Fresh clashes break out in Jerusalem hours after Israel-Hamas truce
It was the first sign of fragility in the truce that brought the latest Gaza conflict to a halt Thursday after nearly two weeks of fighting that left hundreds dead.

I don't understand how it is posible for such a thing. From the palestinian side, how can you start a war that you know you can't win?
And there are two paths to win this war:
First: There iron dome system has a limit to what it can handle. And i don't mean on computer side, because that i don't know any specific, but on mechanical side. Every turet( or what they are named in english) has a certain capacity, 8 rows with 10 on each one( an exemple). Any person, not even a spy can find out how many point the enemy has, and so how many turets. So it is easy to calculate how many rockets they have at any given time. The also have drones that suicide. As an organization you have inteligence systems, so you can find out this information. So you can calculate that the enemy has 2400 rockets and lets say 400 drones. Always, at every thing add 30% (minimal). that is the margin error. In case you didn't saw some turets, or any other error. So you know they can distroy 2800 of your rockets+ 30%. Anything after that will hit with 100! succes their target. So, you have to simply create a barage of an concentrated attack, in a short spam of time. The shorter, the best. That will consume all their defence, and now all that you trow at them will hit. You don't even have to send rockets with explosive. Just sent dummy ones( less expensive). They just need to look and fly like a real rocket. Their purpose is to be destroyed. After the target, you send the real ones. This can be accompanied by another tactic: group the rockets as close as your sistem permits. Most systems of survailence, that detect can be weakend by lasers aimed at them. Laser, noting expensive, can be obtained in any part of the world.
Secound: if you know you will lose, and that the enemy wants to conquer your home, aply this: Make orders that all palestinians will abandon completly the west bank. arange with allies where to settle. Is a lot to be said about the preparation faze, but after that, and the point is: destroy all that is left behind. Those places wore a sorce of conflick for so long, you can't win, retrat, regroup. Let the enemy be sure that is safe, that there are no more threts and then attack. You also became stronger in all this time. Now you can fight, and always fight in the enemy terain( when civilians can be involed). Soldier against soldier is fair(with a lot of exeptions), but soldier against civilians. Demonic behaivior and i don't bow to a corupt god, but that is their type of behaivior. So, abandon the land and use all those rockets to level the plain. Destroy every building, all the infracstructure, everything you left behind. Since the enemy want it, they will have to spend billions to clean it and they some more to use it for something. If you cant win, retrat. Never fight where the enemy is strong.
Now, i understand is eas for me to say this, when is not my land you are abandoning, Corect, is easy for me to say it. But all that i said is true. The is the rational decision. It must be a united decision, of all involed. The leaders have the responsability to incurage and persuade the people toward a fair and good decision. Abandon that place. You can win the war agaist the jew in other ways. Don't fight where someone has fortified and is strong. Fight in their weakness. And they have.
And all the riots, pointless. Just victims on your side, because you fight with rocks against armoured security teams, in riot gear, with weapons. Most riots, there, or in china, or in any country, they all consider that a game. Theey fight, because is a horde mentality, but there is no way to win. They are not ready to die, for the win. No armour and so many can be said here on how to make some armour that can easaly protect you against rubber bulets/stiks, granades. A helmet, even a motorbike one. Some weapon, not rocks or sticks. Most think that the number is power. Yea right. If that wore true, no goverment would be alive right now. Is prepre for the battle you want to participate. Not go like an idiot and break/distroy get arested and notthing else.
Jesus cchirst, what is the matter with you. Just read a book on strategies, look at some youtube videos( be careful what), but something so you have something in your mind before you act. You have the information, then you act.
I don't understand how it is posible for such a thing. From the palestinian side, how can you start a war that you know you can't win?
And there are two paths to win this war:
First: There iron dome system has a limit to what it can handle. And i don't mean on computer side, because that i don't know any specific, but on mechanical side. Every turet( or what they are named in english) has a certain capacity, 8 rows with 10 on each one( an exemple). Any person, not even a spy can find out how many point the enemy has, and so how many turets. So it is easy to calculate how many rockets they have at any given time. The also have drones that suicide. As an organization you have inteligence systems, so you can find out this information. So you can calculate that the enemy has 2400 rockets and lets say 400 drones. Always, at every thing add 30% (minimal). that is the margin error. In case you didn't saw some turets, or any other error. So you know they can distroy 2800 of your rockets+ 30%. Anything after that will hit with 100! succes their target. So, you have to simply create a barage of an concentrated attack, in a short spam of time. The shorter, the best. That will consume all their defence, and now all that you trow at them will hit. You don't even have to send rockets with explosive. Just sent dummy ones( less expensive). They just need to look and fly like a real rocket. Their purpose is to be destroyed. After the target, you send the real ones. This can be accompanied by another tactic: group the rockets as close as your sistem permits. Most systems of survailence, that detect can be weakend by lasers aimed at them. Laser, noting expensive, can be obtained in any part of the world.
Secound: if you know you will lose, and that the enemy wants to conquer your home, aply this: Make orders that all palestinians will abandon completly the west bank. arange with allies where to settle. Is a lot to be said about the preparation faze, but after that, and the point is: destroy all that is left behind. Those places wore a sorce of conflick for so long, you can't win, retrat, regroup. Let the enemy be sure that is safe, that there are no more threts and then attack. You also became stronger in all this time. Now you can fight, and always fight in the enemy terain( when civilians can be involed). Soldier against soldier is fair(with a lot of exeptions), but soldier against civilians. Demonic behaivior and i don't bow to a corupt god, but that is their type of behaivior. So, abandon the land and use all those rockets to level the plain. Destroy every building, all the infracstructure, everything you left behind. Since the enemy want it, they will have to spend billions to clean it and they some more to use it for something. If you cant win, retrat. Never fight where the enemy is strong.
Now, i understand is eas for me to say this, when is not my land you are abandoning, Corect, is easy for me to say it. But all that i said is true. The is the rational decision. It must be a united decision, of all involed. The leaders have the responsability to incurage and persuade the people toward a fair and good decision. Abandon that place. You can win the war agaist the jew in other ways. Don't fight where someone has fortified and is strong. Fight in their weakness. And they have.
And all the riots, pointless. Just victims on your side, because you fight with rocks against armoured security teams, in riot gear, with weapons. Most riots, there, or in china, or in any country, they all consider that a game. Theey fight, because is a horde mentality, but there is no way to win. They are not ready to die, for the win. No armour and so many can be said here on how to make some armour that can easaly protect you against rubber bulets/stiks, granades. A helmet, even a motorbike one. Some weapon, not rocks or sticks. Most think that the number is power. Yea right. If that wore true, no goverment would be alive right now. Is prepre for the battle you want to participate. Not go like an idiot and break/distroy get arested and notthing else.
Jesus cchirst, what is the matter with you. Just read a book on strategies, look at some youtube videos( be careful what), but something so you have something in your mind before you act. You have the information, then you act.
The purpose is to get money from sponsors and gain popularity. Not to win.I don't understand how it is posible for such a thing. From the palestinian side, how can you start a war that you know you can't win?
An united people is the strogest, but there are so many reasons for hatred, that in most places/nations it doesnt happen.History is filled with winners and losers. In the moment everyone thinks they can win, but the reality for the Arabs is that they have already lost. What you will see play out now is the reality incrementally setting in. Within 70 years Isreal has taken 90% of the land and defeated several Arab coalitions.
When you are the much weaker side you need to be able to adapt, the Arabs seem almost incapable of adapting. So as far as Palestine is concerned its over for them, they lost and lost big time.
The way i see it, if you wan't Palestine to return to peace as it were under Ottoman times, the Arabs should throw their full support behind Turkey. We got Qatar and thats it.
Arabs went against the Turks and it lead to misery, so their salvation is to support the Turks. If they support the Turks within 20 years Turkey will be able to bring peace to the middle east.
But we all know deep down the Arabs are going to continue on this losing path.
As for the Turkish people, the Arabs have constantly gone against us. In may ways Israel smashing these hostile Arab powers has been good for us. Without Isreal its very likely Turks would have faced the arab and persian world head on. The isrealis are fighting people who have chosen to be against us.
Only the Turk has proven capable of fairly ruling all these different peoples. Only the Turk can bring true peace to the region.
The purpose is to get money from sponsors and gain popularity. Not to win.
Yeah, they were on to each other previous year too.I stopped caring about this conflict two decades ago, its like a record on repeat. Every 10 years or so.
I was planning to go to Tel-Aviv this year, maybe it'll be cheaper now.
Regarding @500 vs. everyone else in here:
They have anti ship missiles. Problem is that such missiles need radar guidance and all radars will be immediately destroyed. In 2006 war Hezbollah attacked Israeli ships using civilian sea port radars for guidance.For next round which will occur in future hamas should start away to work on aquiring some antiship missiles amd basic electronic jammimg capabiliies, also if someone is willing to provide them at least most modern mandpads to eliminate low altitude threats, anyway they will continue to work on their rockets but if possible they should produce some rudimentary cruise missiles, that would put additional strain on counter measers.
Last but probably most important is from egypt side, they should provide free pass for continous flow of concrete and high quailty steel along the drilling machines for more advanced and harder to penetrate tunnels network and for building more protected launching sites and maybe underground stand of points for tochka like missiles.
Israel is parliamentary republic and there is only couple mandate difference between the blocks. Several days before Hamas started firing rockets there was a good chance to form a government without Bibi. Now most probably will be another elections. Hamas saved Bibi.The way I see it, Bibi is too gaining in popularity with the conflict heating up again, is that correct?
Yes, i know you invincible and untouchable, resemblance is astonishing with mustache guy ideology.They have anti ship missiles. Problem is that such missiles need radar guidance and all radars will be immediately destroyed. In 2006 war Hezbollah attacked Israeli ships using civilian sea port radars for guidance.
Same goes with any jamming devices. They will be immediately destroyed.
Overall Hamas cant threaten Israel as a state in any way. The more damage they make the more they will suffer themselves. Thats why Iron Dome is best thing that happened to Gaza. Without Iron Dome Israel would be forced to act much more harshly.
Imagine what would happen if some 200 heavy rockets fell in Tel Aviv.
Israel is parliamentary republic and there is only couple mandate difference between the blocks. Several days before Hamas started firing rockets there was a good chance to form a government without Bibi. Now most probably will be another elections. Hamas saved Bibi.
I did not say untouchable, but u cant win a war by firing rockets.Yes, i know you invincible and untouchable, resemblance is astonishing with mustache guy ideology.
All bombs Israel used were guided.Instead of bargging how you will do that and whatsever it would be better to work on how to stop indiscriminate civilian killings.
I do not mind you over confident attitude, it harms you more then opponent.I did not say untouchable, but u cant win a war by firing rockets.
All bombs Israel used were guided.
Please stop comparing nazi ideology with intrastate conflicts. They are two different things.Yes, i know you invincible and untouchable, resemblance is astonishing with mustache guy ideology.
Instead of bargging how you will do that and whatsever it would be better to work on how to stop indiscriminate civilian killings.
I would not willingly but similarities are obvious, so it is obligatory for decent people to point on that, you have free choice to not do so.Please stop comparing nazi ideology with intrastate conflicts. They are two different things.
Well if you know any war won by firing rockets. Let me know.I do not mind you over confident attitude, it harms you more then opponent.
Yes, guided on civilians, nobody disputes that.
Not war but this battle was won by hamas by default as you did not achieve any of proclaimed goals, this war will be fought for long time unless solution with justice for both people occurrs,Well if you know any war won by firing rockets. Let me know.
No point to use guided on civilians.