Two Units Kodam III/Siliwangi Projected to Papua
Armed with shooting drones and others
Meanwhile Danrindam III/Siliwangi as Wadanlat Colonel Inf Lukman Hakim explained to the KSAD that the training method used was combat drills with two parties not being controlled by developing modernization innovations in combat management.
"These innovations include shooting drones, Fix Wing (Drone Hadak), Helmet Spy Camera, Transvender, Transfounder, Remote detonator, Jammer, and the BMS application," said Hakim.
He said the shooting drones that were operated in this exercise were from a distance to help troops who were assumed to have problems when facing the enemy.
Jakarta, IDM - Dua satuan dari Kodam III/Siliwangi yaitu Batalyon Infanteri 310/KK dan Batalyon Infanteri Raider 300/BJW menggelar latihan di daerah