Where is the infantry? Does the tank just YOLO to the front or the accompanying infantry are wiped out?Notice in 1:55 he puts the charge right below the Trophy APS launcher, disabling it.
The same tactic like the previous video where they run towards one of the Merkava and do the exact same thing.
This missile barrage toward cities by Houthi didn't work as intended, not surprised considering the excellent and layered air defence from US navy destroyers, Saudi ABM/SAM systems and Israel's own ABM/SAM system.
They should've diverted more energy towards anti-shipping in Bab Mandeb strait.
Yep! Good footage is coming out in the last 2-3 days.
Well, they are arrogant.
And We warned the Children of Israel in the Scripture, “You will certainly cause corruption in the land twice, and you will become extremely arrogant.
When the first of the two warnings would come to pass, We would send against you some of Our servants of great might, who would ravage your homes. This would be a warning fulfilled.
Then ˹after your repentance˺ We would give you the upper hand over them and aid you with wealth and offspring, causing you to outnumber them.
If you act rightly, it is for your own good, but if you do wrong, it is to your own loss. “And when the second warning would come to pass, your enemies would ˹be left to˺ totally disgrace you and enter that place of worship as they entered it the first time, and utterly destroy whatever would fall into their hands.
Perhaps your Lord will have mercy on you ˹if you repent˺, but if you return ˹to sin˺, We will return ˹to punishment˺. And We have made Hell a ˹permanent˺ confinement for the disbelievers.”
Surah Al-Isra.
while all the white people lock the jews in gettos banned them from owning farms and do anyother bussiness (which left them only the banking to survive ) and countries such as france size all of their propetys when country face economic downturn, in ottoman empire they were free to do all kind of bussines raise up to important roles in state and had their own courts with Jewish laws and Jewish judgesthe Isrealis/Zionists have actively been trying to cultivate this perspective that Muslims are evil and bad. They never mention that it was the Ottomans who rescued them as an example of this deception. From ratty voiced shit head Ben Shapiro
This will become great meme material in the future when the table have turned, maybe the Palestinian kids can do a cover of this song (modified version).
Will those who complain about children throwing stones at the police in Gaza say anything about the Israeli children's song praising genocide? Generations that are brainwashed in this way today will become terrorists tomorrow.
The most weirdest lie is:The Isrealis/Zionists have actively been trying to cultivate this perspective that Muslims are evil and bad.
Will those who complain about children throwing stones at the police in Gaza say anything about the Israeli children's song praising genocide? Generations that are brainwashed in this way today will become terrorists tomorrow.
There are 57 islamic countries under the umbrella of the Organisation of Islamic States.
If every member state just send 1 ship to the Gaza-coast, just 1 ship to make a strong statement.
57 ships as a naval ring in the Eastern Mediterranean around the Gaza strip breaking the bloccade.
Would Israel attack those 57 ships and declare war against 57 countries?
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The video is not 100% accurate, but don't think the Turks are going to lay low forever. Its not in our blood.
Where is the infantry? Does the tank just YOLO to the front or the accompanying infantry are wiped out?
Yep! Good footage is coming out in the last 2-3 days.
while all the white people lock the jews in gettos banned them from owning farms and do anyother bussiness (which left them only the banking to survive ) and countries such as france size all of their propetys when country face economic downturn, in ottoman empire they were free to do all kind of bussines raise up to important roles in state and had their own courts with Jewish laws and Jewish judges
that pices of sh!t of ben shapiro forget it was us who send 8 trains to rescue the jews from all over the Europe by giving them turkish citizenship in ww2 . in one case the germens loaded the jews into train and Turkish ambassador arrive said these jews are turkish citizins and demanded to know where are they are taken when no answer came he get in the wagon saying my their ambassador i will go where they go. germans bluffed and the train start to move but at the next station all of the jews were released from the wagons. turkey send 8 trains to rescue them the hole thing is documented in the turkish passport documentary. that ambassador when return home, he demanded to be buried under the railways in Eskişehir. last year they relocated his body to a cemetery in a glorious funeral.
the full documentary was uploaded to YouTube but mysteriously remove now![]()
before ww2 Albert Einstein later beg turkish government to accept jewish intellectuals i turkish universites who couldn't work in germany anymore
“I beg to apply to your Excellency ( atatürk) to allow forty professors and medical doctors from Germany to continue their scientific and medical work in Turkey. The above mentioned cannot practice further in Germany on account of the laws… in granting this request your Government will not only perform an act of high humanity, but it will bring profit to your own country.”(Einstein, 1933)
Atatürk not only accept those jews but also invited Einstein to become professor a Turkish university
later during ww2 and holocausts Einstein send letter to Inonü saying "your nation had one of the history's greatest leader (atatürk)" and ask turkish government to rescue the jews from holocausts
for all this arab intellectuals created a lie that ataütk was a jew this is anti turkism as well as anti Semitism and they exported it along with their islamofascism of hasan al banna to other muslim countries such as iran pakistan .....
at 1:55 they call ataturk a jew
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meanwhile middle east eye celebrating attack on his statue look at the pice they put on the video
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which is owned by a Palestinian. when i showed what Palestinian leaders did against turkey some islamist came and said yeah they were wicked people well then take a look what Palestinians are doing online
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these were the people who welcomed British solders to Jerusalem and Damascus as Liberatores.
15000 captured turkish soilders in Palestine who were first blinded then executed by arabs
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Mehmet Hüseyin Çavuş an ottoman solider who fought in Palestine the poet blow belongs to him
Gazze'nin kumundan çok imiş meğer kalleşi,
Nasıl sırtından vurur insanı din kardeşi?
Filistin, Trablusgarp, Yemen illeri,
Hangisini kanım ile sulamadım
Gezdim cephe cephe bütün çölleri.
Türk'e, Türk'ten başka dost bulamadım!
It turns out that treachery is more than the sand of Gaza,
how can one's religious brother shooting him in the back ?
forward to Palestine ,tripoli and yemen
which one's soild i didnt waterd with my blood ?
front after front, i went to all kind of desert
for turks, i couldn't find another friend but other turks
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jews and arabs both are anti turkist. i say this one more time this is not our fight
This will become great meme material in the future when the table have turned, maybe the Palestinian kids can do a cover of this song (modified version).
The most weirdest lie is:
Holocaust is caused by muslim.
Bruh what?