The way I look at things is like this: Islam has been at war with the infidels of the West since its inception, the conquest of the Levant, Egypt, Anatolia, the Crusades, the siege of Vienna etc etc. This war is in its basic tenet, a generational war.
Now in 2024, who would've thought what the war in Gaza would end up with? No one knows but god, but what is clear (at least to me) is the increase in militancy, Islamic militancy in the region. When Muslims all around the world and immediate to Gaza saw those images of babies cut in half what will they do? They will avenge those, through military means. And if the national armies of their respective countries won't give them the platform, they will channel their anger by joining the various jihadi group in the region, destroying the very fabric of the nation-state model that is imposed by the Sykes-Picot agreement and reintroducing the Emirate style state that is the norm in the region for millennia, where warlord, emirs, sultans and caliphs rules. Thereby ensuring the eventual triumph of Islam on top of the Western political system in that region and in the future in the West themselves.
Sayyid Qutb, may god be pleased with him wrote in his book, Ma'alim fi Ath-Thariq,
إن هذه الجيوش العربية التي ترونها ليست للدفاع عن الإسلام و المسلمين وإنما هي لقتلكم ولن تطلق طلقة واحدة على اليهود
"In fact, these Arab soldiers that you are seeing are not there to defend Islam and Muslims but on the contrary to massacre you. They will not fire even one bullet at the Jews.”
in another quote, he says:
"Nationalist solutions offered by secular regimes have failed to address the real issue in Palestine because they do not recognize that the real battle is between Islam and Jahiliyyah. The secular approaches, whether Arab nationalism or socialism, do not and cannot solve the problem, as they themselves are part of the problem."
He was then referring to the Nasserist Egyptian government (and the Army). As we all know the Middle East and the Islamic world is in a situation where the population is Islam, but their rulers are wannabe Westerners. He clearly identifies that the root of the problem is these "government'
It's now becoming clear that his words are the words of truth. If this is just a war between Arabs vs Jews, then so-called Egyptian "patriots" like Al-Sisi wouldn't even let a fly cross his border to help Israel.
It gets me chills whenever I think that not long after his death, his book and idea led to this in quick succession (none of which will be possible without his books) :
One led to the other like a well-designed clockwork
The flame that Sayyid Qutb started by his pen will (by the will of god) engulfs the entire region until there is no more Sykes-Picot. Until these imaginary lines where traitors like Al-Sisi and the King of Jordan ruled (literally) burn.
Iraq has ceased to become a nation state

Syria has ceased to become a nation state

Yemen has ceased to become a nation state
Egypt his homeland, will be next in line.
Sayyid Qutb will win, nationalism will be defeated