Greek company THEON SENSORS and US Company EOTECH enter into a strategic partnership for the co-production of night vision and thermal imaging instruments, and their promotion in the US and international markets.
This is one of the most demanding markets in the world such as the USA, THEON SENSORS has achieved a spectacular collaboration with a very large US company that until recently was the exclusive distributor of L3 Harris, the largest American competitor of THEON in similar instruments. .
It seems that the contract she had signed with the US Marine Corps helped her a lot and now with this cooperation the company's reputation is being launched more in the USA.
This is one of the most demanding markets in the world such as the USA, THEON SENSORS has achieved a spectacular collaboration with a very large US company that until recently was the exclusive distributor of L3 Harris, the largest American competitor of THEON in similar instruments. .
It seems that the contract she had signed with the US Marine Corps helped her a lot and now with this cooperation the company's reputation is being launched more in the USA.

Χτύπημα στη φωλιά του λύκου από τη ΤΗΕΟΝ - Defence Review
Η THEON SENSORS™ και η EOTECH® συνάπτουν στρατηγική συνεργασία για συμπαραγωγή οργάνων νυχτερινής όρασης και θερμικής απεικόνισης, και την προώθησή τους στις ΗΠΑ και τις διεθνείς αγορές. Πρόκειται για μια από τις πλέον απαιτητικές αγορές του κόσμου όπως είναι αυτή των ΗΠΑ, η ΤΗΕΟΝ SENSORS...
THEON INTERNATIONAL – Night Vision | Thermal Imaging