Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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I'm sure those are assad supporters.
It is better do not comment with out having a clue about Arabs!!
They were traitors during ww1,and traitors now.
Akp made a mistake by trying to use these religious guys!! We should not choose a side in Syrian conflict hence we would not have this much shits!!
We were economically and politically strong before shits hit the fans in Syria and Egypt!!
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It is better do not comment with out having a clue about Arabs!!
They were traitors during ww1,and traitors now.
Akp made a mistake by trying to use these religious guys!! We should not choose a side in Syrian conflict hence we would not have this much shits!!
We were economically and politically strong before shits hit the fans in Syria and Egypt!!

Arabs are better off if they are divided.

Egypt and Syria have been our enemies decades.


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Are people forgetting that the secular/socialist arab regimes have always been hostile to Turkiye.

Hence why we have came close to war with both Iraq and Syria. Egypt under Gamal Nasser and Hosni Mubarak have been hostile to us.

Its stupid to believe that that the Gulf Arabs are the only ones hostile to us.


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Syrians are attacking and burning turkish flags in syria. These are the brothers of akp whom we gave our tax money.

Its because emotional and short sighted Cavusoglu spoke without thinking again, these arabs think erdogan is capitulating and selling them out to Assad.

Tomorrow when erdogan sells out the arab in syria, the arab refugees within Turkey will start rioting and committing crimes.

Mashallah Islam made the Turk numb in head.


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As a malaysian,i just don't get it.Why so much hate toward arabs.
I understand the hatred toward greek,armenian and even kurd...But why Arabs.


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As a malaysian,i just don't get it.Why so much hate toward arabs.
I understand the hatred toward greek,armenian and even kurd...But why Arabs.

I dont hate them dont worry. I dont hate anybody.

My criticism has always been political. I dont believe in racial supremacy what so ever.

There is numerous factors onto why Turks hate Arabs.

-historical greivances
-racial supremacy
-skin colour
-them being rich and buying up land
-geopolitical rivalry
-refugees who are competing with the local people in jobs
-refugees engaging in crime has also pissed off locals
-refugees are believed to be living a better life than the locals
-arabs are also normally accused of engaging in terrorism because Isis and al qaeda two terrorist groups who come from majority arab backgrounds
-Turkiye is a poor country with millions of refugees. This has led to lots of disdain and anger with the economic crisis that is happening and its making the situation even worse that some local Turks have formed vigilante groups
-low fertility rates among Turks and high fertility rates among Arabs and Kurds has to the belief that Turks will be replaced demographically in the future because they are no longer having kids.

You will get lots of different responses. Which range from positive feelings to neutral to outright hostility.


8 2,075
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As a malaysian,i just don't get it.Why so much hate toward arabs.
I understand the hatred toward greek,armenian and even kurd...But why Arabs.
Because the Arabs are treacherous and betrayed us many times. Even in Azerbaijan 's just war , most of them and including the Palestinian administration supported Armenia . They are not with us on the Cyprus issue, only Gaddafi gave support. They are not with us in any matter related to Turkey and Turks, and they are always enemies. There have always been prejudices and contempt for Turks throughout history. However, they have turned their geography into hell and have watched their people be murdered and raped. It has now become a shithole without democracy, human rights, education, justice, equality, science and culture. I think the Prophet would die of pain if he saw it, they betrayed him too.


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Watch your tongues, it is possible to criticize Syria, the SNA, Assad, Arabs, Saudis etc without calling an entire race savages or inuman.


Also akp is still building retarded buildings in syria with our tax money Like bruh our economy can't even sustain us WHY DO WE HAVE TO LOOK AFTER SOME ARABS I don't give a fuck how they live or what they do my tax money should be spent on better stuff.


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Arabs must stop nonsense about family, tribe, clan, dynasty and sect. In this world and era, some things must change, they must go towards development. Fundamental revolutions are needed, but first, the practices of the Umayyad mentality must be abandoned. They should also abandon their Shiite and Sunni fabrications and meet with Islam in the real sense.


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As a malaysian,i just don't get it.Why so much hate toward arabs.
I understand the hatred toward greek,armenian and even kurd...But why Arabs.

Turks don't hate Arabs, if anything the religion makes large segments of Turkish society cuck for them, but from a political perspective in the sense of state to state relations they have almost entirely been enemies to the Turks. For example during the Cyprus troubles when the greeks were attempting the genocide of the Turkish Cypriots the Syrians and Egyptian Arabs were sending the greeks weapons.

I suppose the other issue that eats away at some Turks from a religious perspective is they look at the Muslim world and they can't really find anywhere where Muslims helped the Turks in their wars with the Christian west.

This is why Pakistan or rather the Muslims of wider Indian continent get so much respect from the Turks, they helped the Turks during their independence war.

If you look at it from a religious perspective the Cyprus war had the Muslim Turks defeating the Christian Greeks, In the recent Azerbaijan/Armenia war we again had Muslim Turks defeating Christian armenians. Meanwhile the so called Muslim Arabs in general sided with the Christians.

Now neither war was about religion, but it goes to show how low the so called islamic arabs will behave that they will even support Christians to unjustly kill Muslims.

If Turks hated Arabs last thing we would have ever done is convert to Islam and figth a thousand years of war against the Christian, instead we would have become Christian. Even during Mehmed the Conquorors reign the pope of rome offered that if he and the Turks convert to christianity that the Turkish sultan would be made emperor of Europe and seen as the first among equals.

Turkish life would been hell of a lot easier had they become Christian instead of Muslim and God only knows the state the Muslims would be in now the Turks are not only not Muslim, but they are not fighting against the enemies of Islam but instead fight Islam as her enemy with Europe.

Even now millions of Arab refugees, where is the arab world to help us?

The so called Muslim world needs to ask itself why it isnt doing more to support Turkey, because a strong Turkey will benefit the Muslim world. Without Turkey the Muslims may be condemned.
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