Defence Q&A Turkey vs Egypt, UAE and Russia in Libya, who is winning?


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Egypt, Libya ink 14 MoUs and 6 agreements in multiple fields at an estimated cost of $33 billion

Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouy and his Libyan counterpart, interim Prime Minister Abdel-Hamid Dbeibah, attended the meetings and witnessed the signing of the agreements, a statement read.

The MoUs include one between the Central Agency For Organisation and Administration in Egypt and Civil Service in Libya, another to establish a joint commercial committee, and an agreement between the Egyptian Industrial Development Authority and the Libyan Ministry of industry and Minerals.

Other MoUs were signed in the fields of agriculture, social solidarity, civil aviation security, oil and gas, counter-maritime pollution, marine search and rescue, housing, construction, and youth and sports.

A number of agreements and MoUs were inked between the Egyptian private sector and the Libyan government.

An MoU was signed between Libya’s Organisation for the Development of Administrative Centres and the coalition of Egyptian companies Orascom Construction, Rowad Modern Engineering, and Hassam Allam Holding.

The Egyptian coalition also signed an agreement with the Libyan Housing and Infrastructure board to construct a third ring road in Tripoli and another agreement with the Libyan Transportation Ministry to provide maintenance for Ajdabiya-Jallu highway.

The Libyan General Electricity Company inked an agreement with the Egyptian coalition of companies to design and supply two gas stations in the cities of Derna and Mellita. A separate agreement was signed to contract a group of Egyptian advisers to the projects of the two stations.

Libya's Central Bank will finance these projects, said Dbeibah, who arrived in Cairo on Wednesday.

The Libyan interim prime minister met with Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi on Thursday.


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33 billion dollars is a huge number. To write the pros and cons with a simple math calculation,

  • Donated billions of dollars in military equipment
  • Cancelled plan to establish a military naval base
  • Cancelled the deploying fighter jets
  • The leader they supports signs billions of dollars deal with Egypt
  • Respect dictated the red rules to Turkey
  • Its airbase was bombed
  • Lost many political pacts
  • etc...
  • 14 MoUs and 6 agreements in multiple fields at an estimated cost of $33 billion
  • Dictated the red lines to Turkey
  • Gained many political pacts


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Haftar stepped down as the commander of the self-styled Libyan Arab Armed Forces, he is most likely going to be presidential candidate in the December elections.

What Haftar could not reach by force he may try to get with money (UAE money) by buying votes of tribes


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Haftar stepped down as the commander of the self-styled Libyan Arab Armed Forces, he is most likely going to be presidential candidate in the December elections.

What Haftar could not reach by force he may try to get with money (UAE money) by buying votes of tribes

Yeah he will. Dbeibah also seems to have decided to part ways with Turkey.

Libya's GNU Prime Minister Abdelhamed Dbeibah inspects the New Administrative Capital of Egypt​



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I think we won but we were humble since we could have gained much more:

EEZ deal with Libya, reconstruction agreements, a naval base in Misrata, the largest airbase in Libya.

What we should have gone for as well: The Oil fields, Benghazi for a direct stand off with the Egyptians.


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I think we won but we were humble since we could have gained much more:

EEZ deal with Libya, reconstruction agreements, a naval base in Misrata, the largest airbase in Libya.

What we should have gone for as well: The Oil fields, Benghazi for a direct stand off with the Egyptians.

i am not sure about the reconstruction agreements, a naval base in Misrata, the largest airbase in Libya


2 3,159
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i am not sure about the reconstruction agreements, a naval base in Misrata, the largest airbase in Libya
U signed mou´s similar to what we, the italians and the russians signed, these agreements are not final and our vessels are utilizing misrata while our airforce is utilizing al watiya, i think the reason why TuAF hasnt deployed any fighter jets for now is because there is no need but the airbase is repaired and ready anytime to host them.


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only thing Turkey has won seems to be the EEZ agreement

Isn't that what they were after all along though? Seems Egypt and Turkey are warming up relations as well but I doubt Egypt will be so easy with the EEZ, think they'll dangle that carrot over Turkey for years to come.


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MOU Means basically nothing since it's not on paper, they did similar things with Turkey and Italy for example...

Ankara is trying to fix relations with Cairo and flip them over, same with Tripoli.


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Isn't that what they were after all along though? Seems Egypt and Turkey are warming up relations as well but I doubt Egypt will be so easy with the EEZ, think they'll dangle that carrot over Turkey for years to come.

Turkey gave strong trump cards to Egypt. Repairing relations will not be cheap for Turkey


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Turkey gave strong trump cards to Egypt. Repairing relations will not be cheap for Turkey

i agree, Turkey had big plans in Libya. Now it is almost forgotten. An airbase without fighter jets, a naval base still not established. Also the interim government's developing relations with Egypt. The answer to the question is that Turkey is not the loser, but it is not the winner either. Egypt's strategy appears to be the most lucrative.


33 billion dollars is a huge number. To write the pros and cons with a simple math calculation,

  • Donated billions of dollars in military equipment
  • Cancelled plan to establish a military naval base
  • Cancelled the deploying fighter jets
  • The leader they supports signs billions of dollars deal with Egypt
  • Respect dictated the red rules to Turkey
  • Its airbase was bombed
  • Lost many political pacts
  • etc...
  • 14 MoUs and 6 agreements in multiple fields at an estimated cost of $33 billion
  • Dictated the red lines to Turkey
  • Gained many political pacts
Naval base is still there? Drones are still operating in the air base? Got the eez Its a win for us Funny how greeks claim that eez belongs to them but they can't even get there :D


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only thing Turkey has won seems to be the EEZ agreement

That alone makes Turkish involvement a victory. Don't forget Turkey didn't engage with Haftar, Russia, France, UAE, Egyption lackeys until they agreed to the Turkish EEZ concerns, once they did Turks moved in and embarrassed Haftar and his backers.

Turkish military might is only growing. As Turkey becoming more independent in military technology she is going to become more and more adventurous.

The game is just starting for Turkey, every few years you are going to see Turkey expanding her field of operations.


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Militarily tho Turkey won this one.. Haftar was being arrogant when we was at the gates of Tripoli until he pissed off an Erdogan whos always in bad mood and chased him across the Sahara but Egypt salvaged the eastern part of Libya not Haftar because he technically lost in the conventional conflict the GNU could have entered Bengazhi without competition because Haftar's forces were really spent due to Turkey's AI drones.

There is actully a funny incident that has happened during that war and now that it has ended lets revisit that moment it was just hilarious when I recall it.

Haftar being an old school type general guy who doesn't compromise at all whatsoever caused a headache not only for the GNU but mostly for his allies and there is one specific hilarious moment where Haftar was controlling even parts of Tripoli and Turkey was sending small units in the beginning and at that point Russia and UAE realized what was gonna happen here so they said lets make a ceasefire which would have been in favor of Haftar but he didn't take the hint but Haftar himself wanted to finish off the GNU he was boosted by UAE proxies mainly Chadian and sudanese chaep proxies his ego was inflated since he held parts of Tripoli and smelled victory but his allies knew better but he said he would cleanse the land of any invaders and using the patrioting card and being non-compromising whatsoever. The Egyptians, Russians and Emirates were even shocked by Hafter's arrogance and non-compromising strongman nature he is certainly the most difficult ally they will ever have to work with and His almost like a comic-book character type of general military guy his so old-school his from a bygone era.

There was a ceasefire summit in Moscow where LNA and GNU both were invited and Haftar was there in person he was constantly furiously rejecting any ceasefire deals and they were begging him to accept the ceasefire deal after hours of trying to talk him into it he begrudgingly accepted it verbally and said he would sign but left without signing the documents on purpose backstabbing his allies and frustrating them even more than the GNU which provoked Erdogan to send in the cavalry in the form of FSA and Turkish drone units leading to hafter losing most of his gains including almost collapsing entirely because after Zirte he couldn't defend himself anymore because all his forces were spent during the Turkish AI drones onslaught they ran into a nightmare in the form of ruthless drones that were not controlled by humans becoming the first time in history AI drones were used if just a tiny push had come the entire of the eastern border area would have fallen but Egypt stepped in and set a redline half in the middle of the country saving Hafter the eastern part of the country and things came to a conclusion with a perma-ceasefire which seems to have held now almost 2 years and it doesn't look like another round will happen in the future or ever again because things have been solved politically since that time
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Militarily tho Turkey won this one.. Haftar was being arrogant when we was at the gates of Tripoli until he pissed off an Erdogan whos always in bad mood and chased him across the Sahara but Egypt salvaged the eastern part of Libya not Haftar because he technically lost in the conventional conflict the GNU could have entered Bengazhi without competition because Haftar's forces were really spent due to Turkey's AI drones.

There is actully a funny incident that has happened during that war and now that it has ended lets revisit that moment it was just hilarious when I recall it.

Haftar being an old school type general guy who doesn't compromise at all whatsoever caused a headache not only for the GNU but mostly for his allies and there is one specific hilarious moment where Haftar was controlling even parts of Tripoli and Turkey was sending small units in the beginning and at that point Russia and UAE realized what was gonna happen here so they said lets make a ceasefire which would have been in favor of Haftar but he didn't take the hint but Haftar himself wanted to finish off the GNU he was boosted by UAE proxies mainly Chadian and sudanese chaep proxies his ego was inflated since he held parts of Tripoli and smelled victory but his allies knew better but he said he would cleanse the land of any invaders and using the patrioting card and being non-compromising whatsoever. The Egyptians, Russians and Emirates were even shocked by Hafter's arrogance and non-compromising strongman nature he is certainly the most difficult ally they will ever have to work with and His almost like a comic-book character type of general military guy his so old-school his from a bygone era.

There was a ceasefire summit in Moscow where LNA and GNU both were invited and Haftar was there in person he was constantly furiously rejecting any ceasefire deals and they were begging him to accept the ceasefire deal after hours of trying to talk him into it he begrudgingly accepted it verbally and said he would sign but left without signing the documents on purpose backstabbing his allies and frustrating them even more than the GNU which provoked Erdogan to send in the cavalry in the form of FSA and Turkish drone units leading to hafter losing most of his gains including almost collapsing entirely because after Zirte he couldn't defend himself anymore because all his forces were spent during the Turkish AI drones onslaught they ran into a nightmare in the form of ruthless drones that were not controlled by humans becoming the first time in history AI drones were used if just a tiny push had come the entire of the eastern border area would have fallen but Egypt stepped in and set a redline half in the middle of the country saving Hafter the eastern part of the country and things came to a conclusion with a perma-ceasefire which seems to have held now almost 2 years and it doesn't look like another round will happen in the future or ever again because things have been solved politically since that time

Egypt was not directly involved in this conflict like Turkey, but has now signed multibillion dollar agreements


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only thing Turkey has won seems to be the EEZ agreement

And that was Turkeys intention to begin with, and biggest prize of them all.

The Libya war turned from the gates of Tripoli, from Egypt, UAE, Haftar saying we will capture Tripoli to crying about wanting Turkey out of Libya.

Only Egyptians can brag victory so hard about a war they technically lost, or there proxies lost. Of course Greeks here are hedging on Egypt to save there pride in the Mediterranean like they do with France.

What is more natural then Egypt, a neighbouring country to Libya winning contrustruction and energy contracts.


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People dont realise that Russia actually told Turkey to stop the offensive hence why they sent Sukhois and MIGs as detterents.

These Egyptians believe we stopped because they drew a red line 🤣

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