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There were various terrorist corpses searched by village guards after shootouts in the 90's and they werent circumsized like a muslim body should have been.

And many Kurdish and Turkish civillians who were stopped at the road in trolleybusses by the PKK, witnessed strange foreign languages between some of them, no Kurdish or Zaza.

There was a Turkish historian but i dont know his name. He said that the Armenians never forgot that the Kurdish Hamidiye-Corps of Sultan Abdulhamid II killed thousands of Armenian insurgents in the East, so they created PKK to kill both Kurds and Turks.

They let the Kurds think that they are fighting for a free Kurdistan, like the Arabs were thinking that they fought for a free Arab state when Lawrence approached them. After Kurdistan is created, it will be a part of Great-Armenia.

I dont know the name of this historian.
Their ideological support base are ethnic kurds, meaning their recruit base are also ethnic kurds. Armenians aleady killed tens of thousands of kurds whilst trying to establish their own ethno-state during WW1, they didn't need to create some artificial organization for that.

The pkk is an ideological, almost cult-like organization. Their supposed "marxist/socialist" Ideology is just another form of nationalism, just like the Soviet Union was just another iteration of Russian Imperialism. Their goals aver very clear-cut. If anything the pkk does more harm than good for armenians. They didn't change the outcome during the Karabakh war and having any kinds of connections with the pkk is practically asking for Turkish military pressure/intervention. Something Armenia cannot afford.

The arabs still think that they fought for a free state, because despite ending up as british and french colonies they were indeed no longer under Ottoman rule.

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