TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics


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A prelude to sucking up to India?


The backbone of our foreign policy is the Türkiye axis. Turkey's national interests, security sensitivities, economic and commercial interests are our most basic priorities.

In this context, we believe that we have serious cooperation potential with the countries in the BRICS platform.

We are not changing sides; on the contrary, we are trying to take our rightful place in the changing global system with a Türkiye-centered approach.

This perspective lies behind our efforts to advance our relations with multinational cooperation platforms at different levels.

Covering 30% of the world's surface area and 45% of its population…

40% of global oil production, 25% of goods exports, 2/5 of trade...

Becoming a center of economic attraction on a global scale…

We believe that advancing our relations with BRICS, which offers significant opportunities for our country, which aims to become one of the world's top 10 economies, will be beneficial for Turkey in every respect.

Our country's developing relations with BRICS are not and can never be an alternative to our current engagements.

Turkey takes its place on all these platforms as a NATO ally and a country negotiating full membership in the European Union.

As a nation, we will continue our march towards the future on the same line we have been advancing on for thousands of years, today and tomorrow.



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A prelude to sucking up to India?


The backbone of our foreign policy is the Türkiye axis. Turkey's national interests, security sensitivities, economic and commercial interests are our most basic priorities.

In this context, we believe that we have serious cooperation potential with the countries in the BRICS platform.

We are not changing sides; on the contrary, we are trying to take our rightful place in the changing global system with a Türkiye-centered approach.

This perspective lies behind our efforts to advance our relations with multinational cooperation platforms at different levels.

Covering 30% of the world's surface area and 45% of its population…

40% of global oil production, 25% of goods exports, 2/5 of trade...

Becoming a center of economic attraction on a global scale…

We believe that advancing our relations with BRICS, which offers significant opportunities for our country, which aims to become one of the world's top 10 economies, will be beneficial for Turkey in every respect.

Our country's developing relations with BRICS are not and can never be an alternative to our current engagements.

Turkey takes its place on all these platforms as a NATO ally and a country negotiating full membership in the European Union.

As a nation, we will continue our march towards the future on the same line we have been advancing on for thousands of years, today and tomorrow.

Nah. The statement is too rounded.


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I hope this greater israel bs gets put to sleep.

Israel is not gonna blitzkreig and reach Turkiye.

Havent taken Gaza and they havent Blitzkreig Lebanon.

Come to reality. Same for some of our Turks who dream of Turkiye blitzkreiging the Balkans, Caucasus, Russia and the Middle East.


Azerbaijan Moderator
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My point of view may seem a little strange, but the recognition of the TRNC by the Turkic countries depends more on Türkiye than on our Central Asian brothers. Let's answer the question "Is Türkiye ready today to guarantee security to the mentioned countries neighboring the two giants?" Or conclude a military assistance agreement?
Obviously not.
Unlike them, we have the Shusha Treaty with Türkiye. Therefore, Azerbaijan is the closest to recognizing Northern Cyprus.
We all need a powerful Türkiye.
Azerbaijan already co-operates with the TRNC so much that we might as well have recognized them.
I hope this greater israel bs gets put to sleep.

Israel is not gonna blitzkreig and reach Turkiye.

Havent taken Gaza and they havent Blitzkreig Lebanon.

Come to reality. Same for some of our Turks who dream of Turkiye blitzkreiging the Balkans, Caucasus, Russia and the Middle East.
Blitzkrieging is easy, it's the part after you've finished blitzkrieging and your soldiers are trapped deep in enemy territory with virtually nonexistent logistical support and the opposition starts winding up for a counter-attack where the nightmare begins.


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Weapons don’t have to be used to show their impact. We've significantly lost air superiority in the region to Israel, which is reflected in the shift in decisions by Turkish policymakers. Greece is set to establish air superiority over the Aegean Sea by 2028, will able to declare 12nm territorial sea borders, and we’re already seeing this influence Turkish policy changes.


Think Tank Analyst
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We've never had air superiority over Israel in the region. They had 60 F-15s in 90s when we were still running F-104s.

This from Wolfowitz Doctrine:
In the Middle East and Persian Gulf, we seek to foster regional stability, deter aggression against our friends and interests in the region, protect U.S. nationals and property, and safeguard our access to international air and seaways and to the region's oil. The United States is committed to the security of Israel and to maintaining the qualitative edge that is critical to Israel's security. Israel's confidence in its security and U.S.-Israel strategic cooperation contribute to the stability of the entire region, as demonstrated once again during the Persian Gulf War. At the same time, our assistance to our Arab friends to defend themselves against aggression also strengthens security throughout the region, including for Israel.


21 2,013
A prelude to sucking up to India?


The backbone of our foreign policy is the Türkiye axis. Turkey's national interests, security sensitivities, economic and commercial interests are our most basic priorities.

In this context, we believe that we have serious cooperation potential with the countries in the BRICS platform.

We are not changing sides; on the contrary, we are trying to take our rightful place in the changing global system with a Türkiye-centered approach.

This perspective lies behind our efforts to advance our relations with multinational cooperation platforms at different levels.

Covering 30% of the world's surface area and 45% of its population…

40% of global oil production, 25% of goods exports, 2/5 of trade...

Becoming a center of economic attraction on a global scale…

We believe that advancing our relations with BRICS, which offers significant opportunities for our country, which aims to become one of the world's top 10 economies, will be beneficial for Turkey in every respect.

Our country's developing relations with BRICS are not and can never be an alternative to our current engagements.

Turkey takes its place on all these platforms as a NATO ally and a country negotiating full membership in the European Union.

As a nation, we will continue our march towards the future on the same line we have been advancing on for thousands of years, today and tomorrow.

28 subat generals maintain balanced between pakistan and india same with arab world and west + israel as soon as islamist came to power the recondsied kashmir for pakistan and make eternal enemy of india we should ask them how much benefit their 31ing their islamic fantasy benefit the turkish nation ?? now in every front india support anyone whos against turkey same goes for arab world. they used turkey as cannon fodder while they keep their relationship strong with west. after Egypt revolution erdogan supported morsi and the ihvançilar even after he was overthrown hence Egypt israel and greek created collation aginst turkey. again islamist 31ing their islamic fantasy backfired and for syria we need no more explanations. we left with all those 13 million kaçaks and their 125 billion dollars costs no need to mention their crimes. while with 28 subat generals we still had some ally in US congress and lobbist now anyone in west defends turkey he or she commits political suicided

everything 28 subat general did now is undone under name of islamist's 31ing their islamic fantasies now erdogan doing what ?? sorry we made a mistake we learn our lessons ?? top strength of dunya leader is to send gulşen to jail
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Think Tank Analyst
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28 subat generals maintain balanced between pakistan and india same with arab world and west + israel as soon as islamist came to power the recondsied kashmir for pakistan and make eternal enemy of india we should ask them how much benefit their 31ing their islamic fantasy benefit the turkish nation ?? now in every front india support anyone whos against turkey same goes for arab world. they used turkey as cannon fodder while they keep their relationship strong with west. after Egypt revolution erdogan supported morsi and the ihvançilar even after he was overthrown hence Egypt israel and greek created collation aginst turkey. again islamist 31ing their islamic fantasy backfired and for syria we need no more explanations. we left with all those 13 million kaçaks and their 125 billion dollars costs no need to mention their crimes. while with 28 subat generals we still had some ally in US congress and lobbist now anyone in west defends turkey he or she commits political suicided

everything 28 subat general did now is undone under name of islamist's 31ing their islamic fantasies now erdogan doing what ?? sorry we made a mistake we learn our lessons ?? top strength of dunya leader is to send gulşen to jail
When one reads about the long history of various Russo-Turkish wars of esp. 18th and 19th centuries, one sees that many of the conflicts which ended up with humiliating defeats and loss of territory were instigated by the Ottomans themselves with Ulema egging on the court despite premonition by military men, with multiple cases of citing the Battle of Badr and intercession of angels, arguing that Kudretî İman will make them prevail like it did in 1453 and Kıbrıs Seferi, overruling on the ground analysis.

I say all that to point out that continuing to support Ikhvan like they did is probably more stupid than going for a losing war because of angels. But that's the outcome from that level of analysis. There's no remedy to being slapped in the face by the hand of reality because of burying your head in the sand of ideological delusions. Because that's who they are, their background, their education, their worldview is totally anachronistic.


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This from Wolfowitz Doctrine:
This is true, but as I've also previously mentioned in the air force threat, starting from '88, Turkish air force began a huge modernization effort with 4th gen jets. In 99 for Yugoslavia War, we had the only air force that was capable of night time ground strike operations with Paveways and LITENING pods outside of US. No other country had such capability, not even UK. Losing our F-35 access cannot be read outside of this doctrine. We are not getting F-35s now unless Israel agrees. In the past we would had regular F-35s compared to Israel's own modded ones, we now don't have anything until Kaan is online. It didn't have to be this way.


Think Tank Analyst
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This is true, but as I've also previously mentioned in the air force threat, starting from '88, Turkish air force began a huge modernization effort with 4th gen jets. In 99 for Yugoslavia War, we had the only air force that was capable of night time ground strike operations with Paveways and LITENING pods outside of US. No other country had such capability, not even UK. Losing our F-35 access cannot be read outside of this doctrine. We are not getting F-35s now unless Israel agrees. In the past we would had regular F-35s compared to Israel's own modded ones, we now don't have anything until Kaan is online. It didn't have to be this way.
I'm very afraid of espionage and infiltration efforts with regards to Kaan and the engine project, esp. after seeing the nonchalant and incompetent way in which security was implemented in the facilities.

In general, people dominated with magical thinking, due to being touched by modernity, still can more or less detect expertise when it comes to obviously technical matters, but when it comes to disciplines and fields regarding human interactions they cannot extend the same faith in technical expertise that they are forced to seek in their doctors or mechanical engineers, as the expertise is more subtle and less obvious.


21 2,013
This is true, but as I've also previously mentioned in the air force threat, starting from '88, Turkish air force began a huge modernization effort with 4th gen jets. In 99 for Yugoslavia War, we had the only air force that was capable of night time ground strike operations with Paveways and LITENING pods outside of US. No other country had such capability, not even UK. Losing our F-35 access cannot be read outside of this doctrine. We are not getting F-35s now unless Israel agrees. In the past we would had regular F-35s compared to Israel's own modded ones, we now don't have anything until Kaan is online. It didn't have to be this way.


in the right ismail hakkı karadayı chief of general staff during 28 şubat in the left general çevik bir who were task with negating weapons purchest
that would be the working of general çevik bir who was always good at diplomacy. before i start telling the story i need to tell you about F-14s.


the US and iran were only 2 countries who had F-14s this jets was F-22 of 80s


after iranian revolutions these advanced weapons felled into the islamic groups who were enemy to US and china and russia had the chance to copy its technology


then kardak island crisis happened under the leadership of admiral Güven Erkaya head of navy during 28 şubat we able to land on other island, US promins weapon sales in exchange both turkey and greek to leave the island




in the left Erbakan's refah party's mayor of sincan Bekir Yıldız in the middle mohammad bagheri iranian ambassedor in ankara during sincan kudüs gecesi

it was a bad news for iranians since it would give turkey air supperirty over iran and they used their islamist pawns to stop the deal with the famous sincan kudus gecesi they chant death to america and israel and the seuclar government will ofc fall " laik devlet yıkılacak elbet " and the iranian ambassador call for sharia regime in turkey. sincan kudus gecesi was happening at night while it was night in ankara, it was morning in washington and general çevil bir was signing the deal few hours later the videos and picture of kudus gecesi reach to washinton and armenian and greek lobby in congress tried to block the weapon sales to turkey saying turkey just like iran is a falling regime and f-16s super cobra and skorskiy helicopters will fall intor hands of enemy of united state not just that but the videos was so compelling that even jewish lobby move aginst turkey and tried to kick us out of F-35 program. if turkey couldn't get these weapons then greek army who had already got the deal would had the air superiority over turkey


it took all the diplomatic skill of general çevik bir to turn this around seal the deal and then stop the jewish lobby and kept turkey in F-35 program


once general çevik bir return from washingon he reported to chief of general staff ismail hakkı karadayi that wind in washington is changing and in future it will be impossible to acquire weapon from Americans this led for karadayi to order for speeding up the self-sufficiency of turkish army

general attila ateş commander of 1st army in kilis ( syrian border) giving ultimatum to syria to hand over öcalan or war

after turkey received the weapons although syria and iran had defensive pact 28 subat generals start threatening syria with war if they dont hand over abdullah öcalan. later syria deported öcalan and he was captured by general engin alan's commandos in africa

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When one reads about the long history of various Russo-Turkish wars of esp. 18th and 19th centuries, one sees that many of the conflicts which ended up with humiliating defeats and loss of territory were instigated by the Ottomans themselves with Ulema egging on the court despite premonition by military men, with multiple cases of citing the Battle of Badr and intercession of angels, arguing that Kudretî İman will make them prevail like it did in 1453 and Kıbrıs Seferi, overruling on the ground analysis.

I say all that to point out that continuing to support Ikhvan like they did is probably more stupid than going for a losing war because of angels. But that's the outcome from that level of analysis. There's no remedy to being slapped in the face by the hand of reality because of burying your head in the sand of ideological delusions. Because that's who they are, their background, their education, their worldview is totally anachronistic.

Thats a factor but the late 18th century wars was the Ottomans trying to regain Crimea after they lost it in 1774.

93 Harbi was going to happen either way due to the Balkan countries rebelling and the Russians intervening. Russians lost the Crimean War of course they will be looking for revenge at the same time while gaining influence.

We cant forget Russian foreign policy and their wars against the Ottomans were about territory, warm water ports and the defence of South Slavs along with the defenders of Orthodox Christianity.

Soviet Union under Stalin also made lots of claims. Turkiye and the Russians will always be at odds regardless of what happens.

If Russia was successful with Ukraine they would have gone after Kazakhstan, Turkiye or the Baltics.


Think Tank Analyst
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Thats a factor but the late 18th century wars was the Ottomans trying to regain Crimea after they lost it in 1774.

93 Harbi was going to happen either way due to the Balkan countries rebelling and the Russians intervening. Russians lost the Crimean War of course they will be looking for revenge at the same time while gaining influence.

We cant forget Russian foreign policy and their wars against the Ottomans were about territory, warm water ports and the defence of South Slavs along with the defenders of Orthodox Christianity.

Soviet Union under Stalin also made lots of claims. Turkiye and the Russians will always be at odds regardless of what happens.

If Russia was successful with Ukraine they would have gone after Kazakhstan, Turkiye or the Baltics.
That's true. I was just reading some source material and people are pleading with the representative of Ulema about trying to delay due to preparations and the counter-arguments are purely religious and they win over. But yeah all successor states inherit the geopolitical outlook of predecessor states regardless of ideology, hence Russian geopolitical interests are generally on the same lines as the Soviets insofar as the Russian mainland is concerned, and this is also true for Turkish Republic's black sea and eastern geopolitical outlook as a continuation of Ottoman policy.


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Let's see what the second Trump term will be like..

President Erdogan:

•We expect my dear friend Trump to abandon the wrong policies of the previous administration in his second term as president.

•We had a friendly meeting with Mr. Trump. They were having a family dinner at the time. Elon Musk and Musk's child were with him and that's how we met. We discussed the election process and the cooperation between Turkey and the US. He also made nice statements about Turkiye regarding the upcoming process.

•We invited him to our country. I hope he accepts our invitation and thus we strengthen the cooperation between Turkiye and the USA in a different way than in the past.

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