Β. Νέδος στην "Κ": 190 εκατ. για το ναύσταθμο Κρήτης, αποφάσεις για RM-70 και πυρομαχικά αρμάτων - Πτήση
Του Βασίλη Νέδου από την “Καθημερινή” Μια σειρά από πολύ σημαντικά προγράμματα και υποπρογράμματα ενίσχυσης των αποτρεπτικών δυνατοτήτων των Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων (Ε.Δ.) και συγκεκριμένα του Ελληνικού Στρατού (Ε.Σ.) και του Πολεμικού Ναυτικού (Π.Ν.), συνολικής αξίας περίπου 800 εκατ. ευρώ, παρουσίασε...

Google Translation follows:
By Vassilis Nedos from "Kathimerini"
A series of very important programs and sub-programs for strengthening the deterrent capabilities of the Armed Forces (ED) and specifically the Greek Army (ES) and the Navy (PN), with a total value of about 800 million euros , presented yesterday the Minister of National Defense Nikos Panagiotopoulos before the competent parliamentary committee.
The most important concerns the release of approximately 190 million euros for the upgrade and expansion of the infrastructure of the facilities of the port of Crete , one of the conditions for its gradual transformation into a permanent parking lot for part of the fleet of the Hellenic Navy. It is recalled that the work carried out there in recent years has been indirectly supported by the US, through surplus material and budget that was sometimes left over from the upgrading of US facilities on the other side of the Gulf of Souda, in Marathi.
The Parliament also passed yesterday the 160 million euro subsequent support of the S-70 Aegean Hawk helicopters of the PN, which are still the main tool of anti-submarine warfare on the frigates, despite the arrival of the new MH-60R . Significant expenditure (€ 90 million) is foreseen for the modernization of the multi-launcher RM-70 rocket launchers, while a similar budget will be used to upgrade the 122 mm rockets . A total of 150 million was decided to be spent for the supply of 30,000 120 mm missiles for the needs of the main LEO 2 tanks of the Greek Army. The competent parliamentary committee also passed the supply of new Hellfire missiles (AGM-114R) for Apache helicopters with laser guidance system, with a total budget of 20 million euros.
It is worth noting that an effort is being made in the coming days to pass through the competent committee and programs such as the deployment of three C-130s for maintenance and return to flight status in Israel, but also the upgrade of 38 F-16 Block 50 of the Air Force ( Π.Α.).