As far as I know , we were not seriously interested as in contemplating in purchasing. However prior to F16 purchases serious thought was given to F-18 planes.Has the Turkish airforce ever been interested or looked into the F15???
Any information about this??
As far as I know , we were not seriously interested as in contemplating in purchasing. However prior to F16 purchases serious thought was given to F-18 planes.
There was a certain term when Turkey was interested/offered F-15, A-10 but that didn't happen. I don't remember when it was too. A quick search on google may help you on that.Has the Turkish airforce ever been interested or looked into the F15???
Any information about this??
Already answered in another thread.Hello, I would like to ask you if you have any source (can be a book, a magazine, a website or a photo) showing which versions of the AIM-9 the Turkish F-104S used.
The Italian version used only the AIM-9B, I would like to know if the Turkish une used something more advanced like the AIM-9E, F or J.
Thanks a lot
F-16 ÖZGÜR Projesi'nde seri üretime hazırlanıyor
F-16 ÖZGÜR Modernizasyonu Projesinin son durumu açıklandı. SSB Uçak Daire Başkanı Abdurrahman Şeref CAN proje kapsamında seri üretime hazırlanıldığını
We will eventually upgrade all of our F-16s. Block 30s go under modernization first. Then the 40s, then the 50s. 50+ won't be modernized in the near future. 50s will go under mid-life modernization probably by the end of this decade. People say Aselsan AESA is already installed on the prototype Özgür F-16 and initial tests are started. We will start serial modernization by the end of this year. I expect Aselsan AESA to be ready in 2022. I expect a modernization rate of 2 fighters per month so all of the block 30s will be modernized in 1.5-2 years.If you watch the Okumus’s video from min 37 onwards, he is talking about the accessibility to F16 planes with respect to integrating our own ammunition. He is saying that there is no restriction and we have a way to integrate any new ammunition we make, to ALL f16 planes.
If this is the case then shouldn’t fitting a new AESA radar be possible to all f16 planes as well???