TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs


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Most likely, We will see Gezgin missile (1000+km) mock-up in IDEF-21. The beast is hidden under the cover.

There are serious claims that this is GEZGİN. I would be surprised if anything else comes out.


Most likely, We will see Gezgin missile (1000+km) mock-up in IDEF-21. The beast is hidden under the cover.


I'm really looking forward to this missile. You can see the high quality engineering even with this low-quality pic. The only thing I have my doubts on is the KTJ-3200 which takes IMO too long to develop. I'm seeing conflicting reports on the missiles that are supposed to use the KTJ-3200 (SOM, ATMACA, GEZGIN) being in production, e.g. SOM is supposed to be in mass production since October 2018 and the ATMACA just recently put into production. How many of those French turbojet engine does Turkey have? They have used a lot in prototype missile testing and if they haven't got the engines in the high-hundreds then they will have very little of these engines to spare while the KTJ-3200 development is taking too long. Or am I just too pessimistic?
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Brave Janissary

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Ok guys maybe idiotic idea but for last option ;

İf any war appers around east med coalition and Turkey also Usa and russia doesnt care him and us dont have any air defence capability, ship based air defence missile or etc.

Are we can launch 9m96e2 missille from our barbaros class ?


He have 120 km range and 30 km flight ceeling. His diameter is very thin 240 mm around can be fitted on quad pack capability. Lenght is enough for our tactical vls's.

We are dont need any russian long range and multifunctional radar for launch him. Just because thats realted find and track for target. Bu we need russian fire control radar. Just because missile use him ins datalink until terminal active radar seeker phase.

İn this point we can bypass russian ins and guide him with aselsan akr fcs or place him gökdoğan or atmaca ins system or directly locate a ships s-400 fire control radar.

Before that iranians integrade buk active radar seeker to sm-1 my we are can achieve guide it aselsan akr fcs.

Yes maybe impossible but there is a option like that.

For gabya's 8x 9m96e2 + 32 sm-1 or for barbaros 32x hisar-o+ (instead of front ciws) + 16x 9m96e2 would be great againts rafales of charles de gualle.


Ok guys maybe idiotic idea but for last option ;

İf any war appers around east med coalition and Turkey also Usa and russia doesnt care him and us dont have any air defence capability, ship based air defence missile or etc.

Are we can launch 9m96e2 missille from our barbaros class ?


He have 120 km range and 30 km flight ceeling. His diameter is very thin 240 mm around can be fitted on quad pack capability. Lenght is enough for our tactical vls's.

We are dont need any russian long range and multifunctional radar for launch him. Just because thats realted find and track for target. Bu we need russian fire control radar. Just because missile use him ins datalink until terminal active radar seeker phase.

İn this point we can bypass russian ins and guide him with aselsan akr fcs or place him gökdoğan or atmaca ins system or directly locate a ships s-400 fire control radar.

Before that iranians integrade buk active radar seeker to sm-1 my we are can achieve guide it aselsan akr fcs.

Yes maybe impossible but there is a option like that.

For gabya's 8x 9m96e2 + 32 sm-1 or for barbaros 32x hisar-o+ (instead of front ciws) + 16x 9m96e2 would be great againts rafales of charles de gualle.
If you connect Turkish ÇAFRAD with the missile it could be.
9m96 naval variant in used in russian frigates. Called REDUT-M

Here launching 9m96



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Turkey Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Central Asia, Middle East, Eastern Mediterranean will make the entire system fully independent regional superpower 2023-2033

* IRBM Ballistic missiles with MARV and may be MIRV (may be nuclear warhead)
* AKYA and super cavitation torpedo
* GEZGİN cruise missile and GEZGİN derivatives with 2500km range
* TF national fighter
* MİLDEN national submarine with vls
* HAVA-SOJ stand of jammer airplane
* Intelligence special mission aircraft
* Nationally developed new generation early airborne warning aircraft
* Artificial intelligence supported autonomous land air sea and undersea vehicles swarms
* TF-2000 AAW destroyer
*Aircraft carrier
* Missile destroyer
* E-Bomb electromagnetic wave bomb
* Laser attack and air defense system (will also target satellites)
* Electromagnetic launch system for attack and air defense
* Remote controlled robotic humanoid combat systems
* Micro attack and reconnaissance drones for special operations.
* IIR early warning system to be placed in Space for the detection of ballistic missiles
* Supersonic AA missile, glide bomb, anti-ship missile,
* Very high resolution military reconnaissance and surveillance satellite
* Miniature torpedo, C-RAM, cruise missile,
* Heavy attack helicopter (ATAK-2)


Turkey Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Central Asia, Middle East, Eastern Mediterranean will make the entire system fully independent regional superpower 2023-2033

* IRBM Ballistic missiles with MARV and may be MIRV (may be nuclear warhead)
* AKYA and super cavitation torpedo
* GEZGİN cruise missile and GEZGİN derivatives with 2500km range
* TF national fighter
* MİLDEN national submarine with vls
* HAVA-SOJ stand of jammer airplane
* Intelligence special mission aircraft
* Nationally developed new generation early airborne warning aircraft
* Artificial intelligence supported autonomous land air sea and undersea vehicles swarms
* TF-2000 AAW destroyer
*Aircraft carrier
* Missile destroyer
* E-Bomb electromagnetic wave bomb
* Laser attack and air defense system (will also target satellites)
* Electromagnetic launch system for attack and air defense
* Remote controlled robotic humanoid combat systems
* Micro attack and reconnaissance drones for special operations.
* IIR early warning system to be placed in Space for the detection of ballistic missiles
* Supersonic AA missile, glide bomb, anti-ship missile,
* Very high resolution military reconnaissance and surveillance satellite
* Miniature torpedo, C-RAM, cruise missile,
* Heavy attack helicopter (ATAK-2)

MMM-E is that you?

Philip the Arab

Think Tank Analyst
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Turkey Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Central Asia, Middle East, Eastern Mediterranean will make the entire system fully independent regional superpower 2023-2033

* IRBM Ballistic missiles with MARV and may be MIRV (may be nuclear warhead)
* AKYA and super cavitation torpedo
* GEZGİN cruise missile and GEZGİN derivatives with 2500km range
* TF national fighter
* MİLDEN national submarine with vls
* HAVA-SOJ stand of jammer airplane
* Intelligence special mission aircraft
* Nationally developed new generation early airborne warning aircraft
* Artificial intelligence supported autonomous land air sea and undersea vehicles swarms
* TF-2000 AAW destroyer
*Aircraft carrier
* Missile destroyer
* E-Bomb electromagnetic wave bomb
* Laser attack and air defense system (will also target satellites)
* Electromagnetic launch system for attack and air defense
* Remote controlled robotic humanoid combat systems
* Micro attack and reconnaissance drones for special operations.
* IIR early warning system to be placed in Space for the detection of ballistic missiles
* Supersonic AA missile, glide bomb, anti-ship missile,
* Very high resolution military reconnaissance and surveillance satellite
* Miniature torpedo, C-RAM, cruise missile,
* Heavy attack helicopter (ATAK-2)
Is that you MMM-E? I second Triangle.


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No. You see my name. It came to my mind to write projects that are ongoing and are likely to be launched. I want to discuss the situation in Turkey's 2030's year.


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If you connect Turkish ÇAFRAD with the missile it could be.
9m96 naval variant in used in russian frigates. Called REDUT-M

Here launching 9m96

They can inter operate because both are Russian made hardware and software. Connecing a western made CAFRAD with Russian made missile, without source code, is way much difficult.


Experienced member
8 4,400
Nation of residence
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Turkey Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Central Asia, Middle East, Eastern Mediterranean will make the entire system fully independent regional superpower 2023-2033

* IRBM Ballistic missiles with MARV and may be MIRV (may be nuclear warhead)
* AKYA and super cavitation torpedo
* GEZGİN cruise missile and GEZGİN derivatives with 2500km range
* TF national fighter
* MİLDEN national submarine with vls
* HAVA-SOJ stand of jammer airplane
* Intelligence special mission aircraft
* Nationally developed new generation early airborne warning aircraft
* Artificial intelligence supported autonomous land air sea and undersea vehicles swarms
* TF-2000 AAW destroyer
*Aircraft carrier
* Missile destroyer
* E-Bomb electromagnetic wave bomb
* Laser attack and air defense system (will also target satellites)
* Electromagnetic launch system for attack and air defense
* Remote controlled robotic humanoid combat systems
* Micro attack and reconnaissance drones for special operations.
* IIR early warning system to be placed in Space for the detection of ballistic missiles
* Supersonic AA missile, glide bomb, anti-ship missile,
* Very high resolution military reconnaissance and surveillance satellite
* Miniature torpedo, C-RAM, cruise missile,
* Heavy attack helicopter (ATAK-2)

All the nice projects will be challenges for our enemies. Until we have ICBM and Nukes.


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Negotiations Started with Aselsan for the Serial Production Phase of the National SDB (Small Diameter Bomb) Project!


Contract negotiations were initiated between the Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB) and Aselsan for the procurement of the Miniature Bomb, which is currently under development.

Within the scope of Miniature Bomb development activities, the firing tests that started in December 2019 continue successfully.

The Miniature Bomb, which is similar to its foreign counterpart GBU-39/B, is approximately 180cm in length and weighs 145 kg. Up to 4 Miniature Bombs can be carried on a single external wing pylon of an F-16 aircraft with the Smart Pneumatic Quad Rack (Similar to BRU-61/A), developed as part of the Miniature Bomb Development Project.The Miniature Bomb, which is planned to have two different warheads (kinetic penetrator and fragmentation) is expected to be integrated into indigenous aerial platforms such as AKINCI, AKSUNGUR, MMU/TF-X (National Fighter Aircraft), HÜRJET, and HÜRKUŞ in the future.

Within the scope of the Miniature Bomb, also known as the National SDB (Small Diameter Bomb) Project, which is a TÜBİTAK 1007 Project carried out with the cooperation of Aselsan and TÜBİTAK/SAGE, the first live-fire test on a target was successfully performed on December 12, 2019, with an F-16C Block 40 Aircraft belonging to the 401st Test Squadron of the Turkish Air Force. With this successful test, a significant threshold has been passed in the Certification/Qualification process, paving the way for the serial production phase.

Under the project, which was launched on December 1, 2012, and planned to be completed in 60 months, the warhead of the Miniature Bomb, which resembles the Boeing GBU-39/B SDB munition, was developed by TÜBİTAK/SAGE while the Smart Pneumatic Quad Rack, fins, folding wings, and electronic guidance unit was designed by Aselsan (Altınay Aerospace).

The design phase of the GPS/INS-guided Miniature Bomb, which is effective against long-range targets and can penetrate reinforced concrete, was completed in December 2017, and certification tests were started later. Following the production of the prototypes to be used in the certification phase, necessary ground tests for flight safety were launched in 2018. Prototype production and ground tests of the Smart Pneumatic Quad Rack (SPQR) capable of carrying four Miniature Bombs at the same time in a single external wing station were completed in 2018. In this context, various ground tests such as vibration, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), functional compatibility, and static release tests (over a thousand different separation scenarios were defined for the Miniature Bomb, and each scenario had to be repeatedly tested during the development process) were successfully completed before October 2018. An F-16 aircraft that is equipped with two SPQRs (each carrying 4 Miniature Bombs) can engage and destroy eight soft stationary targets at 100km (55nm) and penetrate 1m thick reinforced concrete (5,000psi) targets at 55km (30nm).

The operational effectiveness of the Miniature Bomb (National SDB), which currently has only INS/GPS guidance, will be further increased with the addition of a two-way encrypted data link and different types of seekers (Laser Seeker with a four-level laser sensor similar to TÜBİTAK SAGE CAMGÖZ CG-178 + Imaging Infrared (IIR) Seeker).


Bayraktar TB2


Turkish SDB will have different terminal guidance options and kement datalink in the future.
The operational effectiveness of the Miniature Bomb (National SDB), which currently has only INS/GPS guidance, will be further increased with the addition of a two-way encrypted data link and different types of seekers (Laser Seeker with a four-level laser sensor similar to TÜBİTAK SAGE CAMGÖZ CG-178 + Imaging Infrared (IIR) Seeker
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Weighing in at 145 kg per piece, the Aksungur and Akinici cannot carry 2 quad rack SDB's because of the weight, nor 1 quad rack because of the asymmetrical load. Either a duo rack for SDB need to be made or the SDB's get carried individually on each hardpoint with the Aksungur carrying at max 4 (theoretically 5) and the Akinici 6.
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Bayraktar TB2

I think boosted glide bombs like the propositioned KGK-LR will be much more effective on slower drones like Aksungur or Akinci. Giving the operator more flexibility in ranges and drop altitude.

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