TAMS "KOLOSSOS" is an Interdisciplinary Tactical Exercise for Mid-level Troops of the 95th Senior Command of the National Guard Battalions (ADTE) "DIAGORIDON", in which its organic Units, Army Air Force and Combat Helicopters participated.
The exercises were carried out in the defensive operations by carrying out counterattacks and eliminating the air bridge, while artillery, tanks and mortars were fired in combination with fire from Attack Helicopters and Fighter Aircraft, as indicated by Attack Control Commanders (Terminal Control) .
The exercises were carried out in the defensive operations by carrying out counterattacks and eliminating the air bridge, while artillery, tanks and mortars were fired in combination with fire from Attack Helicopters and Fighter Aircraft, as indicated by Attack Control Commanders (Terminal Control) .
Διακλαδική Άσκηση «ΚΟΛΟΣΣΟΣ» - Γενικό Επιτελείο Εθνικής Άμυνας - Επίσημη Ιστοσελίδα
Την Τετάρτη 01 Δεκεμβρίου 2021, ο Αρχηγός ΓΕΕΘΑ Στρατηγός Κωνσταντίνος Φλώρος, συνοδευόμενος από τον Αρχηγό ΓΕΣ Αντιστράτηγο Χαράλαμπο Λαλούση, παρακολούθησε την τελική φάση της Διακλαδικής ΤΑΜΣ «ΚΟΛΟΣΣΟΣ», στο Πεδίο Βολής-Ασκήσεων «ΚΑΤΤΑΒΙΑΣ» στη Ρόδο. Την τελική φάση της άσκησης παρακολούθησαν...