Sorry for the late reply. You're right that throwing rocks is tactically only harmful, frankly just a silly idea. I'm not sure if the children are being told to do this directly, but clearly more discipline is needed if it continues to occur.Well its also not the same as throwing rocks at security forces in a war zone.
You didnt get my point im not saying i suffered or something, what im saying is i got an ass whopping for something minor as climbing a tree, these children who throw stones should be taught not to do that since its extremely dangerous.
Tbh, many of these children are even conditioned to do exactly that by their parents and hamas, its not a secret.
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Besides, most of them get released eventually unless they did a real big fuck up, lets see how many will get released by hamas.
Them being "conditioned to do" so on the other hand is a much more nebulous term. I can't speak to how they are conditioned in any specificity. They should be conditioned to oppose the Israeli's vigorously, the Israeli's are terrorists after all in their land.
Lack of organization, knowledge, moral integrity, faith in Allah (SWT) are issues that envelop the muslim world as a whole. The greatest enemy of muslims today imo, is not the Americans, or the Israeli's, rather Muslims themselves and their own ethical, spiritual degeneracy.
I have seen some of your posts following this indicating a bias towards Israel, and have to say that is disconcerting. The Arabs indeed made a grave error in betraying the Turks, and forgoing the protection of the Turks in pursuit of pride, and indeed they continue to pay the price to this day. It would be mistaken though to go to an extreme in reaction to this.
Here are a couple short clips I collected for you that I hope you find useful somewhat:

"Evil America, Evil Israel": Allah Gives Power To Whomever He Pleases | Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
- Complete video: - More Sheikh Hamza: - More Gems series videos:

Ottoman Defended Palestine

Tariq ibn Shihab reported: Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “Verily, we were a disgraceful people and Allah honored us with Islam. If we seek honor from anything besides that with which Allah honored us, Allah will disgrace us.”
Cheers brother