Trump suggests Egypt may 'blow up' Ethiopia dam



How deep is Turkish-Ethiopian cooperation Somalia is done and dusted most Pro Turk country in Africa Ethiopia 2nd largest investor there is Turkey after China any military cooperation or any strategic decisions for that country by Ankara should be realized in terms of the flux ties with Cairo


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With oil prices collapsing, Saudi and UAE won't be able to help Sisi like in the past. Turkey should take this opportunity to cozy up with Ethiopia and stick the knife deep into Sisi's back.


Turkey doesn't really have a horse in this race but given the current atmosphere of "disagreement" between Turkey and Egypt, I suspect we'd back Ethiopia.

That said, Sisi seems to be making some friendly overtures to Turkey recently and I expect relations to somewhat improve in 2021.

If that happens, I believe Turkey will stay neutral and try to become a peacemaker between Egypt and Ethiopia.

What's a lot more interesting to me is as to why the US seems to want to stir a hot conflict between the two. :unsure:

I think that's much better strategy Turkey has to stop being a blowhorn for the MB/Ikhwan and try to pry Sisi away from the Gulfies but if not I say go back Ethiopia fully


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Turkey’s best option in its relations with Egypt is to just stay neutral and not support any party there over the other for ideological reasons. At the same time it should try to work with all of them- economy should always be first and the rest doesn’t matter.

We should also understand that this Ethiopian Nile dam issue is of huge importance for Egypt as a whole- not just for Sisi or the MB etc. Egypt is very poor in water resources and basically all of its population lives near the Nile river valley. A whole country of 95 million (and growing) is dependent on a thin stretch of land for its agriculture and it’s water. Every cubic meter of water more or less can create huge problems for the people there so it’s understandable that Egyptians are not really happy.

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