In the first stage, 10 tons of annual production will be made at the facility. Production is expected to gradually increase to 600 tons in the following years.
Derya Maraşlıoğlu, Head of Technology Development Department of Eti Mining Operations, said that lithium and its compounds are among the important mines of the 21st century.
Stating that the importance of this mine is increasing day by day, especially due to the development of battery technology and the rapid growth of the market, Maraşlıoğlu said, "Unfortunately, there is no lithium resource with a known economic value in our country. When we look at recent years, 1000-1200 tons of lithium and its compounds enter our country. welcome. " said
Maraşlıoğlu stated that the price of lithium per ton has increased to 20 thousand dollars (about 160 liras per kilogram in TL) in recent years.
Derya Maraşlıoğlu, stating that boron products are manufactured at Eti Mining Facilities and that liquid and solid wastes are produced during production, said:
“We found lithium compound in our boron waste. We have produced lithium carbonate that can be used in the battery in the laboratory environment since the beginning of 2019. We designed the pilot plant where lithium carbonate is produced with the support of Fatih Dönmez, our Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, within the scope of the national energy and mining policy.
A pilot facility performing the first since Monday indicating that the start of lithium carbonate production Maraşlıoğlu in Turkey, "We aim to identify the parameters that we will work for the main facility. After a short work will start investing for the actual facility. Our goal is to produce a portion of the meeting lithium compound through import in our country and meet We are currently aiming to establish a lithium carbonate facility with a capacity of 600 tons per year. " said.
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