Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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What are we waiting for? Its time to intervene.

Otherwise the TAF must topple Erdogan.

Shia militia, YPG, PKK, Syrian regime forces, SDF, US Rangers, Spetsnaz, IRGC, Wagner, they are all digging and regrouping in the north.

We cant fight them all together. What is he thinking?


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I just saw a video of pkk shelling of Turkish base in Syria the date was from 24th of July. Why our soldiers waiting there like sitting ducks? How they can easily target our base? According to the post there was casualty.

I saw official statements, about retaliation killing dozens of terrorists. I don't care if we kill terrorists after we give martyrs.


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The refugee deal was the biggest mistake Erdogan did in the last 10 years, he could have hurt Europe really hard if he didn't prevent them from crossing over, later he easily could enforce European support for Syria -> safe zone.

But they rather choose the peanuts (€6billion) and turning the country into a money draining refugee camp. European laughed in our faces and now even talk about to send their current refugees back to Türkiye. That's how serious they take our world leader.

Only a fool or a traitor would have signed that sort of agreement. The only way you could have got the EU to get out of Turkeys way concerning Syria was to allow the refugees to move towards europe, that way the europeans would rather support a Turkish safe zone then suffer millions of refugees. Instead he signed a stupid agreement which leaves Turkey with millions of refugees and the EU still gets to oppose us over moves into Syria.

But this agreement is classic erdogan, where Turkey loses and continues to lose.

Don't forget this is the man that thought it was a good idea to open the entire state to FETO. The same man who supported FETO's witch hunt against patriots of the state.


2 3,159
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I just saw a video of pkk shelling of Turkish base in Syria the date was from 24th of July. Why our soldiers waiting there like sitting ducks? How they can easily target our base? According to the post there was casualty.

I saw official statements, about retaliation killing dozens of terrorists. I don't care if we kill terrorists after we give martyrs.

Thats the biggest issue and is known for years, the rats will strike u constantly and u will retalite with some symbolic artillery strikes into empty fields rather then cleaning out the source of that scum but ye they rather have the losses pile up and do nothing or to late it seems.



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What are we waiting for? Its time to intervene.

Otherwise the TAF must topple Erdogan.

Shia militia, YPG, PKK, Syrian regime forces, SDF, US Rangers, Spetsnaz, IRGC, Wagner, they are all digging and regrouping in the north.

We cant fight them all together. What is he thinking?

Our whole backyard is a playground for fcking scumbags.


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As i said this Goverment has no cojones they are weak, probably suffer from Stockholm Sydrome as well especially after all the hilarious statements in Teheran and the incidents right after the meeting.

They couldn't even counter the claims from Iraq. They are fooled, slapped left and right in the political stage.
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As i said this Goverment has no cojones they are weak, probably suffer from Stockholm Sydrome as well especially after all the hilarious statements in Teheran and the incidents right after the meeting.

They couldn't even counter the hilarious claims from Iraq. They are fooled and slapped left and right in the political stage.

"we can come suddenly one night" meanwhile the bodies keep piling up and nothing is done. Only Turkish outrage can get things done from now on. If erdogan feels that the outrage could topple him he will be forced to move, just as was the case when the Russians murdered Turkish troops in idlib.

International leaders perceive him as an incompetent coward and act accordingly. This is why even the iraqis feel confident barking at Turkey. Its also shown in wikileaks concerning any international figure talking about erdogan, they perceive him as a fool. Even the WikiLeaks from Alieyev confirmed the same things.

This is why religion should be separate from politics in Turkey, its far too easy for charlatans to trick religious people. Just like when the Imam tricked the muslim that the imam needs to have sex with his wife to exercise her of demons. So his wife got screwed on camera and he gets humilated for the rest of his life. But of course in his mind a great thing has been achieved.

In this case the nations keeps getting screwed on the international arena, meanwhile his supporters feel as if great things are being achieved.
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What are we waiting for? Its time to intervene.

Otherwise the TAF must topple Erdogan.

Shia militia, YPG, PKK, Syrian regime forces, SDF, US Rangers, Spetsnaz, IRGC, Wagner, they are all digging and regrouping in the north.

We cant fight them all together. What is he thinking?
to be fair, that sounds like one hell of a fight to win. when you get to defeat all those in one go, what else is left to fight?

this might be a deliberate choice to end the fight once and for all, but I too have my doubts.


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The longer the inaction the more the enemies against Turkey built up in the north of syria. More could come tomorrow if erdogan wastes another 10 years. Remember there was a time when the Russians, Americans and Shia terrorist factions had very little presence or none in the north.

By constantly threatening to go in, but at the same time do nothing he rushed the enemies of Turkey to move troops and material into the region. He also created an enviroment where all the players are happy to work together against Turkey. The USA, Russia, Iran and PKK all on the same side in northern syria against Turkey. Meanwhile the Syrian rebels are left alone to be defended by Turkey, everyone dropped them the moment they were no longer of any use. It didnt help either that they were too busy killing each other instead on focussing on Assads forces.

The best thing would be to pretend you have no interest in northern syria and then to actually come suddenly one night and to keep doing it until the threat is defeated. He did the opposide, he constantly barked he's coming and then he didnt time and time again.

Now we repeat the cycle again, what meeting we waiting for now before he goes in again?

The syrian people who fought against their dictator have been swept aside. What matters now is whether the american/europeans get to create their kurdistan, a people happy to help the invading americans/russians against the syrian state whether the Russians get to carve their region of influence and how much iran can hold onto by keeping the dictator in power.

The syrian people are left to hope on erdogan, at least what remained in syria since most of them already fled.
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What are we waiting for? Its time to intervene.

Otherwise the TAF must topple Erdogan.

Shia militia, YPG, PKK, Syrian regime forces, SDF, US Rangers, Spetsnaz, IRGC, Wagner, they are all digging and regrouping in the north.

We cant fight them all together. What is he thinking?
My personal opinion without knowing all details on the training, equipment, and motivation of our troops: America will not go into war with us directly. All of the rest we can fight. We shouldnt allow at our border all these terrorists. It is getting ridiculous. A great cleaning action is overdue there. For my taste I would rather say a carnage. As I keep saying we should shock and awe. So that they wont dare to send more troops or no one would want to stand in front of us...


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And for God's sake. We should never ask for permission from Russia (I dont even count Iran). We should tell them they can only stay in Syria so close to our border only with our permission.


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One more thing: the reason why we are asking permission from Russia is due to a fallacy of balance policy. We dont want to alienate Russia because then America will have it easier. But this is suffocating us and we cant act. We should team up with America and kick out Russia from there. Same can be done against Iran. In the meantime we can signal some cooperation with them. Once we have only America there against us we can challenge them. By that time maybe Trump will be there, maybe Tayvan will be in the focus so most probably America will not go into war with us. So the whole Syria will be cleaned.


2 3,159
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One more thing: the reason why we are asking permission from Russia is due to a fallacy of balance policy. We dont want to alienate Russia because then America will have it easier. But this is suffocating us and we cant act. We should team up with America and kick out Russia from there. Same can be done against Iran. In the meantime we can signal some cooperation with them. Once we have only America there against us we can challenge them. By that time maybe Trump will be there, maybe Tayvan will be in the focus so most probably America will not go into war with us. So the whole Syria will be cleaned.

u must be new, the americans dont give a fck about russia and iran, they willingly gave areas to them just so we cant have them lel

their one and only intention these days is to support the kurds there lel

I also dont think erdo is asking anyone for permission but they simply dont want to directly challenge anyone either imo, thats a wrong approach but thats their type of thinking but such a mindset will result in others challenging u and thats something they still dont really grasp or maybe thats something they prefer over directly challenging others, i dont know but its weird and its dragging out a solution.

Ur a neighbouring country that hosts directly and indirectly half of that population, u need that safe zone and if someone wants to challenge that u will challenge them directly, acting with an iron fist is necessary and neither the americans or the russians will be able to challenge, they were able to do that years ago but years ago u didnt have ukraine or taiwan in such an atmosphere so lets see and if the sultan doesnt make its move then things will get also interesting once the opposition takes over since assad is clearly on the side of the pkk some military action against him will be one way another also needed.


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Unfortunately we have put ourselves in such a bad situation I am afraid we wont be able to get out of it without big concessions. I am sure the new government will neglect defense industry, and make those concessions. Still, we cannot continue with the current one. On all fronts we are in such a shitty situation I can only state it in Turkish: Asagi tükürsen sakal, yukari tükürsen biyik!


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official : turkey will not conduct an operation in north Syria

Yap, işlet ve devret mantığı Akkuyu Nükleer Santralinde Ruslar tarafından gerçekleştirilen olay. Dolayısıyla onunla pek bir alakası olduğunu düşünmüyorum.

Build, operate and transfer. This logic is the event carried out by the Russians at the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant. So, I don't think it has anything to do with it.


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official : turkey will not conduct an operation in north Syria

I'm tired of these ak party arse lickers. The agreement is the Russians pay to build it and then get to sell Turkey expensive energy that the state guarantees to buy making Russia lots of money in the long term. It also gives the Russians more leverage over Turkeys energy concerns. Such a dumb deal to make.

There is no good will gesture, stop hiding from the fact that the russians shat all over your grain deal in less then a day. Your great caliph is treated like a clown by Russia, the nation you islamists spent decades trying to brainwash the Turkish people that they were our friends. The same people that killed our troops and then advertised it on national TV when erdogan tried to hide it from the public.

These twitter shills are absolutely shameless.

If the Turkish people don't wake up these frauds will steal the futures of many of your future generations to come.

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