UAE HALCON Partners with Rheinmetall to Develop Multi-Sensor Unit

Philip the Arab

Think Tank Analyst
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The Oerlikon Multi Sensor Unit (MSU) is a remote controlled, rapidly deployable sensor unit, and features a 4D active electronically scanned array search radar, covering 360°

EDGE entity HALCON has partnered with Rheinmetall Air Defence in Switzerland to develop and qualify the advanced Oerlikon Multi Sensor Unit (MSU).

The MSU is part of the Oerlikon Skynex Air Defence System, which includes HALCON’s SKYKNIGHT counter rocket, artillery, and mortar (C-RAM) missile system. It also features a 4D active electronically scanned array search radar, covering 360° and is capable of automatically classifying detected targets and handing the generated tracks over to the most suitable gun or missile launcher autonomously or by the push of a button.

Hamad Al Marar, President of Missiles & Weapons, EDGE, said: “Adequate air defense needs an encompassing, multi-layered approach. Rheinmetall Air Defence, an international leader in the development of air defense systems, thoroughly understands this approach and it is reflected in the sophisticated Skynex SKYKNIGHT Air Defence System. HALCON takes an active involvement in the systems development, having designed the SKYKNIGHT Missile and Missile Launcher Unit, providing a critical layer of protection against saturation attacks.

“We are proud to be taking the next step in our partnership with Rheinmetall Air Defence, as the development of the MSU will be another notable contribution from HALCON. Signing this contract marks an important milestone as we continue to push the boundaries in the air defense domain and find new ways to safeguard our skies.”

Marco Parisi, Sales Director at Rheinmetall Air Defence, added: “Rheinmetall Air Defence is excited to collaborate with HALCON for the development of this state-of-the-art sensor system. It shows both companies’ commitment to providing the UAE with leading edge Air Defence Systems. The Oerlikon Skynex Air Defence System paired with HALCON’s SkyKnight Missile is the ideal solution for the protection of UAE’s most vital infrastructure.”

Development and qualification of the MSU will take place in Switzerland. Under a future contract, it will be initially produced in Switzerland and Italy, thereafter localized to enable production in the UAE.

Philip the Arab

Think Tank Analyst
4 2,249
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United States of America
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Sensors are installed on a flat top octagonal pyramidal structure, the main one being the 3D Oerlikon AESA Multi Mission Radar (Oerlikon AMMR) announced in early April, purposely developed by Rheinmetall Italia for SHORAD/VSHORAD applications. The MSU S is fitted with four AMMRs in the single tile staring configuration, which have a 550×380 mm antenna with a mass of 25 kg such, each module covering ±45° in azimuth. The four AESA antennas thus providing full 360° coverage and are installed on the structure, which has an angle of around 70° from horizontal, allowing an elevation coverage of –5° up to +70°. The S-band radar has a detection range of over 20 km on a 1 m2 RCS air target, data provided by the company showing an over 12 km detection range against hovering helicopters, 10 km against missiles and 5 km against RAM targets and micro-UAS. The AMMR can track while scan up to 150 targets, with 40 high priority targets. Once a target has been detected, the electro-optical tracking head installed on top of the structure is used to automatically verify and classify the approaching threat thanks to Artificial Intelligence algorithms. The 2-axis stabilised head hosts a cooled MWIR HD thermal camera with three fields of view (FoV), narrow (1.3°), middle (4.6°) and wide (21.8°) as well as a Full HD TV day camera, black and white or colour depending on customer choice, with a continuous zoom allowing a FoV of 1° to 30°. The optronic head also contains a Class 1/1M eye safe laser rangefinder with a 5 Hz repetition rate and a maximum range of 20 km. The optronic tracker is optimised for air targets and rotates on 360° with an elevation arc of –5°/+85°.

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