TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq


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Turkey urges neighbors to stop supporting PKK terrorists​


JUN 06, 2021 9:34 PM GMT+3
Kurdish Peshmerga fighters gather near a frontline during fighting with Daesh terrorists in Bashiqa, east of Mosul, Iraq, Nov. 8, 2016. (AP File Photo)
Kurdish Peshmerga fighters gather near a frontline during fighting with Daesh terrorists in Bashiqa, east of Mosul, Iraq, Nov. 8, 2016. (AP File Photo)

Turkey’s Defense Ministry called on the global community to stop their support for the PKK and its offshoots in Syria and Iraq, after the terrorist group killed five Kurdish Peshmerga soldiers in an attack Saturday.

“By attacking the Peshmerga, the PKK/KCK/YPG has once again shown that it poses the greatest threat to peace and stability in the region,” the ministry said in a statement, adding that the terrorists have shown that they cannot represent the Kurdish people.

The ministry continued by saying that friendly nations should especially see the true face of the PKK/KCK/YPG terrorists and stop providing assistance, especially weapons and ammunition.

“Turkey is ready to completely eliminate this treacherous and bloody terrorist organization, which brings nothing but instability, blood and tears to the region until the last terrorist is neutralized and is ready to cooperate with its neighbors regarding the matter,” the ministry said. Turkish authorities often use the term “neutralized” in statements to imply that the terrorists in question surrendered, were killed or captured.

The ministry also said that Turkey respects the territorial integrity of Iraq and is ready to provide support.

Meanwhile, Turkish soldier Infantry Sgt. Samet Şeker succumbed to his wounds after being injured in a counterterrorism operation in northern Iraq, the ministry said. Defense Minister Hulusi Akar also issued a statement, extending condolences for the fallen soldier.

Five Kurdish Peshmerga soldiers were killed on Saturday in an attack by the PKK terror group in Iraq’s northern Dohuk province, according to Serbest Lezgin, the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) deputy minister of Peshmerga affairs.

The fatalities occurred in an ambush set by PKK terrorists in Amadiya district, he said, adding that four other Peshmerga troops were injured in the attack.
The terrorists carried out the attack with a guided missile and escaped from the area after the attack, according to sources on the ground.

While some pro-PKK websites reported on unfounded claims holding the Turkish Armed Forces responsible for the attack, a statement by the KRG officials saying that the bodies of two PKK terrorists had been found at the scene revealed that the allegations were completely untrue.

The statement by the ministry sources came in response to the claims and they noted that the terror group targeted the Peshmerga soldiers who were on duty to ensure peace and safety of people living in their villages.

In its more than 40-year terror campaign against Turkey, the PKK – listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States and the European Union – has been responsible for the deaths of 40,000 people, including women, children and infants.



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ey (IMO): the first being is that turkey was helping an internationally recognised government which gave turkey a massive leverage in the international field. The second point

Syria is far easier for Turkey then Cyprus in 1974 was. Back then Turkey was 30 million people no defence industry and the soviet union on both her borders. Both the UK and Soviet Union threatened war against Turkey if she liberated the land. Turks went in and smashed the greeks and the world looked on.

Who we are today in terms of military power is completely different to then and who we will be in 10 years from now will be different again. 10 to 15 years from now you are looking at a nation of 100 million people with a powerful domestic military industry.

As for Russia, Russians wont risk an all out war with Turkey for northern Syria, because regionally we are much stronger here then Russia is. And Russians would not want to give such a gift to the west then to go to war with Turkey. They will threaten and they will bark but when all is said and done they will cut a deal as they have done everywhere else Turkey showed balls, whether it be syria, libya or azerbaijan.

Within 20 years Turkey will annex northern Syria/Iraq.

Going back to the Cyprus war when the greeks soldiers tried to hide in the british bases, the Turkish army even fired warning shots at the british telling them that if they continue to harbour the enemy the Turks would target them too and the british submitted and told the greeks to leave. This is in 1974, today we are 90 million people with a growing military industry.

Everyone can talk, but not everyone is willing to fight.


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You do make sense from a different perspective
But From how I see it..... and I dont mean any insult to turkey or turks whatsoever....

IN LIBYA, Three factors helped turkey (IMO): the first being is that turkey was helping an internationally recognised government which gave turkey a massive leverage in the international field.
Thats irrelevant, having supported the GNA wasnt really seen as any different then the LNA.

The second point is that USA didnt want khalifa haftar to win because if he did, russia can deploy nuclear bombers just 15 km from the doors of spain and italy (which are tha backbone of europe's economy and have many reputable defense companies and ofcourse control of trade).
The US under Trump didnt care, AFRICOM was merely concerned and probably still is, in the Libyan theatre the US isnt part of this conflict and Spain and Italy are indifferent to Russia. The Russians are still in Al-Jufra and Sirte.

The third being that france was one of the main contributors to haftar; after turkey stepped in and exposed the russian-french alliance with khalifa haftar many europeans were skeptic about france which made them reduce their contribution to a great degree
Thats also not true, because of the fact that France is in the EU, where the absolute majority of nations are small, weak and irrelevant it maneuvered together with Greece in a way to align the interests of their nations as EU interests, as a result there is the ongoing operation IRINI which was/is meant as a way to controll and stop Turkish shipments towards misrata and tripoli, they obviously had limited success since some shipments were escorted by Turkish warships while Russians vessels were not searched and basically given free pass.

In Azerbaijan, turkey again had the leverage in the international arena by saying that armenia refused to leave the occupied territories for nearly 30 years and this was signed by USA, france, and russia; thus if tye west intervened, they would appear as hypocrites and non peace loving.
We didnt have any leverage in Karabakh in fact we arent even part of the minsk group. The whole conflict was not fought diplomatically but with pure hardpower and honestly, the last thing the US, France and Russia care about is if they appear as hypocrites lol

Moreover, armenia is russia's plaything. If turkey waned the armenian and russian influence in the Caucases it is better for NATO overall. Finally, Armenia's importance is less than Iraq or Syria
Turkish interests are not those of NATO, we dont care about NATO, the main motivation is the return of Azeri lands, what the Russians plan domestically in armenia is their own thing, we see armenia and especially armenians as a hopeless bunch.

In Syria, it is way messed up: Turkey had a bit of leverage with the secret deal they made with the father of the current ruler of syria. Moreover, turkey entering the game means getting in a fight with russia which will buy time for the USA to set up the kurdish state although turkey also attacks kurds which USA doesnt like
In Syria we also dont hold any leverage, treaties and deals mean little in Syria, the only way u make the opposite sides understand is again trough hard power.

And not really..... i dont think u guys will be involved in other conflicts nor will expand.... unless the current situation improves, CHP will win the 2023 elections and CHP made themselves clear that they arent interested by this sort of thing especially when KK of CHP himself once asked "why the hell are we in libya" which indicates short sightedness and lack of vision which are qualities necessary for a ruler tbh! Furthermore, i would say 4 more years and turkey would enter a period of political turbulence just like the current ISRAEL due to HDP as many turks hates it (from what I heard) but the CHP will make massive sacrifices to keep them so that they can gain the the higher no. of seats in the parliament imo

Thats also not true, both the chp and iyi parti have criticized the deployment because it was instant, they wanted to understand why there is a need for a deployment and argumented against it based on the experiences from the syrian civil war, they werent per se agains the deployment and nowadays support it. Actually not much will change post-erdo in regards to geopolitics.

There is a lot of homework u need to do @Lool thats to many errors.
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Thats irrelevant, having supported the GNA wasnt really seen as any different then the LNA.

The US under Trump didnt care, AFRICOM was merely concerned and probably still is, in the Libyan theatre the US isnt part of this conflict and Spain and Italy are indifferent to Russia. The Russians are still in Al-Jufra and Sirte.

Thats also not true, because of the fact that France is in the EU, where the absolute majority of nations are small, weak and irrelevant it maneuvered together with Greece in a way to align the interests of their nations as EU interests, as a result there is the ongoing operation IRINI which was/is meant as a way to controll and stop Turkish shipments towards misrata and tripoli, they obviously had limited success since some shipments were escorted by Turkish warships while Russians vessels were not searched and basically given free pass.

We didnt have any leverage in Karabakh in fact we arent even part of the minsk group. The whole conflict was not fought diplomatically but with pure hardpower and honestly, the last thing the US, France and Russia care about is if they appear as hypocrites lol

Turkish interests are not those of NATO, we dont care about NATO, the main motivation is the return of Azeri lands, what the Russians plan domestically in armenia is their own thing, we see armenia and especially armenians as a hopeless bunch.

In Syria we also dont hold any leverage, treaties and deals mean little in Syria, the only way u make the opposite sides understand is again trough hard power.

Thats also not true, both the chp and iyi parti have criticized the deployment because it was instant, they wanted to understand why there is a need for a deployment and argumented against it based on the experiences from the syrian civil war, they werent per se agains the deployment and nowadays support it. Actually not much will change post-erdo in regards to geopolitics.

There is a lot of homework u need to do @Spook thats to many errors.

Great post from both of you guys. Great work.


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Turkey urges neighbors to stop supporting PKK terrorists​


JUN 06, 2021 9:34 PM GMT+3
Kurdish Peshmerga fighters gather near a frontline during fighting with Daesh terrorists in Bashiqa, east of Mosul, Iraq, Nov. 8, 2016. (AP File Photo)
Kurdish Peshmerga fighters gather near a frontline during fighting with Daesh terrorists in Bashiqa, east of Mosul, Iraq, Nov. 8, 2016. (AP File Photo)

Turkey’s Defense Ministry called on the global community to stop their support for the PKK and its offshoots in Syria and Iraq, after the terrorist group killed five Kurdish Peshmerga soldiers in an attack Saturday.

“By attacking the Peshmerga, the PKK/KCK/YPG has once again shown that it poses the greatest threat to peace and stability in the region,” the ministry said in a statement, adding that the terrorists have shown that they cannot represent the Kurdish people.

The ministry continued by saying that friendly nations should especially see the true face of the PKK/KCK/YPG terrorists and stop providing assistance, especially weapons and ammunition.

“Turkey is ready to completely eliminate this treacherous and bloody terrorist organization, which brings nothing but instability, blood and tears to the region until the last terrorist is neutralized and is ready to cooperate with its neighbors regarding the matter,” the ministry said. Turkish authorities often use the term “neutralized” in statements to imply that the terrorists in question surrendered, were killed or captured.

The ministry also said that Turkey respects the territorial integrity of Iraq and is ready to provide support.

Meanwhile, Turkish soldier Infantry Sgt. Samet Şeker succumbed to his wounds after being injured in a counterterrorism operation in northern Iraq, the ministry said. Defense Minister Hulusi Akar also issued a statement, extending condolences for the fallen soldier.

Five Kurdish Peshmerga soldiers were killed on Saturday in an attack by the PKK terror group in Iraq’s northern Dohuk province, according to Serbest Lezgin, the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) deputy minister of Peshmerga affairs.

The fatalities occurred in an ambush set by PKK terrorists in Amadiya district, he said, adding that four other Peshmerga troops were injured in the attack.
The terrorists carried out the attack with a guided missile and escaped from the area after the attack, according to sources on the ground.

While some pro-PKK websites reported on unfounded claims holding the Turkish Armed Forces responsible for the attack, a statement by the KRG officials saying that the bodies of two PKK terrorists had been found at the scene revealed that the allegations were completely untrue.

The statement by the ministry sources came in response to the claims and they noted that the terror group targeted the Peshmerga soldiers who were on duty to ensure peace and safety of people living in their villages.

In its more than 40-year terror campaign against Turkey, the PKK – listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States and the European Union – has been responsible for the deaths of 40,000 people, including women, children and infants.

Again, what the turkish defense minister is saying is quite useless tbh
The USA and Europe arent supporting the PKK just for fun
For the USA, the PKK is the only excuse for the presence of american troops on syrian soil
For Europe and USA, it is the best method for weakening turkey and iran

No matter what the whole world say, the usa and europe will always support the PKK until the last kurdish citizen is alive
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Syria is far easier for Turkey then Cyprus in 1974 was. Back then Turkey was 30 million people no defence industry and the soviet union on both her borders. Both the UK and Soviet Union threatened war against Turkey if she liberated the land. Turks went in and smashed the greeks and the world looked on.

Who we are today in terms of military power is completely different to then and who we will be in 10 years from now will be different again. 10 to 15 years from now you are looking at a nation of 100 million people with a powerful domestic military industry.

As for Russia, Russians wont risk an all out war with Turkey for northern Syria, because regionally we are much stronger here then Russia is. And Russians would not want to give such a gift to the west then to go to war with Turkey. They will threaten and they will bark but when all is said and done they will cut a deal as they have done everywhere else Turkey showed balls, whether it be syria, libya or azerbaijan.

Within 20 years Turkey will annex northern Syria/Iraq.

Going back to the Cyprus war when the greeks soldiers tried to hide in the british bases, the Turkish army even fired warning shots at the british telling them that if they continue to harbour the enemy the Turks would target them too and the british submitted and told the greeks to leave. This is in 1974, today we are 90 million people with a growing military industry.

Everyone can talk, but not everyone is willing to fight.
Good point tbh

Certainly the cyprus issue was more difficult than syria
But in current geopolitics and the sudden rise of turkey, if i was in the USA or Europe place, i would do everything i can to stop turkey from getting these lands and without a doubt they have the means to do so..... from what i see they believe that the several parties in syria will never work or accept one another and they are right tbh.... i talked to several syrians on different platforms and many of the sunni ones normally say that they see turkey as an ally but will never accept turkey's annexation. Moreover, the areas you are talking about are mainly filled with radical kurds. Take care, you put them in turkey and they will change the demographic..... from what i heard the current HDP is already a pain in the ass


Again, what the turkish defense minister is saying is quite useless tbh
The USA and Europe arent supporting the PKK just for fun
For the USA, the PKK is the only excuse for the presence of american troops on syrian soil
For Europe and USA, it is the best method for weakening turkey and iran

No matter what the whole world say, the usa and europe will always support the PKK until the last kurdish citizen is alive

Is there evidence the US/Europe directly supports the PKK ?


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Is there evidence the US/Europe directly supports the PKK ?
Come on, let's not cross the red-line with a discussion for what is the obvious.
You may see whose voice is raised as those rats are bombed in Norther Iraq.
Who has armed them in a rush with billion dollars worth equipment and gifted northern Syria to them.
And who is supplying them with MANPADS.


Come on, let's not cross the red-line with a discussion for what is the obvious.
You may see whose voice is raised as those rats are bombed in Norther Iraq.
Who has armed them in a rush with billion dollars worth equipment and gifted northern Syria to them.
And who is supplying them with MANPADS.

There is a huge black market. The US designating them alongside Europe and maintaining that terrorist designation is probably the most important help we have in the war. Not to mention the information sharing agreements which the US terminated recently.


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There is a huge black market. The US designating them alongside Europe and maintaining that terrorist designation is probably the most important help we have in the war. Not to mention the information sharing agreements which the US terminated recently.
Black Market? Come on.

The black market is flushed by Chinese(indirect),Soviet(indirect) and Iranian(directly selling) weapons, not Western products (they are not really cost effective too). Not especially the advanced weapons like RCWS, jamming resistance frequency hopping drone parts and 3rd/4th gen MANPADS.

So now we are supposed to trust their words on recognizing those as terrorist groups as if their intelligence organizations really care about the legal descriptions?
There has been multiple signs of US and some other Western countries have been providing intelligence to PKK in several occasions.
Wait, what US top soldiers were doing in a PKK.
I think don't try to intend to do a confession on behalf of the west to get cleansed from their wrong doings. They have been doing it, and they still do it as long as it remains in their own favor.


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There is a huge black market. The US designating them alongside Europe and maintaining that terrorist designation is probably the most important help we have in the war. Not to mention the information sharing agreements which the US terminated recently.
ypg = pkk. All weapons sent to ypg end up at the hands of pkk.


Black Market? Come on.

The black market is flushed by Chinese(indirect),Soviet(indirect) and Iranian(directly selling) weapons, not Western products (they are not really cost effective too). Not especially the advanced weapons like RCWS, jamming resistance frequency hopping drone parts and 3rd/4th gen MANPADS.

So now we are supposed to trust their words on recognizing those as terrorist groups as if their intelligence organizations really care about the legal descriptions?
There has been multiple signs of US and some other Western countries have been providing intelligence to PKK in several occasions.
Wait, what US top soldiers were doing in a PKK.
I think don't try to intend to do a confession on behalf of the west to get cleansed from their wrong doings. They have been doing it, and they still do it as long as it remains in their own favor.

The Taliban have acquired similar equipment. It would be a huge nightmare if the PKK is delisted. You'd see enormous western support erupt overnight.

Yeah there is a huge blackmarket for weapons. It is quite easy to acquire US weapons in Iraq for example, AR platforms e.t.c. Iraq and now Syria is a huge blackmarket opportunity for the PKK.

East Europe has plenty of criminal gangs that trade:

The MANPAD that the PKK used in a video a while ago was a SA-7, easily acquirable from Columbia/Venezuela.



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Yeah there is a huge blackmarket for weapons. It is quite easy to acquire US weapons in Iraq for example, AR platforms e.t.c. Iraq and now Syria is a huge blackmarket opportunity for the PKK.
You are giving AR example while i am telling about some drone parts which was usually subjected to the export licenses.
Anyway, you can not really get West cleansed from their support on terrorist organizations,including PKK/YPG. You may try to,but nobody here would buy it.
How about MANPADS used by YPG and known to diffuse to PKK? By the way, what YPG would do with MANPADS,really, does ISIS has an airforce that we are not aware?
The rifles given to YPG was found to be used by PKK with scratched serial numbers. And you give a chance for some western weapons to diffuse from YPG to PKK without an actual permission?


You are giving AR example while i am telling about some drone parts which was usually subjected to the export licenses.
Anyway, you can not really get West cleansed from their support on terrorist organizations,including PKK/YPG. You may try to,but nobody here would buy it.
How about MANPADS used by YPG and known to diffuse to PKK? By the way, what YPG would do with MANPADS,really, does ISIS has an airforce that we are not aware?

Drone parts ? go to alibaba express. The West does not consider the YPG to be the PKK, though they are trying to support the arabic components of the SDF from what I can see.

I supplied a link to MANPADs in my previous post - look at the document. Also all of the MANPADs seen used are derivatives of Russian systems. Which would mean the US is purchasing large quanities of Russian weapons then airlifting them/delivering them to the SDF for diffusion to the PKK which they provide Turkey information on. The US knows the PKK is losing and that Turkey will conduct cross-border operations...what would they gain ?

The SDF is a different problem. 100,000 troops armed and trained on the southern border.


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Mate, I assume you have somewhat understanding of the PKK/ROJ TV issue, I know because it was broadcasting from Denmark, under the freedom of expression they were allowed to do terror propoganda.

Now, you know what happened after TR presented a shitload of evidence and such. The danish justice system started the case (their own police gathered info too) and nearly reached a guilty of terror verdict, when the ROJ company went bankrupt and opened a new office in Netherlands or some such.

The case ended up in the trashbin. All that hard work and they just open a new channel somewhere in Europe. Europe is tolerating PKK terrorism sympatizer and aren't even hunting them down for terror financing or such. They let terrorism supporters demonstrate in open streets. So yes, EU is tolerating and even supporting terrorism by allowing them to move around freely unhindered.

Germany did act at one point, but not a single EU country used the opportunity to crack down on terrorism. Because they live by the doctrine a snake that doesn't bite me can live.

Personally I would have made laws that made it illegal to demonstrate for groups, organizations on the EU terrorlist. people demonstrating would lose wellfare support etc. NOW That would benefit all parts except terrorists.


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Drone parts ? go to alibaba express. The West does not consider the YPG to be the PKK, though they are trying to support the arabic components of the SDF from what I can see.

I supplied a link to MANPADs in my previous post - look at the document. Also all of the MANPADs seen used are derivatives of Russian systems. Which would mean the US is purchasing large quanities of Russian weapons then airlifting them/delivering them to the SDF for diffusion to the PKK which they provide Turkey information on. The US knows the PKK is losing and that Turkey will conduct cross-border operations...what would they gain ?

The SDF is a different problem. 100,000 troops armed and trained on the southern border.

Americans also gave manpads to the sdf does isis use helicopters??

Lots of questions to be asked


Mate, I assume you have somewhat understanding of the PKK/ROJ TV issue, I know because it was broadcasting from Denmark, under the freedom of expression they were allowed to do terror propoganda.

Now, you know what happened after TR presented a shitload of evidence and such. The danish justice system started the case and nearly reached a guilty of terror verdict, when the ROJ company went bankrupt and opened a new office in Netherlands or some such.

The case ended up in the trashbin. All that hard work and they just open a new channel somewhere in Europe. Europe is tolerating PKK terrorism sympatizer and aren't even hunting them down for terror financing or such. They let terrorism supporters demonstrate in open streets. So yes, EU is tolerating and even supporting terrorism by allowing them to move around freely unhindered.

Germany did act at one point, but not a single EU country used the opportunity to crack down on terrorism. Because they live by the doctrine a snake that doesn't bite me can live.

Personally I would have made laws that made it illegal to demonstrate for groups, organizations on the EU terrorlist. people demonstrating would lose wellfare support etc. NOW That would benefit all parts except terrorists.

I mean I agree. But these are laws that would have to come into play. It's not the same as saying they directly finance or arm the PKK, which is serious accusations. Remember when damn Time magazine reported on the ISIS gift shop in Istanbul and people started saying Turkey supported ISIS ?

My comment was mainly that the US has not supported the PKK within Turkey at all, at any point, rather it has supported Turkey. Externally, there is the YPG. It's a different game.

I'm a big believer in Occam's Razor.

The US is gaining something by using the YPG which they couldn't using the FSA. The YPG shares idealogies with the PKK and can be said to be the PKK.

But the West doesn't see it that way. The US has always supported Turkey during the war with the PKK internally (NATO involvement), but in Syria are attempting something else. I don't think they intentionally support the PKK at all. Constantly printing media articles linking US to PKK harms the relationship I think.

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