« Les soldats marocains se disent prêts au combat contre l’Algérie » (média israélien)
La visite du ministre israélien de la Défense Benny Gantz au Maroc en fin de semaine a permis de lever une partie du voile sur les intentions belliqueuses du royaume à l’égard de l’Algérie.
"Moroccan soldiers say they are ready to fight against Algeria" (Israeli media)
Politics By: Ryad Hamadi Nov 26, 2021 at 5:57 PM
The Moroccan Army Preparing for War Against Algeria? Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz's visit to Morocco at the weekend helped lift some of the veil over the kingdom's bellicose intentions towards its neighbor to the east.
And it was the Israeli media i24news (owned by Patrick Drahi's Altice group) that sold the fuse. The journalist who accompanied Benny Gantz on an Israeli defense minister’s first visit to Morocco has made a revelation that sheds light on the state of mind within the Moroccan military. Matthias Inbar recounted some details of the visit of the Israeli Minister of Defense to a Moroccan military barracks.
His report, contained in this video spotted by our colleagues at Sputnik news, carries specific messages with regard to Algeria. First, he underlines the symbolic nature of the visit of the Israeli Minister of Defense to a Moroccan military base.
“There is a visit to a military base of the paratroopers. This is the first time and the symbol was particularly strong, of the Israeli military in uniform inside a military base in Morocco, "he said.
Next, the Israeli 24-hour news broadcaster reveals the contents of a discussion he had with Moroccan paratroopers.
"We have seen that there is an excess of confidence"
“I was able to talk to Moroccan soldiers on the off. We have seen that there is an excess of confidence. These Moroccan soldiers say they are ready for a fight against Algeria, "he said, going so far as to compare the current situation in Morocco to that of Israel before the Yom Kippur War in 1973.
Besides their readiness to confront their Algerian neighbors, Moroccan soldiers also dream of training with their new Israeli allies, according to the i24news reporter.
"They (Moroccan soldiers) are back, they absolutely want to share their knowledge with their Israeli counterparts, to train with them". "There is a meeting with the head of the Moroccan secret service where there was question of strategy," added the i24news reporter who said nothing about these exchanges with the Israeli military present during this visit.
The revelations of the Israeli media on the state of mind in this barracks of the first parachute division of Morocco are further proof of the war intentions of the kingdom Mohamed VI and his army towards Algeria.
They confirm once again the double game of King Mohamed VI who assured on July 31 that his country is neither a “danger” nor a “threat” for Algeria, but who is preparing his army for a war against its neighbor. from the east.
The i24news revelations come amid extreme tensions between the two countries, as Algeria decided to sever relations with Morocco at the end of August after a series of "hostile acts" by the kingdom.
These tensions reached a new peak after the assassination in a Moroccan bombing of three Algerian truckers at the border between Western Sahara and Mauritania. Algeria condemned a "cowardly" and "barbaric" assassination, carried out with "sophisticated weaponry" and promised that this "crime will not go unpunished". Morocco ignored Algerian accusations.