France offers to give the Greek navy two first-class frigates, the "Jean Bart" (anti-aircraft warfare) and the "Latouche-Tréville" (anti-submarine warfare) free of charge. The French Navy will hand over its two vessels to Naval Group, if it is selected by Greece through an international call for tenders.
It was a real headache for France to meet Greece's demands. Beyond the purchase of four new frigates and the modernization of the four German-made MEKO frigates, the Greek Minister of Defense, who has launched an international call for tenders to re-equip his navy, also wants two ships quickly. used "ready" and "in good condition, possibly upgraded" .
Either "an intermediate solution"while awaiting the commissioning of new frigates in seven or eight years. Paris has found a solution, which could satisfy Greece and ... does not upset the French navy too much. It is in this context that Naval Group recently made its offer to Greece. The Minister of the

La France propose les frégates Jean Bart et Latouche-Tréville à la Grèce
La France propose de céder gratuitement à la marine grecque deux frégates de premier rang, le "Jean Bart" (lutte anti-aérienne), et le "Latouche-Tréville" (lutte anti-sous-marine). La marine nationale remettra ses deux bâtiments à Naval Group, s'il est sélectionné par la Grèce dans le cadre d'un...