US military changing strategy after losing simulated war with China


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US military changing strategy after losing simulated war with China
‘They knew exactly what we’re going to do before we did it,’ a US general revealed

Helen Elfer
17 hours ago

A general has revealed that the US military “failed miserably” in a war game, leading to a major fighting strategy change.

The United States’ readiness for armed conflict was put to the test in an exercise last October, which ended up uncovering serious weaknesses in its warfighting strategy, reports Business Insider.

Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General John Hyten said on Monday: “Without overstating the issue, it failed miserably."

During the simulated war, described as “a fictional confrontation with China” that involved a fight over Taiwan, the imaginary enemy upended the blue team’s (ie the United States’) strategy of “information dominance”.

“An aggressive red team [taking the role of hostiles] that had been studying the United States for the last 20 years just ran rings around us," said Mr Hyten. He added: "they knew exactly what we’re going to do before we did it, and they took advantage of it.”

“Imagine what our actual competitors have been doing for the last 20 years, with probably even more focus, with larger numbers,” Mr Hyten said. “So we had to take a step back and look broadly and say: ‘OK, what did we miss?’”

Mr Hyten said that the US forces attempted to establish information dominance, “just like it was in the first Gulf War, just like it has been for the last 20 years, just like everybody in the world, including China and Russia, have watched us do for the last 30 years.”

The attempt failed immediately, because of the US military’s reliance on digital data and communications, which can be disrupted if US satellites are targeted. The simulated engagement also showed that aggregating American forces might leave them more vulnerable against great power enemies.

“In today’s world, with hypersonic missiles, with significant long-range fires coming at us from all domains, if you’re aggregated and everybody knows where you are, you’re vulnerable,” Mr Hyten said.

The Pentagon has since been looking at how to update its warfighting approach to an "expanded maneuver" strategy. Its purpose is to develop the capability to attack in a way that makes it impossible for an adversary to defend itself, and connect command and control links to give commanders a clearer picture of the battlefield.

Mr Hyten said the changes were essential as the US military’s warfighting edge over rival powers like China is “shrinking fast”.



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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
Very interesting. Thanks for posting.

So the US has realized it has been using 2nd generation warfare and now it is trying to move to 3rd generation warfare, while having an entire doctrine, staff and assets geared towards 2nd generation warfare. Which the Chinese were able to defeat using long-range missiles and taking out US communications. Which is what everybody has been saying for 30 years would happen if the US took on Russia and now China.

The US doctrine won't change, the assets they are building won't change because the people running the US military and government won't change and are controlled by China using unrestricted warfare. The attempt by the Americans through Trump to break out of the Chinese/US criminal class prison has been defeated by the Chinese reinforcing the criminal class in the US. And the Chinese planned this for 30 years at least.

I think the steps the US has to take are easy, simple and cheap, but the criminal class won't get rich off shifting to 3/4 generation warfare and the won't get rich off the US shutting down China's 5 generation warfare nodes. So is the battle between the money changers, the immigrant populations in the English civilization, the Chinese ruling class and the English civilization.

How the US can defeat the Chinese if very simple. Use operation level communication assets, rather than strategic assets like satellites. Those people light aircraft flying low and slow, having recon teams in the area in fishing boats, have the U-2's flying high over the area. Have intelligence ships in the area. The US used to rely on these assets until the Gulf war, since then has become totally reliant on satellites. So have the Russians as well, the Chinese less so, and especially in the waters around China. The British also aren't reliant on strategic intelligence because we don't have same access to it like the US and Russia. The attack submarines/E-2's and drones can provide tactical intelligence and in some cases operational intelligence as well. However the US doesn't use them in the way, still relies on satellites.

The next big problem mentioned in the Chinese missile shield and the hyper-sonic missiles. Which the Russians are better at, but the Chinese ones are still a threat. This is only a threat because of the US over reliance on the hyper-carriers and LHA's. Both second generation assets unable to do anything on the operation or tactical level, unable to do naval maneuver warfare and totally obsolete when you take into account 4th generation warfare and the new Chinese 5th generation warfare. What the US would need to do is build smaller carriers in larger numbers, something a long the lines of the QE class, just nuclear powered and CATOBAR. This lowers US crew requirements, increases the numbers of available carriers and lowers the unit cost per carrier. My guess is from about 12 billion per carrier to 4-5 billion per carrier. The US needs more cruisers, at least 20 and 70 destroyers. For the cruisers it is simple, just build an enlarge Type 45 destroyer with 120 VLS. Then build more flight II Arleigh Burkes, with the 90 VLS and better ASuW and ASW capabilities. The new AAW AB's are stupid and they don't have enough VLS for the role. They are out classed by the Chinese new destroyers.

The British have the best ships in the world at the moment, just in tiny numbers because of specialization. So they can't get unit costs down as they can't afford to buy enough at the starting unit cost. But the British AAW ships are the best, the SSN's are the best and the new Type 26 will be the best ASW ship in the world. If the US could improve the purchasing power for these ships the cost would fall rapidly. Instead of designing a new frigates which will be less capable than the Type 26. The next aspect is the US need for SSK's, ASuW warfare ships and minesweepers. They have none of this tactical assets or the people to use them. So that's another place were the Chinese and Russians have a huge advantage at the moment. Other NATO members make great SSK's, Corvettes and Missile boats, the US could again buy those ships in bulk and bring the cost down massively. It's one of the weaknesses of the US that it needs to build everything itself even if it is worse than another NATO member. Whereas Chinese will buy anything from anyone if it is better and re-engineer it for themselves.

So in summing up the Chinese are going to win the next war, the US is a third rate naval power and the British have the best ships in the world.


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Where is gambit when we need him to explain how US military exercise had always been rigged from the start to make it hardest for US forces and easiest for the foe.


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US has no chance to win a war fought near China. Their carriers are just sitting ducks in front of overwhelming Chinese missile capabilities. US just wants others to fight a war for them but doesn't want to directly being involved, only fools want to be their cannon fodder against China.


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US Army Chief Of Staff Says ‘Winning With China Is Not Fighting China’
Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville addresses the U.S.-China relationship while testifying before the House Armed Services Committee, stressing the importance of his "philosophy of peace through strength" approach.



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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
US has no chance to win a war fought near China. Their carriers are just sitting ducks in front of overwhelming Chinese missile capabilities. US just wants others to fight a war for them but doesn't want to directly being involved, only fools want to be their cannon fodder against China.
I think this is correct from the Americans point of view. However it is a mistaken point of view for the Americans. What they want is for the other nations in the South China sea to be able to support what the Americans are doing in any war with China. The great Chinese threat isn't the missiles, its the missiles/missile boats, frigates, corvettes, submarines. Its basically saturation of the entire south China sea and domination over it.

What you want if you are the Americans is counter that Chinese domination or saturation. With dozens of SSK's/missile boats/corvettes/mine sweepers each belonging to the other nations in the South China sea. Right now none of those nations have anything like that. The Americans don't have any ships like that to export to those nations, neither does any NATO nation. The only country which has those types of ships is the Russians and the Chinese. The Norwegians and Swedish have excellent frigates/corvettes/submarines/missile boats, but they couldn't produce them in the numbers of Russia and China. So at this point the US needs to get rid of the Jewish neo-cons and ally with Russia or start an export and build program for the nations in the South China sea.

Japan and South Korea are too busy competing with each other. Lol.

In effect if there were 40 SSK's, 60 corvettes, 100 missile boats and 40 mine-sweeper/lays, and 20 general purpose frigates in the South China sea, divided between the other nations, the Chinese couldn't do what they are doing now. Then the America's could sit outside the South China sea, and use their carrier to strike the Chinese navy as it engages those other navies, now allowing the Chinese carrier group and nuclear subs to break out of the South China sea and engage the American carrier groups. At this point if the US sent 4 carrier group, that's around 80 ships against the Chinese they would defeat the China and push them back, but the Americans would lose a carrier or two, and would lose 15-30 escort ships. And the Chinese will have lost very little in comparison. Basically Britain at the battle of Jutland.

The Americans have forgotten that the main reason they defeated the USSR is because they turned the Chinese. Now they need to turn the Russians. If they did that then the Russians would take on the exports of ships/AAW batteries and aircraft to the nations in the South China sea, then Americans wouldn't even have to do it. And the Russians have superior AAW batteries, anti-ship missiles, submarines and corvettes to the Chinese. Its remarkable how capable the Russians are at area denial weapons.

This is another reason why Chinese is the major naval power now. Spain became the major navel power because it unified Iberia and dominated the Mediterranean, Britain became the major world power because it control the British isles and dominated the waters around Britain, America became the major world power because it dominated the Caribbean sea and its southern border. The China are now dominant in the waters around China and not threatened by any outside power in Asia. No other power in the world today can dominate the waters around its territory. The US no longer controls its southern border and no longer dominates the caribbean sea. So this is another example for me of how the Americans like the British and Spanish totally miss understood why they became powerful in the first place. Instead focused on maintain their empire, not protecting their nations ability to protect itself and project power.


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I think this is correct from the Americans point of view. However it is a mistaken point of view for the Americans. What they want is for the other nations in the South China sea to be able to support what the Americans are doing in any war with China. The great Chinese threat isn't the missiles, its the missiles/missile boats, frigates, corvettes, submarines. Its basically saturation of the entire south China sea and domination over it.

What you want if you are the Americans is counter that Chinese domination or saturation. With dozens of SSK's/missile boats/corvettes/mine sweepers each belonging to the other nations in the South China sea. Right now none of those nations have anything like that. The Americans don't have any ships like that to export to those nations, neither does any NATO nation. The only country which has those types of ships is the Russians and the Chinese. The Norwegians and Swedish have excellent frigates/corvettes/submarines/missile boats, but they couldn't produce them in the numbers of Russia and China. So at this point the US needs to get rid of the Jewish neo-cons and ally with Russia or start an export and build program for the nations in the South China sea.

Japan and South Korea are too busy competing with each other. Lol.

In effect if there were 40 SSK's, 60 corvettes, 100 missile boats and 40 mine-sweeper/lays, and 20 general purpose frigates in the South China sea, divided between the other nations, the Chinese couldn't do what they are doing now. Then the America's could sit outside the South China sea, and use their carrier to strike the Chinese navy as it engages those other navies, now allowing the Chinese carrier group and nuclear subs to break out of the South China sea and engage the American carrier groups. At this point if the US sent 4 carrier group, that's around 80 ships against the Chinese they would defeat the China and push them back, but the Americans would lose a carrier or two, and would lose 15-30 escort ships. And the Chinese will have lost very little in comparison. Basically Britain at the battle of Jutland.

The Americans have forgotten that the main reason they defeated the USSR is because they turned the Chinese. Now they need to turn the Russians. If they did that then the Russians would take on the exports of ships/AAW batteries and aircraft to the nations in the South China sea, then Americans wouldn't even have to do it. And the Russians have superior AAW batteries, anti-ship missiles, submarines and corvettes to the Chinese. Its remarkable how capable the Russians are at area denial weapons.

This is another reason why Chinese is the major naval power now. Spain became the major navel power because it unified Iberia and dominated the Mediterranean, Britain became the major world power because it control the British isles and dominated the waters around Britain, America became the major world power because it dominated the Caribbean sea and its southern border. The China are now dominant in the waters around China and not threatened by any outside power in Asia. No other power in the world today can dominate the waters around its territory. The US no longer controls its southern border and no longer dominates the caribbean sea. So this is another example for me of how the Americans like the British and Spanish totally miss understood why they became powerful in the first place. Instead focused on maintain their empire, not protecting their nations ability to protect itself and project power.

You Pakistanies make China bigger then it is...

Americans are clever, they simulated and adapt come with solution. On the other hand China is making weapons, more range and faster.


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US just wants others to fight a war for them but doesn't want to directly being involved, only fools want to be their cannon fodder against China.

Yeah true. But world is full on that fools!

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