Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)


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All foreign loan will be executed through yearly APBN. So every number that comes out is based on yearly budgeting.

Here, check Chapter 15, verse 1 :

It means that $1.6 bil is coming from certain year (2020). Not total budgeting. So we can expect new number comes out every year.

Now how much we need to buy 36 Rafales + 36 F-15EX? Let's see :

- India buy 36 Rafale for $8.1 bil. We can assume this includes platform introduction cost.
- USAF buy 144 F-15EX for $22.89 bil. So for 36 jets it's about $5.7 bil. Let's add another $1 bil for platform introduction cost, so the total would be $6.7 bil.

It means we need $8.1 bil + $6.7 bil = $14.8 bil.

$1.6 bil from single year budgeting is very solid number.
I wish i could be as optimistic as you do here . But , i simply couldn't . While we are still have some leeway for a finance we are start to strapping for a cash fast . How much do you think our gov has spent for the vaccines allready ??
If it was a normal time then i would agree with you in this . But , alas beggars couldn't choose ...


4 1,248
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I have a feeling this time its a different "thing". They can release "leaked" statement to media, but rarely I saw "leaked" statement being thrown in Rapat Pimpinan/Formal Meeting opening, specially the one with Pangab and all Kepala Staff present. TNI need strategic assest and it would be foolish if Mindef use this forum to say false bait statement regarding assets they going to use/get 😁

Maintenance and supporting infratructure cost aside, those 2 are reasonable compensation/jalan tengah to fulfill AU need for heavy fighter and reaching the quota numbers to get US products. Rafale to fulfill "diversification" and put those "embargo phobia" factions at ease.

Getting the EX first before the Rafale is also make sense as the budget is already there and if we remember what US Sec Def said when Mindef was there, "they going to offer the product with almost no waiting list". So this could be it.

There is a difference allright and i never had a doubt about prabowo . Liked or not the man has the " Cojone " for backing his words to a T . but we are simply too low in the rung ladder here . No new information as yet so just stay to the basic for a safe precaution .

this is crunch

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Pentagon berencana akan membeli pesawat tempur generasi keempat Boeing F-15EX baru. Pembelian itu akan menelan biaya US$1,1 miliar untuk delapan pesawat baru,

Jet tempur F-15EX buatan Boeing pada Selasa (2/2) sukses melakukan penerbangan perdana dari Bandara Internasional Lambert di St Louis, Missouri. Angkatan Udara AS akan menerima dua unit jet pertama pada kuartal pertama tahun ini.

hmmm, i think it all linked together, first 8 unit production for $1.1 bil, then USAF will have 2 unit from the first production, and then in this forum says" diharapkan akan menerima 6 unit sebelum 2022",

again i dont want to speculate but thats a red wire


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Pentagon berencana akan membeli pesawat tempur generasi keempat Boeing F-15EX baru. Pembelian itu akan menelan biaya US$1,1 miliar untuk delapan pesawat baru,

Jet tempur F-15EX buatan Boeing pada Selasa (2/2) sukses melakukan penerbangan perdana dari Bandara Internasional Lambert di St Louis, Missouri. Angkatan Udara AS akan menerima dua unit jet pertama pada kuartal pertama tahun ini.

hmmm, i think it all linked together, first 8 unit production for $1.1 bil, then USAF will have 2 unit from the first production, and then in this forum says" diharapkan akan menerima 6 unit sebelum 2022",

again i dont want to speculate but thats a red wire
This instagram page say pretty much the same thing.
View attachment 14426

Hmmm... interesting...


4 1,248
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All i could say is F 15 EX was the next best thing in 4+ Gen fighter before F 35 & F 22 .
Even Rafale F4 was below them in overal capabilities in my book .
I might bit biased in this but the russan version of SU 57 were in 5 G league while i'm not educated enough to make a comment on Chinese stuff .
If we based them on iswahjudi we could cover the makassar base and Natuna on moment notice with a truck load ( provided the Mindef buying the missille first tho' 😁 ) of armament to kill the belligerent .


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KSAU statement

Indonesia akan beli pesawat tempur F-15EX dan Dassault Rafale​

Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara Marsekal TNI Fajar Prasetyo mengatakan pembelian pesawat tersebut akan direalisasikan pada tahun ini hingga 2024 mendatang​

Erric Permana | 18.02.2021

Indonesia akan beli pesawat tempur F-15EX dan Dassault Rafale

Dassault Rafale (Foto file - Anadolu Agency)

Jakarta Raya​

Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara Marsekal TNI Fajar Prasetyo menyatakan Indonesia segera merealisasikan pembelian sejumlah Alat Utama Sistem Persenjataan (Alutsista) secara bertahap pada 2021-2024.
Fajar menyatakan alutsista yang segera terealisasi di antaranya pesawat tempur Dassault Rafale produksi Dassault Aviation Perancis dan F-15EX produksi Boeing, pesawat angkut C-130J dan pesawat tanpa awak atau Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) berkemampuan Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE).

Fajar mengakui rencana pengadaan alutsista sempat mengalami beberapa kali perubahan karena disesuaikan dengan berbagai kondisi global serta kemampuan negara.
"Meskipun kita memiliki pedoman Postur, Renstra, maupun MEF, namun dalam pelaksanaannya sangat bergantung sekali pada berbagai faktor dan kondisi yang terus berubah secara dinamis," kata Fajar saat memberikan pengantar dalam Rapat Pimpinan TNI AU di Markas Besar Angkatan Udara, Cilangkap, Jakarta, pada Kamis.
Semua pihak yakni dari Kementerian Pertahanan hingga TNI Angkatan Udara telah berdiskusi dan mengkaji untuk menemukan terobosan dan solusi, jelas dia.
"Hal tersebut, semata-mata untuk memudahkan langkah kita dalam mendapatkan alutsista terbaik yang memenuhi operational requirement, aspek commonality, mendapatkan Transfer of Technology, serta sesuai dengan kemampuan negara dan kondisi TNI Angkatan Udara.

Selain melakukan akuisisi, TNI AU juga akan memodernisasi berbagai pesawat tempur yang ada pada tahun ini, kata dia.
Dalam dokumen Rapat Pimpinan TNI 2021 yang diterima Anadoly Agency, Indonesia rencananya akan membeli 36 unit pesawat Rafale dan 8 unit pesawat F-15 EX. Untuk F-15 EX diharapkan bisa tiba sebanyak 6 unit sebelum tahun 2022.
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KSAU statement

Indonesia akan beli pesawat tempur F-15EX dan Dassault Rafale​

Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara Marsekal TNI Fajar Prasetyo mengatakan pembelian pesawat tersebut akan direalisasikan pada tahun ini hingga 2024 mendatang​

Erric Permana | 18.02.2021

Indonesia akan beli pesawat tempur F-15EX dan Dassault Rafale

Dassault Rafale (Foto file - Anadolu Agency)

Jakarta Raya​

Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara Marsekal TNI Fajar Prasetyo menyatakan Indonesia segera merealisasikan pembelian sejumlah Alat Utama Sistem Persenjataan (Alutsista) secara bertahap pada 2021-2024.
Fajar menyatakan alutsista yang segera terealisasi di antaranya pesawat tempur Dassault Rafale produksi Dassault Aviation Perancis dan F-15EX produksi Boeing, pesawat angkut C-130J dan pesawat tanpa awak atau Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) berkemampuan Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE).
Fajar mengakui rencana pengadaan alutsista sempat mengalami beberapa kali perubahan karena disesuaikan dengan berbagai kondisi global serta kemampuan negara.
"Meskipun kita memiliki pedoman Postur, Renstra, maupun MEF, namun dalam pelaksanaannya sangat bergantung sekali pada berbagai faktor dan kondisi yang terus berubah secara dinamis," kata Fajar saat memberikan pengantar dalam Rapat Pimpinan TNI AU di Markas Besar Angkatan Udara, Cilangkap, Jakarta, pada Kamis.
Semua pihak yakni dari Kementerian Pertahanan hingga TNI Angkatan Udara telah berdiskusi dan mengkaji untuk menemukan terobosan dan solusi, jelas dia.
"Hal tersebut, semata-mata untuk memudahkan langkah kita dalam mendapatkan alutsista terbaik yang memenuhi operational requirement, aspek commonality, mendapatkan Transfer of Technology, serta sesuai dengan kemampuan negara dan kondisi TNI Angkatan Udara.
Selain melakukan akuisisi, TNI AU juga akan memodernisasi berbagai pesawat tempur yang ada pada tahun ini, kata dia.
Dalam dokumen Rapat Pimpinan TNI 2021 yang diterima Anadoly Agency, Indonesia rencananya akan membeli 36 unit pesawat Rafale dan 8 unit pesawat F-15 EX. Untuk F-15 EX diharapkan bisa tiba sebanyak 6 unit sebelum tahun 2022.
finally, a confirmation from the powers that be

lets goooo


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I wish i could be as optimistic as you do here . But , i simply couldn't . While we are still have some leeway for a finance we are start to strapping for a cash fast . How much do you think our gov has spent for the vaccines allready ??
If it was a normal time then i would agree with you in this . But , alas beggars couldn't choose ...

China had put routine patrol of their newest AAW FRIGATES near North Natuna Sea, sure we are not that desperate enough like Trikora era, but such actual threat need more measure even when the economy is not in shape not to mention Indonesia bought US Made system and France can be swapped into many profitable trade deals (as US and European union market is quite big, not to mention as leverage for some trade issue like palm oil, and chance deal to joint their global chain system)


Indonesia Correspondent
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KSAU statement

... 8 unit pesawat F-15 EX. Untuk F-15 EX diharapkan bisa tiba sebanyak 6 unit sebelum tahun 2022.
Right. Let the changing number game begin. Is it 8? 15? 250?
Place your bets, gentlemen! 😁


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they really need someone who can make posters, thats seems awful:(
Amateurish. Maybe "penerangan" have to recruit or train their boys and girls to make a good videos or pictures or even make PPTs for presentations.

No joke, "things to see" Is something important, it can affect decision making process. Even CIA are recruiting Graphic Designer too, see at their website.


4 1,248
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China had put routine patrol of their newest AAW FRIGATES near North Natuna Sea, sure we are not that desperate enough like Trikora era, but such actual threat need more measure even when the economy is not in shape not to mention Indonesia bought US Made system and France can be swapped into many profitable trade deals (as US and European union market is quite big, not to mention as leverage for some trade issue like palm oil, and chance deal to joint their global chain system)

And that is why i'm not put much of my stock on these fighters . Almost all the money we could spare are prioritized for the navy striking force by now . The rest .... You just have to make by with what was left of it ...


Indonesia Correspondent
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From this article it's said "Terkait 36 pesawat tempur F-15EX , disebutkan bahwa 8 unit sudah siap dan diharapkan 6 pesawat bisa tiba sebelum 2022."
So it's now either 15 or 36 F-15EX. Someone really need to check their notes.
I still think it's 15 F-15EX though. It's because the French MoD has said something along the lines of 32 Rafales for Indonesia in an interview a few months back.

Now regarding the "8 unit sudah siap", someone also need to check their notes (and sources). Boeing has just finished the F-15EX first flight earlier this month and those "8" are the amount that will be delivered to USAF in the next two years.

Unless there's something else that we still don't know. Like Boeing somehow has already started parallel manufacturing processes because they also have Indian orders to fulfil, for example.


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So it's now either 15 or 36 F-15EX. Someone really need to check their notes.
I still think it's 15 F-15EX though. It's because the French MoD has said something along the lines of 32 Rafales for Indonesia in an interview a few months back.

Now regarding the "8 unit sudah siap", someone also need to check their notes (and sources). Boeing has just finished the F-15EX first flight earlier this month and those "8" are the amount that will be delivered to USAF in the next two years.

Unless there's something else that we still don't know. Like Boeing somehow has already started parallel manufacturing processes because they also have Indian orders to fulfil, for example.
I'll put my money on 15, the list seems more credible.

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