Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia


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Spacex itu perusahaan amerika, dan teknologi yang mereka pakai bisa masuk dalam kategori advanced weapon technology yang regulasinya ketat, kalo mau ngundang spacex ke Indonesia gak cuman harus negosiasi dengan Spacex tapi juga pemerintah US.

Urusan pekerja yang boleh masuk spacex aja harus warga US kok.
Njelibet mbulet2 kalo harus rembug dengan US tapi kalo dengan Russia emang bisa dinilai lebih mudah, secara pribadi ane berharap kalo bisa ya spacex aja meski sulit siapa tau aja bisa dapet lampu ijo.

Van Kravchenko

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Russia emang bisa dinilai lebih mudah,
setidaknya kualitasnya diatas China, wkwk.....

cuma, sekarang urgensi membangun wahana peluncuran dan antariksa untuk indonesia apa ya? secara kepentingan dan kebutuhan adalah keperluan satelit militer, namun Indonesia belum bisa mewujudkannya sendiri. kalaupun hanya untuk meluncurkan astronot dan mencari hegemoni saya rasa itu sudah tidak valid lagi sekarang.


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cuma, sekarang urgensi membangun wahana peluncuran dan antariksa untuk indonesia apa ya? secara kepentingan dan kebutuhan adalah keperluan satelit militer, namun Indonesia belum bisa mewujudkannya sendiri. kalaupun hanya untuk meluncurkan astronot dan mencari hegemoni saya rasa itu sudah tidak valid lagi sekarang.
Bisnis mengantar satelit/muatan ke orbit.


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saingannya SpaceX loh, ga yakin walau gabungan Russo-Indo bisa menyaingi wahana antariksa si Elon.
ngalahin Falcon 9 atau Starship jelas udah gak mungkin.
cari ceruk pasar satelit mikro aja, tapi harus lalwan India.

Van Kravchenko

Indonesia Correspondent
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ngalahin Falcon 9 atau Starship jelas udah gak mungkin.
cari ceruk pasar satelit mikro aja, tapi harus lalwan India.
kalapun jadi mungkin pasarnya negara menengah kebawah di asia, kalau boleh dikata sedikit banget kan negara yg punya kemampuan staelit. apalagi tuh Chino udah mulai nongol juga di pasar persatelitan


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kalapun jadi mungkin pasarnya negara menengah kebawah di asia, kalau boleh dikata sedikit banget kan negara yg punya kemampuan staelit. apalagi tuh Chino udah mulai nongol juga di pasar persatelitan
Produsen satelit Amerika paling bakal pilih SpaceX (atau ULA, atau apalah...)
Eropa paling minta Airbus yang bakal launch di French Guyana.
China pasti pilih China, India pilih India, Etc...


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if there's any strategy game that include Indonesia as a playable nation, they should add powerful diplomatic lobby as an ability.

you know, since its independence Indonesia won any campaign start by DIPLOMACY
I think in the game Europa Universalis 4, Indonesia is closest to Austria in terms of their characteristics and buffs, same can be said for real-life Austria to some extent.

Both Indonesia and Austria are diverse multi-ethnic "empires", that rely on diplomacy as their' strength. But both are underwhelming militarily compared to their size. Not necessarily "weak" as Austria is among great power and Indonesia itself is and will always be the largest nation in the region. But that their military often can't "punch above its weight" (unlike powers like Britain, Russia, Prussia/Germany, and France) even though they are pretty big, yet for the same reason are simply too large to be conquered.

Both Indonesia and Austria instead rely on their diplomacy, rather than war, as much as possible, to solve problems in foreign policy. They also have similarities in terms of seeing themselves as championing the interest of the "underdog" and "neutral countries" that are at risk of being swallowed by other great powers.

Here is some Austrian buff in the game that fits Indonesia:

Morale of armies -> NKRI Price death?

Fort maintenance
+15% National garrison growth -> Kodam system

Improve relations -> Bebas-aktif diplomacy that requires delicate balance of power and favors

+2 Diplomatic reputation -> Strong tradition in Diplomacy

Missionary strength -> Religious nation, Indonesian clerics are influential, even in the broader "Malay" world

+2 Max promoted cultures -> Strong focus on maintaining the diverse multi-ethnic nation

National unrest -> High degree of effort on maintaining stability, especially since Orba

+2 Monarch diplomatic skill -> All (good) Indonesian leaders are expected to be good at diplomacy, in particular, no exception ( go check the history of our presidents)

−33% Promote culture cost -> Integrating the diverse cultures has been the core struggle of building the Indonesian nation


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@Jagdflieger What is the logic behind put the Uyghurs in ‘concentration camps’ actually? Effort for what? Forced demographic change?
Oh boy - from what I know and have seen in e.g. Xinjiang it seems to be the following logic.

In general all so called minorities in China enjoy great freedom and support by Beijing - this goes as far as to exclude them from many general laws that apply towards Han Chinese. E.g. 1 child policy - for minorities the average regulation was extended to 3-4 children. Same goes for business licenses in order to run an own business e.g. restaurants. Han Chinese restaurants were and are under far more stringent hygienic laws then those of e.g. Xinjiang noodle shops.
However latest since 2016 hygienic laws were in general far more pursued in e.g. Shanghai which led to the closure of many food road stalls - also those of many Xinjiang restaurants. (whereby the latter is being used by some individuals to point at Han harassment towards non Han's.) In general though not many cases - pick pocketing and small theft was an almost exclusive issue handled by Xinjiangnese - giving them a rather bad reputation and Han people being unhappy that these cases were handled rather lax by the security forces in contra to same cases being done by Han Chinese.

In Xinjiang itself due to corrupt government officials there was a clear obstruction or delay on purpose in regards to business licenses applied for by Xinjiangnese in contra to those applied by Han Chinese - which rightfully led to contempt amongst Xinjiang people.
China is aware that poverty and low education causes people to face the danger of becoming part of an "underprivileged society" - and as such prone to become radicalized by instigators. Chinese law forbids e.g. religion in Kindergarten or schools - however in Xinjiang many such institutions were run by Mullahs.
In a first step Beijing got more tough on such law "violations" in return again provoking anti Beijing sentiments among some Uighur communities.

Suddenly escalating in knife attacks at public locations e.g. bus and train terminals by radical Uighur's towards Han people right down to bombings. (Not just confined to Xinjiang) As everyone knows Beijing's reaction was swift and harsh.

In order to contain radical actions or what Beijing terms "radical Islamic tendencies" ca. 200,000 Uighur's were identified to be potential "trouble makers" and were subjugated to imprisonment. During imprisonment a so called "reeducation" takes place - having the goal to release "peaceful" and social-integratable Uighurs back into society.
Additionaly so called "apprentice - vocational training" institutes were founded - usually also termed "camps" or "concentration-camps" by outsiders. The approximate numbers in such institutes is around 500-700,000 Uighur's. Job training e.g. production machine handling, general office administration and trade-crafts are being taught - in order to provide a job basis instead of a job future as a terrorist or criminal. The main factor deciding about such a compulsory attendance is the school achievement ranking of students or people registered as being jobless.

All in all of around 16 million Uighur's ca. 200,000 are imprisoned (Chinese prisons ain't fun or cool) and around half a million are rotated in a 1 to 2 year vocational training courses - certainly also having to take part in lessons about what is China and religious "corrections".

So that is the logic: we need to provide a basic education and job training - plus control towards religion in order to avoid a Turkish/Kurd problem or Xinjiang becoming another Afghanistan.
The more simplified logic by the general Chinese population - we can't allow some hundred thousand radicals to endanger the peaceful livelihood of 1.4 Billion citizens.
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200,000 Uighur's were identified to be potential "trouble makers" and were subjugated to imprisonment.
“200.000 Papuan are imprisoned because identified as ‘potential trouble makers’ “, mixed feeling about it, smells like discrimination still.
So that is the logic: we need to provide a basic education and job training - plus control towards religion in order to avoid a Turkish/Kurd problem or Xinjiang becoming another Afghanistan.
Whatever it is, it is Nazi move to forcefully imprisoned hundred of thousands of people without they break any rules. But the party owns the country, they can do ‘anything’, free estate.

If something happens, I’m sure UN would doing nothing also. Your country already elegantly ‘bought’ lot of countries, no way they would vote to the resolutions against your country. Smart move, no joke, there would be hardly any ‘law enforcement’ activities for what China do. Literally applause for it, genius.

Edit: The last way to stop human rights violators is by eliminate/forcefully capture them, so there would be no more human rights violations. This logic could be used against China. By whom? mmm those who usually needs no UN approval maybe. That’s ok too
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