Tf 2000 frozen?
What I'm trying to say is that the matured design will be accepted in its final form and the next step will be taken.
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Tf 2000 frozen?
Most of 2021 goals werent achieved
- Production of first prototype of Hürjet fighter aircraft will be commenced and roll-out ceremony will be done in this year
- Serial production of Gökbey will commence for JGK.
- Delivery of Aksungur and Akinci drones will start
- Hürkuş basic trainer will join inventory
- ZAHA AAAV, ÖMTTZA and STA vehicles will be delivered
- Delivery of Fırtına-II howitzers will commence
- Göksungur supersonic drone will be revealed
- T-629 attack helicopters will be introduced
- F-515 first I class will be launched on sea
- Production of Turkish type FAC will commence
- TCG Anadolu LHD will be delivered to TN
- Design of MIUS fighter jet drone will be revealed
- First submarine of its class U-214TN, PiriReis will be launched on sea
- Roketsan will deliver KaraOk ATGM, Atmaca SSM and Akya heavy torpedos
- Tanok 120mm laser guided missile to be fired from Altay T2 will be revealed
- Yatağan 40mm miniature missile will enter inventory in 2021
- Cida 90mm urban warfare anti-tank/personnal missile will be completed in this year
- Tübitak SAGE will start testing of G40 VL missiles and Kuzgun modern modular land/ship strike missiles.
- Göktuğ family (Bozdoğan and Gökdoğan air to air) will enter in inventory. Public will learn some details about Akdoğan as well.
- KGK-LR will be revealed in this year
- Hisar-O+ and Hisar-Rf medium range SAM systems will join into inventory.
- Aselsan TEIRS long range AESA radar and STR weapon locating radar will enter in inventory
- Drone mechanical steering nose radar and F16 AESA radars will be revealed
- ÇafRad radar complex with all elements including UMR radars will be in trials.
- Development of Kara-SOJ 2(Koral-2) will proceed.
- Modification of Hava-SOJ will proceed
- Delivery of Naval-SOJ (Ufuk) will be done in this year.
- Aselsan MEHPOD and SARPOD will be tested
- Tübitak will be ready for serial production of EHPOD and EWPOD.
- We will see some details of AselFlir-F500C new generation gimbal (advanced variant of CATS)
- We will see the general design of TB3 UCAV
- Serial production of long range anti-radiation kamikaze drone in different blocks will start
- I think We will see the first ignition of BATU 1500hp and UTKU 1000hp turbodiesel engines
- We will likely see design image of TEI-TS-3000 turboshaft engines in this year
- The detail design and production of Gokturk yenileme satellite (with 0,3m resolution national camera developed by OPMER)
- Prototype production of TF-X MMU will commence at the end of 2021.