TR Marine Mavi Vatan (Blue Homeland)


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Feel free to read from page 1 of the thread and catch up. You'll find plenty of arguments to counter your question.

tldr: At the end of the day we don't agree and since Greece isn't interesting in discussing all the issue, but restricts it to only a few topics. It's pointless to bother answering your question.


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Turkey has invaded and illegally occupies, apart from a part of Cyprus, also parts of Iraq and Syria, claiming that it has done so out of concerns for its security.
Turkey refuses to withdraw its military forces and mercenaries from Libya, defying relevant persistent calls by the entire international community, in the context of the latter’s endeavours for a peaceful solution to the Libyan crisis

seriously ?

what greek have to do with iraq , syria and libya ?


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It's pointless...Saithan never answers he is only throwing random articles from daily sabah...
No problem, their tactics are well known. We patiently and persistently submit one by one our arguments or counter-arguments to any of their observations.


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Same goes for Iraq since they have an agreement IIRC.
What aggreement?
In May 2021, Iraq protested to Turkish diplomats after the visit of the Turkish Minister of Defense, the Turkish Chief of the General Staff and the Turkish Land Forces Commander to a Turkish base in northern Iraq.
The Iraq's Foreign Ministry said that "categorically rejects the continuing violations of Iraqi sovereignty ... by the Turkish military forces"



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seriously ?

what greek have to do with iraq , syria and libya ?
Nothing, as also Turkey nothing has to do in these states.
Regarding the Libya, is a state under civil conflict, House of Representatives opposes the maritime deal signed between Turkey and Tripoli which extends Turkish maritime boundaries from the southwest Turkish coast to the coast of Derna and Tobruk.
More recenlyy , from the Government of National Unity in May 2021, the Libyan Foreign Minister Najla Mangoush in a press conference alongside the Turkish Foreign Minister, called Turkey to comply with the UN resolutions and withdraw the Turkish troops and mercenaries.


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What aggreement?
In May 2021, Iraq protested to Turkish diplomats after the visit of the Turkish Minister of Defense, the Turkish Chief of the General Staff and the Turkish Land Forces Commander to a Turkish base in northern Iraq.
The Iraq's Foreign Ministry said that "categorically rejects the continuing violations of Iraqi sovereignty ... by the Turkish military forces"



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Maybe those Greeks here never heard of the Adana agreement signed between Syria and Turkey. Or that it's our right to fight terrorists that operate in Iraq and try to infiltrate into Turkey when the Iraqis are not able to prevent it. That the GNA in Tripoli asked for Turkish support.

- First they militzarize the Islands and then complain when TSK forms the Aegean Army.
- The only country in the world with 6nm territorial waters but 10nm airspace, that means when a helicopter from a Turkish frigate 9nm (outside territorial waters) from Greek shores lifts up it's regarded as airspace violation.
- Turkey agreed to withdraw mercenaries etc. when Russia and LNA does the same with Wagner and Chadian mercenaries.
- There is still a ceasefire on Cyprus, and as long as it stays like that there is nothing to worry about but you could recognize the Turkish Republic of Cyprus and end the conflict. They don't want reunification same as the Greek side.

What Turkey does is not your business, especially after the news that Greece wants to send troops to Mali and assist France in their "peace operations" the leaked footages of Gold smuggling are fake news of course not to mention the fact that you invited Haftar the men that gave the orders for mass executions in Misrata, Sirte etc. the Salafist that is responsible for the killings died mysteriously this year 🤔

Imagine you give terrorists shelter, Cypriot identity card, hide them in your embassies and still have the nerves to make demands.
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Imagine you give terrorists shelter, Cypriot identity card, hide them in your embassies and still have the nerves to make demands.
You literally summed up the problem with the Western hegemony, lol

This, my friend, is known as the hypocrisy of the West. I said it many times before, but the West believes that they are entitled to more previliges than the rest of the world and they justify such acts to non-western countries by disguising it under the veil of democracy and human rights.

Just imagine Turkey doing any of the things you mentioned, rather than an EU state or USA, I wont be surprised of they initiated a campaign to ethnically cleanse the Turks


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Nothing, as also Turkey nothing has to do in these states.
Regarding the Libya, is a state under civil conflict, House of Representatives opposes the maritime deal signed between Turkey and Tripoli which extends Turkish maritime boundaries from the southwest Turkish coast to the coast of Derna and Tobruk.
More recenlyy , from the Government of National Unity in May 2021, the Libyan Foreign Minister Najla Mangoush in a press conference alongside the Turkish Foreign Minister, called Turkey to comply with the UN resolutions and withdraw the Turkish troops and mercenaries.
Najla Mangoush?
You think we are idiots? A good advice. Prepare for war. No one will come to rescue you.


1-Which part of the international law?
Greece possesses ipso facto and ab initio sovereign rights and jurisdiction in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean in accordance with the relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which reflects customary international law, and its national legislation.
This position has been registered on numerous occasions with the United Nations (indicatively: note verbale dated 24.2.2005, see Law of the Sea Bulletin, vol. 57, p. 129; note verbale dated No. 974/8.5.2012, see Law of the Sea Bulletin, vol. 79, p. 14; note verbale No. 389/20.2.2013, see Law of the Sea Bulletin, vol. 81, p. 23; and letters from the Permanent Representative of Greece dated 23 May 2016 (A/70/900-S/2016/474); 25 April 2019 (A/73/850-S/2019/344); 19 March 2020 (A/74/758); and 20 April 2020 (A/74/819)), and has also been communicated bilaterally to Turkey (notes verbales No. 187/AS 2207/24.7.2009, No. 187/AS 2648/15.11.2011, No. 187/1066/30.4.2012, No. 156.3/1675/12.7.2012, and No. 2019/503.14/267/15.1.2019).

2-Turkey refused to come before the International Court, invoking its non-recognition of the Court’s jurisdiction. The Court did not examine the substance of the issue for reasons of formality, due to lack of competence.
Greece has declared its acceptance of the general mandatory jurisdiction of the International Court in The Hague, with the exceptions, which are specifically foreseen in the respective declaration , while, Greece has signed and ratified the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982).

3-Turkey is the only country that refers to and demands the demilitarization of the “islands in the Eastern Aegean”. Greece reiterates its position that it is fully justified in taking all elementary precautionary measures to ensure that it will be able to exercise its inalienable right to self-defence on the basis of Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, in particular given the above-mentioned conduct of Turkey since 1974. The moto is: What is threatened is not demilitarized

4-Who's acting aggressively?

  • Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974, in violation of the Cyprus Treaty of Guarantee, to which Greece is a signatory state, and despite the numerous United Nations Security Council and General Assembly Resolutions to the contrary, still continues to maintain substantial military forces in the occupied territories.
  • Turkey systematically violates Greek Air Space, and its military aircraft, often armed, fly over inhabited Greek islands in the Aegean Sea, which raises serious security concerns.
  • Turkey over the past three decades, has maintained a significant number of military units, aircraft and landing craft at points on the coast of Asia Minor just across from the Greek islands, which is a serious threat against Greece.
  • Turkey has invaded and illegally occupies, apart from a part of Cyprus, also parts of Iraq and Syria, claiming that it has done so out of concerns for its security.
  • Turkey refuses to withdraw its military forces and mercenaries from Libya, defying relevant persistent calls by the entire international community, in the context of the latter’s endeavours for a peaceful solution to the Libyan crisis
All I can read is Cope, cope more that you won't be powerful like Turkey we got balls to Invade syria(Justified by un charta) Idk when did turkey Invaded N.Iraq. Turkey and Northern Iraqi kurdistan are working together there is no Invasion greek propaganda In Its finest all I can say

Cope and seethe ok?


Nothing, as also Turkey nothing has to do in these states.
Regarding the Libya, is a state under civil conflict, House of Representatives opposes the maritime deal signed between Turkey and Tripoli which extends Turkish maritime boundaries from the southwest Turkish coast to the coast of Derna and Tobruk.
More recenlyy , from the Government of National Unity in May 2021, the Libyan Foreign Minister Najla Mangoush in a press conference alongside the Turkish Foreign Minister, called Turkey to comply with the UN resolutions and withdraw the Turkish troops and mercenaries.
Also GNA never called for Turkish army to withdraw We have aggrements to train their army they also gave us a naval base and greece got the short stick


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man probably can't tell the difference between a mercenary and a professional state soldier invited by the country's international recognised government, his racism running deep to the point of mental illness.


6 1,572
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Nothing, as also Turkey nothing has to do in these states.
Regarding the Libya, is a state under civil conflict, House of Representatives opposes the maritime deal signed between Turkey and Tripoli which extends Turkish maritime boundaries from the southwest Turkish coast to the coast of Derna and Tobruk.
More recenlyy , from the Government of National Unity in May 2021, the Libyan Foreign Minister Najla Mangoush in a press conference alongside the Turkish Foreign Minister, called Turkey to comply with the UN resolutions and withdraw the Turkish troops and mercenaries.


to your first point No and a big no . do not compare turkey with greek regarding the syrian-iraqi matter because of many thing and the most important is turkey share a border with syria and iraq while greek don't . I am an arab and I tell you that the situation in iraq and syria is a shit show . what happened in these countries is far exceeding what you know and think in your own way . to make it short for you , syria and iraq became a ghost countries with no control or power of their own people on their land .

I believe that turkey have the right to interfere to protect it's border and national security from any threat . In fact I admire that turkey is doing more than they should do by creating a atmosphere so people can live with less fear , and people in north syria and iraq appreciate that since their own government don't give a f .

regarding Libya . it's obvious to me and you and everyone that greek don't give a shit who win or lose or die . what's matter to greek is the EEZ between turkey and the official libyan government. look at your PM and how active he is after the deal between TR and libya .

what I can tell you this moment is this , greek supporting to dictator hafter will backfire and very very hard on you . right now Hafter lost all the libyan citizen trust that will result in losing the elections and eventually he will start a new war because he didn't get what he wants .

the next libyan war is going to be a huge lose to hafter and for greek , france and eygpt . Libyan people are a tribe mentality people and they will never forget greek supporting who killed them . even after 100 years ago the libyan didn't forget Mustafa Kamal Ataturk when he tried to help them in ww1 , yes he failed but his good deed is still cherished in their memory until now .

I hope greek for once think right and stop being a hostile to turkey , because they will gain much more than they will lose . Armenia realized that finally , armenia PM officially asked russia to start the diplomatic connection between Turkey and Armenia with russia as mediator.

sorry for long reply



to your first point No and a big no . do not compare turkey with greek regarding the syrian-iraqi matter because of many thing and the most important is turkey share a border with syria and iraq while greek don't . I am an arab and I tell you that the situation in iraq and syria is a shit show . what happened in these countries is far exceeding what you know and think in your own way . to make it short for you , syria and iraq became a ghost countries with no control or power of their own people on their land .

I believe that turkey have the right to interfere to protect it's border and national security from any threat . In fact I admire that turkey is doing more than they should do by creating a atmosphere so people can live with less fear , and people in north syria and iraq appreciate that since their own government don't give a f .

regarding Libya . it's obvious to me and you and everyone that greek don't give a shit who win or lose or die . what's matter to greek is the EEZ between turkey and the official libyan government. look at your PM and how active he is after the deal between TR and libya .

what I can tell you this moment is this , greek supporting to dictator hafter will backfire and very very hard on you . right now Hafter lost all the libyan citizen trust that will result in losing the elections and eventually he will start a new war because he didn't get what he wants .

the next libyan war is going to be a huge lose to hafter and for greek , france and eygpt . Libyan people are a tribe mentality people and they will never forget greek supporting who killed them . even after 100 years ago the libyan didn't forget Mustafa Kamal Ataturk when he tried to help them in ww1 , yes he failed but his good deed is still cherished in their memory until now .

I hope greek for once think right and stop being a hostile to turkey , because they will gain much more than they will lose . Armenia realized that finally , armenia PM officially asked russia to start the diplomatic connection between Turkey and Armenia with russia as mediator.

sorry for long reply
He won't understand this


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man probably can't tell the difference between a mercenary and a professional state soldier invited by the country's international recognised government, his racism running deep to the point of mental illness.
Remember. They’re under US invasion...


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Iraq may complain ama they are perfectly fine with Turkey kicking pkks ass. In short they are quietly approving Turkey getting rid of terrorists in their country. If only they get rid of iranian influence.

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