Indonesia Indonesian Strategic Industries

Van Kravchenko

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Ministry of defence ordered total of 5500 Unit of maung light utility vehicle.

"Deputy Minister of Defense M. Herindra continued, currently the Ministry of Defense is seeking to purchase a number of defense products made by PT Pindad; including Maung Jeeps, Electric Motorbikes, and thousands of ammunition produced by the Ammunition Division, Pindad, in Turen, Malang. Based on the contract that has been made, the Ministry of Defense has ordered 5,500 units of Maung Jeeps, as well as 6,000 units of electric motorbikes which will be carried out in two phases. These vehicles will be intended for combat units and territorial units that provide value benefits in the form of uptake of technology, human resources, markets, and increased productivity for an inclusive and sustainable economic transformation. (Bureau of Public Relations of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Defense)"
Do they specified when the contract signed and when the first production will be delivered ?

For that number i think it will be sufficient to be spread across archipelago.


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Do they specified when the contract signed and when the first production will be delivered ?

For that number i think it will be sufficient to be spread across archipelago.

I don't think such number is enough though. There is almost 130 infantry battalion across the archipelago, and hundreds more military post units like KOREM and Koramil they need utility vehicle in large number.


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PIS Collaborates with PINDAD on Shipping Technology & Digitation​

2022-04-01 13:30:00

Berita Energia


JAKARTA – State-Owned Enterprises (Badan Usaha Milik Negara/BUMN) in the defense and security industries sector, PT Pindad (Persero), delegated by Information and Technology Learning division, has visited PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) on March 17, 2022.
During the visit, PINDAD introduced its mainstay product in the information and communication technology sectors for the fleets’ navigation.
The visit also discussed the partnership opportunity of technology utilization developed by PINDAD to support PIS navigation and digitation. It is also to boost the security and reliability of PIS operations in the information technology field.
Eagerly to implement Go Digital, PIS continues to innovate in digitation development throughout the business line. PIS keeps on doing its best to become a transportation industry to support energy distribution and security throughout the nation.
“PIS continues supporting the technology innovation and development of instruments digitation for the fleets owned by the company, to create a better operational service, security, and reliability,” said Action Corporate Secretary of PIS, Roberth MV Dumatubun.*SHIML


Van Kravchenko

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I don't think such number is enough though. There is almost 130 infantry battalion across the archipelago, and hundreds more military post units like KOREM and Koramil they need utility vehicle in large number.
It might be correct that ID armed forces need more.

Then i have question, is it capable to be mounted with LMG on top of the roof?


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It might be correct that ID armed forces need more.

Then i have question, is it capable to be mounted with LMG on top of the roof?


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Indonesian Armed Forces get ANKA and Bayraktar TB 2, and there is also cooperation to assemble them in Indonesia

Jumat , 10 Feb 2023, 11:03 WIB
Kemenhan Sebut TNI Beli Drone Bayraktar TB2 dan Anka dari Turki
Nantinya, PT DI akan memproduksi drone bersama Baykar dan TAI di hangar Kota Bandung.

Red: Erik Purnama Putra
Drone Bayraktar TB2 buatan Turki ikut parade militer yang didedikasikan untuk Hari Kemerdekaan di Kyiv, Ukraina, Jumat, 20 Agustus 2021.
AP/Efrem Lukatsky
Drone Bayraktar TB2 buatan Turki ikut parade militer yang didedikasikan untuk Hari Kemerdekaan di Kyiv, Ukraina, Jumat, 20 Agustus 2021.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemenhan) siap membeli dua jenis pesawat tempur tanpa awak atau unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs) dari pabrikan Turki. Kedua perusahaan yang digandeng Kemenhan adalah Baykar yang populer dengan produknya Bayraktar TB2 dan Anka yang diproduksi Turkish Aerospace Industries.

Dua pabrikan di Turki milik swasta itu digandeng karena sudah terbukti mampu memproduksi drone yang sudah battle proven. "Ada dua Bayraktar dan Anka (TAI)," kata sumber di Kemenhan kepada di Jakarta, Jumat (10/2/2023).

Menurut pejabat tinggi Kemenhan tersebut, nantinya, baik Baykar maupun TAI siap memberikan transfer teknologi kepada PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) ketika TNI resmi mengakuisisi drone. PT DI dipilih kedua perusahaan Turki tersebut untuk nantinya melakukan produksi bersama drone tempur di hangar Kota Bandung. "Akan bekerja sama dengan PT DI," kata sang sumber.



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Ministry of defence ordered total of 5500 Unit of maung light utility vehicle.

"Deputy Minister of Defense M. Herindra continued, currently the Ministry of Defense is seeking to purchase a number of defense products made by PT Pindad; including Maung Jeeps, Electric Motorbikes, and thousands of ammunition produced by the Ammunition Division, Pindad, in Turen, Malang. Based on the contract that has been made, the Ministry of Defense has ordered 5,500 units of Maung Jeeps, as well as 6,000 units of electric motorbikes which will be carried out in two phases. These vehicles will be intended for combat units and territorial units that provide value benefits in the form of uptake of technology, human resources, markets, and increased productivity for an inclusive and sustainable economic transformation. (Bureau of Public Relations of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Defense)"
Two thumbs up for the order, I remember when Anoa introduced to public, TNI hesitate to order it, but Jusuf Kalla at that time had courage to order initial batch of 150 unit, that made Anoa going into production. same with Maung appreciate to Prabowo for thousand unit order of it. furthermore I hope Pindad also produce truck for TNI.

Var Dracon

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Two thumbs up for the order, I remember when Anoa introduced to public, TNI hesitate to order it, but Jusuf Kalla at that time had courage to order initial batch of 150 unit, that made Anoa going into production. same with Maung appreciate to Prabowo for thousand unit order of it. furthermore I hope Pindad also produce truck for TNI.

Pindad should built civilian/light vehicle production plant IMO, the order is quite high. Also it is better to manufacture their own spareparts than to outsource various companies to make it.


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Dissemination of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation to Candidates for the Defense Industry in the Ammunition Sector.

Friday, 10 February 2023

In the General Policy of National Defense for 2020-2024, to increase the capability of national defense, including by developing and implementing the defense concept for large islands, revitalizing the defense industry which is advanced, strong, independent and competitive to meet the needs of national defense. Development of land defense areas that rely on the defense of large islands independently in accordance with strategic compartments through decentralization and relocation of logistics depots, including the concept of building an ammunition industry spread over large islands.

The management of the defense industry is regulated by Law no. 16 of 2012 concerning the Defense Industry, which in its development there are several articles that are enhanced by Law no. 11 of 2020 concerning job creation. The government has issued Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation on December 30, 2022, as a substitute for Law no. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation which is declared "Conditionally Unconstitutional". The Perppu has revoked Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation and has been declared invalid. The Perppu needs to be approved by the DPR to be enacted as law, through the DPR's trial mechanism which is expected to be carried out during the March 2023 trial.

The socialization of the Job Creation Perppu was held on Thursday, 09 February 2023, at 16.00 WIB at the Directorate General of Pothan, led by the Secretary General of Defense Potential of the Ministry of Defense, Laksma TNI Sri Yanto, attended by staff of the Directorate of Defense Technology and Industry of the Directorate General of Defense Potential and 9 candidates for the Defense Industry in the field of Ammunition .

The Perppu on Job Creation was formed with the aim of creating and increasing employment by providing convenience, protection and empowerment of national industry and national trade, including the defense industry, as well as increasing investment as one of the keys to economic growth. This Perpu is expected to provide legal certainty, including for business actors in the ammunition industry.

The Job Creation Perrpu re-emphasizes the use of domestically produced raw materials, fulfillment of business permits, as well as the obligations of the defense industry in terms of technological secrecy, production and marketing. Utilization of domestic production is in line with the government's movement on increasing the use of domestic products (P3DN). Users of defense products are limited, namely the Government and parties that are given permission by the government so that everything related to defense products and defense industry players is regulated by the government with the Job Creation Perppu and its implementing regulations.

In accordance with the Job Creation Perppu, the main equipment industry (example: weapons and ammunition) can be produced by the BUMN and/or BUMS defense industry. Currently, besides PT. Pindad, there are 9 (nine) industries that have volunteered as ammunition industries. Where in the licensing process for the establishment of an ammunition factory, it is necessary to comply with the licensing principles integrated into the Online Single Submission (OSS) that are related between Ministries and Institutions, this is one of the substances in the implementation of the Job Creation Perppu.

The Job Creation Perppu is one of the government's efforts to regulate the defense industry in the framework of realizing defense industry independence in meeting the needs for defense and security equipment for national defense, while still paying attention to the sustainability of the industry and its economic value.



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Filipina Will Order 6 NC 212i Aviocar

A piece of Good news before the end of this week, Today, February 17, 2023, the Department of Budget and Management has released a Saro or Special Allotment Release Order amounting to 624,000,000.00 Million Pesos for the initial funding requirements of the Philippine Air Force Light Lift Aircraft Acquisition.

The released amount is 15% percent of the total Approved Budget for the Contract which is amounting to more than 4 Billion Pesos. The Philippine Air Force is expected to acquire an additional six NC-212i Aviocar from PT Dirgantara Indonesia.

Currently, the Philippine Air Force has two NC-212i Aviocar which have been in service with the Philippine Air Force since 2018, a proven workhorse, working in tandem with their bigger cousins the C-295 Medium Lift Aircraft in delivering needed supplies for combat and HADR purposes.

The acquisition of additional NC-212i Aviocar is also meant to replace the aging N-22 "Nomad" aircraft which has been with Philippine Air Force for decades already and the already retired Britten Norman Islander which is now in service with the Philippine Navy and Philippine Coast Guard.



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Detail of Offset and local content for Indonesian Navy deals with Abeking and Rasmussen Made Counter Mine vessels, quite a deal of course

Kamis, 16 Februari 2023

Dalam menyelenggarakan pembinaan industri pertahanan, salah satu upaya adalah melaksanakan pengembangan kemampuan Industri Pertahanan. Sesuai dengan UU No. 16 tahun 2012 tentang Industri Pertahanan, pengembangan kemampuan Industri Pertahanan dilaksanakan dengan program Kandungan Lokal dan Ofset (KLO) dari pengadaan Alpalhankam dari luar negeri. Salah satu program KLO yang saat ini dilaksanakan adalah program KLO dari pengadaan Mine Counter Measure Vessel (MCMV) produksi galangan kapal Abeking & Rasmussen, Jerman.

Dalam rangka Monitoring dan Evaluasi pelaksanaan KLO, Ditjen Pothan kemhan melaksanakan kunjungan di fasilitas Abeking & Rasmussen terkait dengan kegiatan Kandungan Lokal dan Ofset pada pengadaan 2 unit Mine Counter Measure Vessel (MCMV) Type MHV 60-Furthe, pada tanggal 12 s.d 16 Februari 2023.

Delegasi Indonesia dipimpin oleh Dirjen Pothan Kemhan, Mayor Jenderal TNI Dadang Hendrayudha dengan didampingi Kasubdit IDKLO, Staf Ditjen Pothan Kemhan, staf Dit Tekindhan Ditjen Pothan Kemhan dan Satgas Kapal MCMV serta perwakilan Abeking & Rasmussen di fasilitas Abeking & Rasmussen, Jerman. Dirjen Pothan Kemhan dan rombongan diterima oleh Mathias Hellmann (CEO Abeking & Rasmussen) dan staf lainnya. Pada kesempatan tersebut Tim Abeking & Rasmussen menyampaikan penjelasan tentang kegiatan kandungan lokal dan Ofset (KLO) yang telah dilaksanakan.

Dari program KLO kapal MCMV, industri pertahanan mendapatkan 2 kegiatan kandungan lokal dan 4 kegiatan Ofset. Kegiatan kandungan lokal berupa pembuatan decompresion chamber dan man hour saat warranty. Sedangkan kegiatan Ofset berupa lisensi, desain, kemampuan memproduksi khususnya untuk teknologi MCM dan teknologi Non Magnetic Steel (NMS), kemampuan pemeliharaan (MRO) platform, termasuk pembangunan infrastruktur dan special tools, alih teknologi sensor, weapon and command (Sewaco), peralatan underwater vehicle dan pemeliharaannya. Penerima kandungan lokal dan ofset terdiri dari industri pertahanan BUMN dan BUMS seperti PT. PAL, PT. Pindad, PT. Len Industri, PT. Robomarine Indonesia (PT. RMI) dan PT. Hyperbaric Medical Solusindo

Kegiatan KLO pada pengadaan kapal MCMV dapat memberikan kemampuan industri pertahanan Indonesia untuk mandiri agar dapat membangun kapal anti ranjau/MCMV beserta pemeliharaannya dengan menggunakan bahan khusus yaitu bahan Non Magnetic Steel yang memiliki sifat tahan guncangan yang tinggi (high shock resistant), tidak bersifat magnetic (low magnetic signature), tahan api (high fire resistant), mudah untuk diperbaiki (high flexibility for repair), namun biaya pembuatannya cukup mahal (high relative cost). Bangunan Kapal/platform dari bahan non/low magnetic steel butuh biaya yang tinggi saat awal pembangunan, namun memiliki life cycle cost yang relatif rendah.


Pelaksanaan kegiatan monitoring dan evaluasi KLO pengadaan kapal MCMV di Abeking & Rasmussen, Jerman tahun 2023 merupakan kegiatan strategis dalam rangka mempersiapkan kemandirian industri pertahanan dalam membangun kapal anti ranjau/MCMV beserta pemeliharaannya dengan menggunakan material khusus.



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Jokowi Prepares Rocket Technology Made in Indonesia

If there is a Space Operator other than the Agency who violates it, an administrative sanction will be given to the Head of the Agency. These can take the form of written warnings, suspension of activities (temporary, part or all), revocation of permits and administrative fines.



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IDEX 2023: UAE confirms order for PT PAL landing platform dock
by Jeremy Binnie Feb 22, 2023, 12:20 PM

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel”...

A model of PT PAL's 163 m multimission support vessel at NAVDEX 2023 in Abu Dhabi. (Janes)

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.

PT PAL confirmed to Janes that the contract was for a 163 m multimission support vessel, which is a landing platform dock (LPD). The plan is to start construction in Indonesia in 2024 with the completed vessel delivered to the UAE Navy five to six years later.

The contract was announced without a value in July 2022 as part of a comprehensive economic partnership agreement between Indonesia and the UAE, although sources told Janes at the time that it had not been finalised.

PT PAL said that it could not comment on the systems and armament that will be fitted to the ship, but Emirati companies will be involved and it will supervise the process.

A second AED20 million contract was awarded to Marakeb Tecnologies to develop the Golden Unit for the new ship. Marakeb is an Emirati company that specialises in autonomous systems. It displayed a mock-up of an unmanned ground vehicle control station in the back of a Caiman armoured vehicle that it said has been delivered to the UAE Armed Forces.

So the contract order has been signed

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