish Republic from within, like parasites.
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