Ukraine Hawkeye 105mm mobile howitzer


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The United States sent the Ukrainian army a 105-mm Hawkeye mobile howitzer system for testing. This was announced by AM General director Mike Evans. The Hawkeye howitzer was developed by AM General and Mandus Group and was first shown in 2017. The Hawkeye howitzer is located on the base of the Humvee army SUV; other chassis can be used. The howitzer system moves the barrel and breech of the gun forward immediately before firing - this allows you to compensate for the load on the chassis and reduce recoil by 70%. It is worth noting that this system is quite complex and how it will work during long-term combat operation is unknown. The Hawkeye uses the M20 105mm howitzer. The Hawkeye's firing range with standard projectiles is 11.5 km, with active-missile projectiles 15-19 km. Mandus Group guarantees an effective rate of fire of the Hawkeye howitzer of at least three rounds per minute and an accelerated rate of fire of up to 12 rounds. The Hawkeye howitzer has a digital fire control system and is operated by a crew of three. The combat weight of the Hawkeye self-propelled gun on the Humvee chassis does not exceed 4.4 tons.


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