Tell PNG don't let their territory be terrorists safe haven!
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Even their capital city is not that safe.
Tell PNG don't let their territory be terrorists safe haven!
Aaaa.... bukannya ini menandakan fail road block?Ujian SIM mobil: Melewati ladang ranjau anti-tank.
Source?2100an jumlah kerugian material tempur utama Rusia sampai saat ini. Lebih dari 1100 armored vehicles (MBT, IFV, AFV, MRAP, APC) dll. Cukup untuk membentuk satu Corps cavalry TNI AD plus dengan segala support nya
Oryx tweetSource?
Is that guy credible? did he put his source?Oryx tweet
You can ask the guy here @OryxIs that guy credible? did he put his source?
I personally will never use Twitter as a credible source, or social media in general, especially if we cannot do a crosscheck using a trusted reference. Social media function is social in nature, not scientific. That means they serve a social function, to communicate values and interests, in other words, most likely biased toward a certain interest, and not for credible information.
He made team to archived the loss from both sides.Drop the source here
Beli AShM sebanyak banyaknya,surely we can in some way use the same principle against a potential invader.
Post ini kan bisa dipost di thread Indonesian Navy.Kebayangkah kalau besok* FREMM, AH140, Mogami jejer, dijaga sama
*1-2 dekade kedepan
Dalam banjak segi, 'kebanggaan' rakjat kita akan tjap "Karja Anak Bangsa" jBtw, ngeliat DSA 2022 Dephan Malaysia tiba tiba banyak ngeluarin produk pertahanan baru. Tapi sebagian besar ga pernah ada kabar tentang riset dan penelitiannya. Tapi lucunya produknya udah masuk kategori production article yang kelihatan jelas udah mature....
We should do what the Turks did: CN-235 ASW.Poseidon kita masih bisa make Cn-235