L'Expression: De Quoi j'me Mêle - Le sommet Algérie-Turquie en décembre
Selon des sources, le prochain sommet Algérie-Turquie aura lieu en décembre prochain à Istanbul. Une occasion de renforcer les relations bilatérales et le partenariat stratégique. Une occasion également de relancer le comité mixte de coopération économique dont la dernière réunion remonte à...

The Next Algeria-Turkey Summit in December 2021
According to sources, the next Algeria-Turkey summit will take place next December in Istanbul. An opportunity to strengthen bilateral relations and strategic partnership. It is also an opportunity to relaunch the joint economic cooperation committee, the last meeting of which dates back to 2002.
According to the same sources, it is not excluded that the President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune makes, on the occasion, his first official visit abroad. Especially since Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has visited Algeria three times, the last of which dates back to January 2020 at the head of a large delegation.
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