SE - Mass shooting in Sweden


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Yesterday there was a mass shooting in Sweden, and 11 people have been killed so far according to swedish news.

From Danish news site Berlingske, there is a comment from Syrian Embassy that some of the shot and dead are Syrians.

Syriske ofre blandt de døde
Syriske statsborgere er blandt ofrene i skyderiet i Örebro.
Det oplyser den syriske ambassade i Sverige ifølge Omni.
Der er uvist, hvor mange syriske ofre der er tale om.
I alt 11 mennesker er døde i angrebet, hvoraf gerningsmanden er en af dem.


As I see it, this is an armed racist attack on assylum/refugees in Sweden.

The school for adults was adjecent to a school with children.


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Again, a dark hand is trying to force Muslims into the conflict, and unless the instigating groups are eliminated, such incidents will continue one after another. A joint combat team must be established among some independent states against these global criminal organizers.


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Adnan tried to save a shot woman, but got shot.

From some other news I read the shooter seems to be a single odd person, who apparently had some shitty grades in school and seems to have a beef with the social system.

I don't think people should start looking at ulterior motives. All of this is happening because of the wars in ME and now that Assad is gone there is a chance to rebuild, but let's just remember that israel is another troublemaker causing trouble and displacing people. If western countries in the world don't make a ethical and principle stance then things will never improve.


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6 minutter siden
Josefine Harboe
Svensk politi bekræfter ikke gerningsmand
Svensk politi vil endnu ikke bekræfte, hvem gerningsmanden er. Det er til trods for, at flere svenske medier har bragt navn og billede på mistænkte.
Det fortæller politiefterforskere på pressemødet.
De har dog kraftige antagelser om, hvem det er. Her er der tale om en svensk mand med våbenlicens.
»Vi vil være sikre, inden vi udtaler os,« siger en af politiefterforskerne og fortæller, at de venter svar på DNA-prøve.
6 minutter siden

6 minutes ago
Josefine Harboe
Swedish police do not confirm perpetrator

Swedish police will not yet confirm who the perpetrator is. This is despite the fact that several Swedish media have published the name and picture of suspects.

This is what police investigators say at the press conference.

However, they have strong assumptions about who it is. In this case, it is a Swedish man with a weapons license.

"We want to be sure before we make a statement," says one of the police investigators and says that they are waiting for the results of a DNA test.

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