TR Turkey's Internal Counter-Terrorism Operations


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They are getting desperate
While not very reported the IS continues their presence in the deserts east of Palmyra and in the area of Deir Ez-Zor both in Regime and YPG controlled areas despite numerous operations led by Russia and the US. Al-Hol camp is a different level of security threat. The IS conduct daily attacks on the SAA and YPG forces including against civilians trying to earn their money trough gathering of mushrooms.

We also had a security incident where a couple IS terrorists managed to escape a prison in SNA controlled area.

Smugglers are working well in all the areas so we should increase the surveillance over smuggling activities from YPG and Regime controlled areas to SNA territory and we should increase the surveillance over the smuggling activities on the Turkish border. Intense surveillance over IS related persons should also continue in Turkiye.

If something major happens in a YPG controlled areas, just know that 99% there is something else to this.

Fuzuli NL

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PKK rat Mehmet Kopal caught in France and parcelled to Türkiye.



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Gendarmerie carried out operations against PKK in 19 provinces. Those who made propaganda for a terrorist organization through their social media accounts, were members of a terrorist organization, and committed crimes of aiding and abetting a terrorist organization were detained.

The General Directorate of Security carried out operations in 15 provinces.
"Journalists" operating within the "Press Structure" of the separatist terrorist organization and making propaganda for the organization were detained. The total number of people detained was announced as 147.


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In result of the counter-terrorism efforts within the country in the last 10 years we start to see how normalization is going on.
Semi related:
Paraglider fell after being caught in adverse air currents

A paraglider was injured when he fell into a reverse air current in Güçlükonak district of Şırnak.

A paragliding event was held on the second day of the "Güçlükonak Nature, Culture and Water Sports Festival", which was organized by the Governorship and Güçlükonak District Governorate and started yesterday.



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IS-K official media Al-Azim warned that the "Ahlak ve Sunnet" magazine active in Turkiye is not related to them and want IS-K members to stay away from it. Last year leaders within the Ahlak ve Sunnet magazine were arrested together with many members of the terrorist organizations for recruiting and sending people to Africa, Azerbaijan and Iraq in the name of Wilayah Sham.

Who is Mevlut Altintas? This would be an interesting answer.

He is the FETO member who killed the Russian Ambassador to Turkiye, Andrei Karlov back in 2016.



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26 organizations and 92 dormitories of the Suleymancilar tariqah, led by Alihan Kuriş, in Kazakhstan were closed.

Why I am sharing it here? Because I think there will be more actions against them in Central Asia and in the end they will be targeted in Turkiye as well. There's a realignment in Turkiye's power circles and I think this time it may be for good. I see this as a part of a bigger plan concerning the power balance, realignment and the addressing of some of the issues raised by the Turkish Nation no matter of the political orientation towards the current government and Recep Tayyip Erdogan.


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Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya announced that 5 members of the separatist terrorist organization, 1 wanted in the red and 3 in the orange category, were neutralized in the "Bozdoğan-43" operations in the rural areas of Ağrı and Batman.
We didn't hear about terrorism activity in Agri since October, 2023. It would be interesting if the circumstances of their infiltration to the area are made public.

I don't think it is a coincidence that a terrorist taking place in the RED Most Wanted list was killed in the area now and I have a version about his infiltration route. It starts with "I" and ends in "ran"... As it usually happens with terrorism activity in this area.


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We didn't hear about terrorism activity in Agri since October, 2023. It would be interesting if the circumstances of their infiltration to the area are made public.

I don't think it is a coincidence that a terrorist taking place in the RED Most Wanted list was killed in the area now and I have a version about his infiltration route. It starts with "I" and ends in "ran"... As it usually happens with terrorism activity in this area.

What does success look like ? I mean taking over qandil - is that success or is preventing these infiltrations so they never happen success ?


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What does success look like ? I mean taking over qandil - is that success or is preventing these infiltrations so they never happen success ?
This question can be answered in a couple of ways, but I will try to answer it from military perspective.

With the new concept of operations we no longer face the PKK danger on our national soil, but instead the strategy is to face the threat in its core. The core in Iraq which poses a direct threat to Turkiye are the PKK camps right on the border. We are talking roughly about the Sinat, Haftanin, Metina, Zap, Avasin, Basyan and Hakurk camps. With pride I can say that due to the Claw series of operations in the north of Iraq, currently there is no chance of infiltration from Iraq towards Turkiye. This affects the quality of life in the villages and cities close to the border with Iraq in a serious way and causes positive developments. When it comes to the establishment of the security of our bases in the north of Iraq I can say that the only places where there is a level of danger towards our bases currently are Metina and Zap. Very soon we will also take full control over these places and we will dry the swamp there, ensuring a buffer zone between Iraq and Turkiye which would prevent PKK of using the mountains close to the Turkish border as a base from which they can attack Turkiye.

Most of the people are giving Qandil more importance than the importance it really carries. Qandil is more of a symbolic place for PKK rather than a real danger. We don't need to take over Qandil at all. If I may give an example of a place with real importance, close to the importance people falsely give to Qandil, then it would be Gara. After the lock is finished and the Claw-Lock operations conclude with success all attention will be turned to Gara. I think this will be the real challenge for TSK, but it will be worth it. If we manage to neutralize Gara, then we can say that we managed to destroy the biggest logistics, administrative and military center of the PKK. After this, we can say that PKK in Iraq will seize to be a serious military threat to Turkiye and the most of the work will be done with the help of surgical strikes in order to hunt down the remnants and HVTs which would try to keep the organization functional. We can only imagine what kind of capacity and budget will be freed so we can tackle this threat. When it comes to Syria, I am not worried about it from a military perspective as much as I am worried about the political side of things. I think Syria is more of a political issue rather than military and every possible event or escalation there are tied to the political situation.

As you rightly guessed at this current stage we can talk about preventive measures towards infiltration attempts. We can also see with statistics that the current approach is right and it gives extremely good results contrary to what some politically motivated ex-soldiers say.

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