Tergantung kasus nyaSeems is Indonesia the best choice , will persenjata sesuai dompet dan waktu . contoh T50I aja lama dipersenjatainya.
Tergantung kasus nyaSeems is Indonesia the best choice , will persenjata sesuai dompet dan waktu . contoh T50I aja lama dipersenjatainya.
didn't hear much about missile for T50i, only know the fleet will equipped with set of AN APG or elm radar (the post & pilot pict deleted by authority at that time)Seems is Indonesia the best choice , will persenjata sesuai dompet dan waktu . contoh T50I aja lama dipersenjatainya.
You are right, I mean, Indonesia likes the Multirole type. Later if necessary, it will be armed according to needs and fundsdidn't hear much about missile for T50i, only know the fleet will equipped with set of AN APG or elm radar (the post & pilot pict deleted by authority at that time)
Multi role or multi purpose …You are right, I mean, Indonesia likes the Multirole type. Later if necessary, it will be armed according to needs and funds
The rumor is 212 NFS and 52D luyangDid something huge happen?
What do you guys thing about Luyang?The rumor is 212 NFS and 52D luyang
Idk if its New or 2nd hand, if new just change to Kebab missile if china allow itWhat do you guys thing about Luyang?
Is it better to keep the original spec or modify it just like FMP ?
My guess,
What are PKR DD/FF/KK mean?
many new ships will built, hope inhan ready and our private company will take some of them ...My guess,
Perusak Kawal Rudal Destroyer, Frigat, Korvet.
Finally.Twin OPV 90 latest progress, painting process
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Penalty ..? What penalty..? They said it with cup of coffe and cepu beside them...Finally.
As long as both ship finished.
Will there be any penalty tho?
Bro, try asking DRU first, is it the company's fault or is there another request from the customer?Will there be any penalty tho?
Nah, it's too early to say "Welcome to X" the road is still long, i will take the information with a grain of salt, didn't we also hear that the U-212NFS has a chance as well? just wait a couple of years, and we will see who wins