In Retrospect highly unlikely.Any information if Turkish armed forces will buy Cobra 2 MRAP?
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In Retrospect highly unlikely.Any information if Turkish armed forces will buy Cobra 2 MRAP?
Any information if Turkish armed forces will buy Cobra 2 MRAP?
Cobra?Ejder Yalçın only Turkish armored vehicle in NATO, UN missions
Turkey's homegrown Ejder Yalçın 4x4 tactical wheeled armored vehicle (TWAV) continues to add new markets to its export success after
Do we know local subsystems? Especially the engine ? ( is it tumosan?)
Exactly.. Cobra 1 has been used by many Countries in UN, also used in NATO since 90s.. Sabah!Cobra? is Sabah newpaper.
Probably the capacity of premises needed for both vehicle and engine production was unknown and the Sakarya facility would be planned as the road-map to production becomes clear.As a Reminder...
-> Date 08.11.2018
On the second day of the Land Systems Seminar, important information was given in the Security Vehicles and Special Vehicle Projects presentation carried out by the Department of Land Vehicles of the Defense Industry Presidency (SSB). In the projects, it is planned to supply 5831 vehicles in different configurations.
Within the scope of the New Generation Light Armored Vehicles Project, the Land Forces Command has active and passive protection systems, equipped with advanced command control systems, capable of detecting the enemy from the maximum distance, firing with appropriate weapon systems through automatic firing systems, 2962 light armored wheeled vehicles (6X6 and 8X8) in 52 different configurations and light armored tracked vehicles will be procured.
Güvenlik güçlerine 5831 adet araç tedarik edilecek
TSK, Jandarma Genel Komutanlığı, Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü ve Sahil Güvenlik Komutanlığının ihtiyacı Güvenlik ve Özel Araç Projelerinde güncel
View attachment 16031
- > Date 08.04.2018
So before the announcement of the procurement.
Incentive certificates will be issued for 23 investment projects within the scope of the system, in which 4 projects of BMC and 2 projects of SASA will be supported. Investments of Alvi Medica, Assan, Atayurt, CFS, Dow Aksa, Ekore, Ersan, İpek Furniture, Most Makine, Siirt Bakır, Metcap Energy, TUSAŞ, Oyak Renault, Yıldız Metallurgy, Vestel, Sütaş and Tosyalı will benefit from incentives.
BMC will begin production of tracked armored vehicle, laser weapon system and unmanned armor vehicle.
It will receive project-based incentives for the total investment of 456 million TL to be made for this purpose.
View attachment 16033
135 milyar liralık teşvik alacak projeler belli oldu | STAR
Proje Bazlı Teşvik Sistemi kapsamında desteklenecek 135 milyar lira tutarındaki 23 projeyle yaklaşık 35 bin kişiye doğrudan, 134 binden fazla kişiye dolaylı istihdam yaratı
- Date 25.06.2018
BMC Power Deputy General Manager Dr. Mehmet Demiroglu: We started the 6-cylinder and 12.8-liter commercial truck engine AZRA project in February 2017, in order to be in preparation for the YNHZA power group project. The design of the engine was completed in February 2018. Support was received from abroad, but the intellectual property rights belong to us. The prototype is recovering. We will do the first firing in June-July 2018.
We talked to Japan for the alternator, “AZRA produces commercial but BMC military vehicles as well. You can use it there. We cannot work with you. ”Germany did not even answer.
Based on the press release published 24.06.2018 by BMC Power; The prototype production and assembly of the commercial vehicle engine AZRA with a volume of 12.8 litre and a maximum power of 585 HP, which was developed to prepare for the YNHZA power group project, was completed and ready for testing.
View attachment 16034
I assume future Land Vehicle Systems Procurements will be made from BMC Group.
There seemed to be a weird notion in which everybody was raising awareness towards different Companies like OTOKAR or FNSS but my opinion is that BMC will manifest itself and Land Forces wont go for to many different Systems in order to simplify Logistics
-> BMC GROUP which includes BMC POWER would not invest that kind of Money into a Project which might see them lose the Tender.
-> The Project New Generation Vehicles announced in 11.2018 includes 2962 Wheeled (6x6 and 8x8) and Tracked Vehicles
-> The project-based incentives in first Document also implies that BMC is working on Tracked Armored Vehicle, which we have not seen yet.
Additionally I would like to note that BMC probably needs even more Funding for there new Production Centre.
BMC has been given Land just west of the Town of Karasu to build a Factory.
Ceremony Date: 13.01.2019
Erdoğan, otomotiv devi BMC’nin fabrika temel atma törenine katıldı
Yerli ve milli otomotiv devi BMC’nin Sakarya Karasu Fabrikası’nın temel atma törenine Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan katıldı
When the production and technology base is completed, it will provide employment for approximately 10 thousand people and produce an annual added value of 5 billion dollars to the country's economy. Within this integrated facility, BMC tank factory, BMC armored vehicle and military truck factory, BMC commercial vehicle factory, BMC engine factory, BMC high speed train and metro factory are planned to be constructed in phases. The total investment size is expected to exceed 500 million dollars. The first phase, in which the foundation of the facility is laid today, covers approximately 100 thousand square meters and is planned to be completed by the end of 2019 and to be operational at the beginning of 2020.
View attachment 16035
Beginning of 2021 and Not much to see from the Plant so far.
Latest Google Maps Satellite Picture:
View attachment 16036
-> It is Safe to assume that the Project was way to ambitious so they went for Arifiye Plant.
Until recently the Construction seemed to be put on halt but I looked for the Construction Company: Sayin Insaat AS
View attachment 16037
Date 14.12.2020
And This News from a Local Newspaper which implies Construction started Again.
AK Parti Karasu District Leader Hasan Yavuzyigit visited the Site.
From Information obtained on Site by the Projet Leader the Newspaper states the Following:
- Production will Begin in Last Quarter of 2021 with ALTAY MBT !?
- In the Following Years BMC Power and Engines Factories will be Established in this Plant.
View attachment 16038
View attachment 16039
Yerli ve milli üretime destek vermenin gururu yaşanacak
AK Parti Karasu İlçe Başkanı Hasan Yavuzyiğit Karasu’da yapımı devam eden BMC üretim fabrikasının inşaatını ziyaret etti. Yavuzyiğit, Proje Direktörü Özer Tatar’dan inşaat süreci hakkında bilgi aldı
=> This seems again too ambitious but if the Date Q4 2021 for initial Facilities (Altay Production) on this Technology HUB is realistic than why rent Sakarya Tank Palet to Produce Tanks ?
View attachment 16040
Do we know local subsystems? Especially the engine ? ( is it tumosan?)
Exactly.. Cobra 1 has been used by many Countries in UN, also used in NATO since 90s.. Sabah!
Unfortunately incompetence. There is a reason why you do proper ressource planning and make investments little by little. Looking down of companies like FNSS and Otokar results in BMC and without government support BMC cannot exist. RTE and AKP is trying really hard, but I think it's pretty obvious that the Company is in the hands of people with money but no skills.As a Reminder...
-> Date 08.11.2018
On the second day of the Land Systems Seminar, important information was given in the Security Vehicles and Special Vehicle Projects presentation carried out by the Department of Land Vehicles of the Defense Industry Presidency (SSB). In the projects, it is planned to supply 5831 vehicles in different configurations.
Within the scope of the New Generation Light Armored Vehicles Project, the Land Forces Command has active and passive protection systems, equipped with advanced command control systems, capable of detecting the enemy from the maximum distance, firing with appropriate weapon systems through automatic firing systems, 2962 light armored wheeled vehicles (6X6 and 8X8) in 52 different configurations and light armored tracked vehicles will be procured.
Güvenlik güçlerine 5831 adet araç tedarik edilecek
TSK, Jandarma Genel Komutanlığı, Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü ve Sahil Güvenlik Komutanlığının ihtiyacı Güvenlik ve Özel Araç Projelerinde güncel
View attachment 16031
- > Date 08.04.2018
So before the announcement of the procurement.
Incentive certificates will be issued for 23 investment projects within the scope of the system, in which 4 projects of BMC and 2 projects of SASA will be supported. Investments of Alvi Medica, Assan, Atayurt, CFS, Dow Aksa, Ekore, Ersan, İpek Furniture, Most Makine, Siirt Bakır, Metcap Energy, TUSAŞ, Oyak Renault, Yıldız Metallurgy, Vestel, Sütaş and Tosyalı will benefit from incentives.
BMC will begin production of tracked armored vehicle, laser weapon system and unmanned armor vehicle.
It will receive project-based incentives for the total investment of 456 million TL to be made for this purpose.
View attachment 16033
135 milyar liralık teşvik alacak projeler belli oldu | STAR
Proje Bazlı Teşvik Sistemi kapsamında desteklenecek 135 milyar lira tutarındaki 23 projeyle yaklaşık 35 bin kişiye doğrudan, 134 binden fazla kişiye dolaylı istihdam yaratı
- Date 25.06.2018
BMC Power Deputy General Manager Dr. Mehmet Demiroglu: We started the 6-cylinder and 12.8-liter commercial truck engine AZRA project in February 2017, in order to be in preparation for the YNHZA power group project. The design of the engine was completed in February 2018. Support was received from abroad, but the intellectual property rights belong to us. The prototype is recovering. We will do the first firing in June-July 2018.
We talked to Japan for the alternator, “AZRA produces commercial but BMC military vehicles as well. You can use it there. We cannot work with you. ”Germany did not even answer.
Based on the press release published 24.06.2018 by BMC Power; The prototype production and assembly of the commercial vehicle engine AZRA with a volume of 12.8 litre and a maximum power of 585 HP, which was developed to prepare for the YNHZA power group project, was completed and ready for testing.
View attachment 16034
I assume future Land Vehicle Systems Procurements will be made from BMC Group.
There seemed to be a weird notion in which everybody was raising awareness towards different Companies like OTOKAR or FNSS but my opinion is that BMC will manifest itself and Land Forces wont go for to many different Systems in order to simplify Logistics
-> BMC GROUP which includes BMC POWER would not invest that kind of Money into a Project which might see them lose the Tender.
-> The Project New Generation Vehicles announced in 11.2018 includes 2962 Wheeled (6x6 and 8x8) and Tracked Vehicles
-> The project-based incentives in first Document also implies that BMC is working on Tracked Armored Vehicle, which we have not seen yet.
Additionally I would like to note that BMC probably needs even more Funding for there new Production Centre.
BMC has been given Land just west of the Town of Karasu to build a Factory.
Ceremony Date: 13.01.2019
Erdoğan, otomotiv devi BMC’nin fabrika temel atma törenine katıldı
Yerli ve milli otomotiv devi BMC’nin Sakarya Karasu Fabrikası’nın temel atma törenine Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan katıldı
When the production and technology base is completed, it will provide employment for approximately 10 thousand people and produce an annual added value of 5 billion dollars to the country's economy. Within this integrated facility, BMC tank factory, BMC armored vehicle and military truck factory, BMC commercial vehicle factory, BMC engine factory, BMC high speed train and metro factory are planned to be constructed in phases. The total investment size is expected to exceed 500 million dollars. The first phase, in which the foundation of the facility is laid today, covers approximately 100 thousand square meters and is planned to be completed by the end of 2019 and to be operational at the beginning of 2020.
View attachment 16035
Beginning of 2021 and Not much to see from the Plant so far.
Latest Google Maps Satellite Picture:
View attachment 16036
-> It is Safe to assume that the Project was way to ambitious so they went for Arifiye Plant.
Until recently the Construction seemed to be put on halt but I looked for the Construction Company: Sayin Insaat AS
View attachment 16037
Date 14.12.2020
And This News from a Local Newspaper which implies Construction started Again.
AK Parti Karasu District Leader Hasan Yavuzyigit visited the Site.
From Information obtained on Site by the Projet Leader the Newspaper states the Following:
- Production will Begin in Last Quarter of 2021 with ALTAY MBT !?
- In the Following Years BMC Power and Engines Factories will be Established in this Plant.
View attachment 16038
View attachment 16039
Yerli ve milli üretime destek vermenin gururu yaşanacak
AK Parti Karasu İlçe Başkanı Hasan Yavuzyiğit Karasu’da yapımı devam eden BMC üretim fabrikasının inşaatını ziyaret etti. Yavuzyiğit, Proje Direktörü Özer Tatar’dan inşaat süreci hakkında bilgi aldı
=> This seems again too ambitious but if the Date Q4 2021 for initial Facilities (Altay Production) on this Technology HUB is realistic than why rent Sakarya Tank Palet to Produce Tanks ?
View attachment 16040
I have read the same news in Turkish but no detail about the engine or powerpack. Just saying localised subsystems.Domestic Engines Started to Be Used in Land Vehicles in Turkey - C4 Defence
Turkey's Armoured Vehicle Manufacturer FNSS released a video promoting the PARS 6x6 SCOUT 6×6 Special Purpose Tactical Wheeled Armoured Vehicle developed as part of its domestication
I have read the same news in Turkish but no detail about the engine or powerpack. Just saying localised subsystems.
Tumosan Engine being tested on FNSS 6x6 ScoutI have read the same news in Turkish but no detail about the engine or powerpack. Just saying localised subsystems.
Probably the capacity of premises needed for both vehicle and engine production was unknown and the Sakarya facility would be planned as the road-map to production becomes clear.
Unfortunately incompetence. There is a reason why you do proper ressource planning and make investments little by little. Looking down of companies like FNSS and Otokar results in BMC and without government support BMC cannot exist. RTE and AKP is trying really hard, but I think it's pretty obvious that the Company is in the hands of people with money but no skills.
Tumosan Engine being tested on FNSS 6x6 Scout
BMC engine being tested on BMC VuranFNSS, ÖMTTZA Projesi kapsamında TÜMOSAN’a avans ödemesini yaptı
25 Aralık 2019 tarihinde TÜMOSAN Motor ve Traktör Sanayi A.Ş. (TÜMOSAN) ile FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.Ş. (FNSS) arasında imzalanan Ö
BMC'nin 'yerli motorları' askeri araçlarda
BMC Power tarafından geliştirilen 400 beygir gücündeki motorun kullanıldığı Vuran 4x4 aracının test sürüşlerine başlandı. 600 beygir gücündeki "Azra" isimli motor ise BMC tarafından üretilen tank taşıyıcı ile 8x8 araca entegre ediliyor. - Anadolu Ajansı
Unfortunately incompetence. There is a reason why you do proper ressource planning and make investments little by little. Looking down of companies like FNSS and Otokar results in BMC and without government support BMC cannot exist. RTE and AKP is trying really hard, but I think it's pretty obvious that the Company is in the hands of people with money but no skills.
Unfortunately incompetence. There is a reason why you do proper ressource planning and make investments little by little. Looking down of companies like FNSS and Otokar results in BMC and without government support BMC cannot exist. RTE and AKP is trying really hard, but I think it's pretty obvious that the Company is in the hands of people with money but no skills.