The Turkish Intelligence MIT managed to uncover a MOSSAD spy network and arrest 15 agents including Arabs


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A business jet from Israel landed today in Ankara. It is said that high-level intelligence officers from Israel came to discuss the matter.
I just hope Erdo doesnt give those Mossad spies to Israel
Israel is dangerous; they cqn know how those spies screwed up and improve their strategies for further ops in Turkey
Now that Turkey is rising, Israel will do whatever it takes to bring Turkey down and as a bonus obtain the info and knowledge the turks obtained


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Western Sahara
Can you provide link that mossad has HQ in morocco? Im aware of the ties between the mossad and moroccan intelligence service but hq in morocco is something new.
You are asking for a link of an intelligence agency HQ! do you think you can find this kind of info on the net?
Israel and Morocco had relations even before the normalization,
I think you are Moroccan and you know the story of the Alpha Club,
This club was training Moroccans on different methods of assassination then they send them to the UAE and after the UAE to an unknown destination.
This is what the Pro-Palestine Organization in Morocco said in 2018.

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