Can it be replaced with something to simulate the weight of missile + launcher?The video shows no load at all.
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Can it be replaced with something to simulate the weight of missile + launcher?The video shows no load at all.
Can it be replaced with something to simulate the weight of missile + launcher?
Kunjungan Dirjen Strahan Ke Prancis dan Turki
Jumat, 16 Desember 2022
Jakarta – Dirjen Strahan Kemhan Mayjen TNI Bambang Trisnohadi memimpin Delegasi RI didampingi Dirkersinhan Ditjen Strahan Brigjen TNI Steverly Parengkuan dan Kolonel Kav Irawadi Kasubdit Athandikjin Ditkersinhan melaksanakan kunjungan kerja ke Akademi Milter di Paris, Prancis pada 13 Desember 2022 dan ke Turki dalam rangka Pertemuan Bilateral RI-Turki. pada 16 Desember 2022. Dalam kunjungan kerja tersebut, Dirkersinhan yang diberikan kesempatan untuk menjadi pembicara membahas tentang mekanisme pengiriman Taruna Akmil, AAL dan AAU ke Prancis bersama Kemhan Prancis, sedangkan kunjungan ke Turki, Dirkersinhan membahas tentang tindaklanjut DCA antara RI dan Turki dibidang Pertahanan. ($)
View attachment 51724
Historically France was allied with the Ottoman Empire (very unusual considering the context of that time), heck even way before that, Charlemagne attempted to ally the Caliph in Baghdad.
It seems like we are now a part of this "circle", blessed or cursed?
France is an odd even Among European, as a Chatolic power they are once kidnapped the Pope, burning the Templar chapter to the ground and confiscated their wealth, really being an Ally of Ottoman Empire and fight to the death against the Habbsburg, crushing Pope armies and Italian states more than Twice, helping the Protestan power in the religious wars' and now in modern era they are not once or two Times trying to defy the common convention Among NATO member including trying to helping to arming Russian and transfer critical technology, giving embargo to Israel, sold to China advanced technology and so on.
I don't think so. Maybe they could add some sort of ballast, but not very sure of that.Can it be replaced with something to simulate the weight of missile + launcher?
Isn't our doctrine state that FAC will fight side by side with corvettes and frigates ? Certainly not going to run away once all missiles are spent.Well, we engineers clarify that as live load. At least you could run like hell after you spend all your missile.![]()
Can it be replaced with something to simulate the weight of missile + launcher?
Kapal Rumah Sakit dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat-992 Sukses Lakukan Uji Pelayaran
(Surabaya, 23 Desember 2022) Setelah diluncurkan oleh Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (KSAL) pada 15 Agustus 2022 lalu, Kapal Rumah Sakit dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat-992 tengah memasuki […]
German-submarine-strong got "angin buritan" ?
PLAN 2nd hand corvette?![]()
Korvet Bekas (LAGI): Hibah Dari China Untuk Indonesia
Indonesia beRencana mengImpor Korvet Bekas Lagi setelah rencana mengimpor korvet kelas Pohang bekas Korea Selatan, Indonesia nampaknya akan kembali
tit for tat, in this case I dont think its related directly to IKN. But yea, I am guessing its related to investment & economic more then it is to geopolitics or security. Perhaps they envy our deal with Sokor and future Mirage and feel they deserve same treatment as our major economic partnerAm I wrong to asume countries that give us these "hibah" are countries that will finance IKN ?![]()