Lego inspired cars could be the future, Transform!
Its certainly the most promising project in this regard so far, key to succes is to make the cars affordable to masses and a good after sales support.
I would go as far to claim sales support is more important than even the price! Vestel phones lost due to horrendous sales support.Its certainly the most promising project in this regard so far, key to succes is to make the cars affordable to masses and a good after sales support.
Yeah, i would choose a car over a cheaper one if i knew the support was better.I would go as far to claim sales support is more important than even the price! Vestel phones lost due to horrendous sales support.
It looks likes one of Tesla Giant Factory.
It is big but small if you compare it to the giant tesla factoryIt looks likes one of Tesla Giant Factory.
Good principle for development of mechas as well.
Lego inspired cars could be the future, Transform!
I agree. future is electric no matter what the nay sayers say.One thing that's going to be implemented in the UK is that fromm 2022 onward all new built homes, offices or warehouses must have electric chargers. Similar laws should be made implemented in Turkey to support electric vehicle infrastructure.
I agree. future is electric no matter what the nay sayers say.
Yeah or we will end up like now but this time it will be the battery instead of engine.We also need to be investing into various battery technologies, Solid-State battery seems to be the future in the EV sector.
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One thing that's going to be implemented in the UK is that fromm 2022 onward all new built homes, offices or warehouses must have electric chargers. Similar laws should be made implemented in Turkey to support electric vehicle infrastructure.
Let's hope there are strict control also on how the parking space is made as there are some very horrid examples in Turkey.Similar laws are already in place in Turkey.
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