Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia


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As for the Rohingyas I felt really sorry for what happened to them, but if we are to continue opening up the long-term effect is we will be seen as the go-to destination, not only for Rohingyas but migrants everywhere.

those Burmese junta sons of ***** really need to make life difficult for everyone in the region just to cling on power.


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As for the Rohingyas I felt really sorry for what happened to them, but if we are to continue opening up the long-term effect is we will be seen as the go-to destination, not only for Rohingyas but migrants everywhere.

those Burmese junta sons of ***** really need to make life difficult for everyone in the region just to cling on power.
Lets invade Myanmar and install pro "democracy" govt


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Lets invade Myanmar and install pro "democracy" govt
Without any foreign intervention, the Junta will likely fall in a year or two. Replaced by the numerous "pro-democracy" movements + ethnic rebel groups which numbers in the tens. Do you realize what will happen once that happens?

Most likely they will fight each other as soon as possible to claim the throne left by the Junta.

De facto leading to/creating Myanmar civil war 2.0 which results in an even greater influx of refugees.


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As for the Rohingyas I felt really sorry for what happened to them, but if we are to continue opening up the long-term effect is we will be seen as the go-to destination, not only for Rohingyas but migrants everywhere.

those Burmese junta sons of ***** really need to make life difficult for everyone in the region just to cling on power.
Yes, really pity the women and children, but we can't keep this thing to happen (people smuggling via sea) other wise millions of them will come. Only few of them and already caused horizontal conflicts with the locals, we should stop and prevent more boats coming and for those that already arrived its better to relocate all of them to some of the inhabited island, until they move to other country that is willing to accept them.


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Fire Breaks Out Again at GNI's Nickel Smelter; House Urges Stern Action​

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The nickel smelter of PT Gunbuster Nickel Industri (GNI) in North Morowali, Southeast Sulawesi, caught fire again on Thursday, Dec. 28. This was the umpteenth incident that happened to the Chinese company.

In response to the repeated incident, the House of Representatives (DPR) Commission VII member, Mulyanto, called on the government, particularly Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita to take decisive action against the company.

“The explosion at the PT GNI smelter has occurred again. This proves that PT GNI management fails to conduct factory operations according to the provisions. So, the Minister of Industry is obliged to impose a sanction, in the form of revoking PT GNI's operating license,” Mulyanto said in his official statement on Friday, December 29.

He recalled that it was exactly one year ago that a fire broke out at GNI's smelter. Moreover, he noted that a series of incidents in smelters owned by Chinese firms are relatively frequent. The latest fire came less than a week after an explosion at PT Indonesia Tsingshan Stainless Steel (ITSS) in the Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) area killed 19 people, including 8 Chinese foreign workers and 11 local workers.

On this basis, the PKS politician asked the government to launch an in-depth audit of the smelter's operations. “This is an urgent and emergency matter that needs to be thoroughly audited immediately. This smelter could become a killing machine for our workers,” Mulyanto stressed.

He also demanded that all smelters be temporarily shut down until they are truly reliable and safe for workers. “The government should not be soft on this smelter industry. Don't be reluctant or afraid to take action related to the government's pet project, namely downstream nickel,” he added.

Recently, a video of the PT GNI fire went viral on social media. The fire reportedly started from welding sparks in one of the areas around the factory. The police have not yet confirmed any casualties in the incident.



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Article from October from a think tank headed by Bill Burns before he became Director of CIA right now. Also have important person from Pritzker family (Illinois governor and Hyatt) like CSIS, as usual lol, pipe dream of Homo politicus.


“Entering the fray for the fourth time in 2024 is Subianto (who is seventy-two years old). For a man who has wanted to be in power for this long, we know very little about what he intends to do with it. He appeared as a patriotic soldier in his 2009 bid for the vice presidency as Megawati’s running mate, then as a rabble-rousing nationalist in the 2014 presidential race, before polarising the public as an aggrieved Islamist in 2019 to challenge Widodo’s reelection.*

In his latest avatar, Subianto is steering clear of hard policy messages. Instead, he is trying to woo Widodo’s numerous young supporters by mimicking his relaxed stylethrough curated social media posts. This appears to be working. He has achieved a sizeable lead with voters between seventeen and thirty-nine years of age who comprise more than 60 percent of eligible voters but are too young to remember his violent past.

Subianto has long faced credible allegations of human rights abuses during his father-in-law’s rule, and he was banned from entering the United States until recently. He was dismissed from his army post after storming the presidential palace to threaten Suharto’s successor in 1998. Subianto has long denied these claims, but even today, stories about his temper tantrums are raising concernsabout his fitness for high office.”


“Subianto is competing against two younger rivals, both of whom are being fielded by his Suharto-era contemporaries. One is Anies Baswedan (fifty-four), the former governor of Jakarta. He is running on the promise of “change” but has been nominated by the National Democrat Party, an influential member of Widodo’s governing coalition for the past ten years. It is owned by the media mogul and former Golkar leader, Surya Paloh.

In his relatively short career, Baswedan has demonstrated a singular talent for being anyone he needs to be to win power. A U.S.-educated political scientist, he first rose to national prominence as the rector of a liberal Islamic university and served briefly as Widodo’s education minister. In 2016, Subianto nominated him for the highly charged Jakarta gubernatorial race, during which he openly courted hard-line Islamist groups. Now, he wants to shed his conservative image and woo mainstream Muslims in Java, without whose support he cannot win.”


“Subianto’s second rival is Ganjar Pranowo (fifty-four), the former governor of Central Java. He is well-liked for his youthful charm, but his most remarkable achievement so far is getting a presidential nomination from PDIP’s Megawati, who was wary of backing another popular governor after her experience with Widodo. This, however, is also turning out to be his biggest liability.

Burned by Widodo’s independent streak, PDIP is aggressively asserting its ownership over Pranowo by making him toe the party line on divisive issues. This public display of fidelity to the party is costing him support from key voting blocs. In March, Megawati ordered Pranowo, along with other PDIP governors, to refuse to host Israel’s national team in FIFA Under-20 World Cup matches. FIFA responded by stripping Indonesia of its hosting rights and shifting the tournament to Argentina. This disappointed millions of young football fans and led to a significant drop in Pranowo’s support.

With six months to the election, opinion polls are predicting a neck-and-neck contest between Subianto and Pranowo. But in a runoff between the two, which would be held if no candidate is able to shore up more than 50 percent of the votes in the first race, Subianto is likely to draw Baswedan’s Islamist supporters and win the presidency.”

read more here
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this is crunch

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Rapat yang dihadiri oleh Menteri KP, Menteri Perhubungan, Kepala BAKAMLA dan perwakilan 15 Kementerian/Lembaga lain yang memiliki keterkaitan atas UU Kelautan tersebut secara bulat menyepakati untuk dileburnya BAKAMLA dan KPLP menjadi sebuah single entity “Indonesian Coast Guard” dengan kewenangan sebagai penjaga keamanan perairan Indonesia dan perairan yuridiksi termasuk melakukan penyidikan terhadap pelanggaran keamanan dan keselamatan di laut.

It has been agreed to fuse those two maritime agency into one Indonesian Coast Guard. We shall see


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PAL fasilitas

min imal 4 docks


this is crunch

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PAL fasilitas

min imal 4 docks

View attachment 64333
You know the Kemhan plan to build new military industry complex in Lampung province right, the idea has been around since 2017, and one of them is shipbuilding facility.

Penyiapan lahan misalnya diproyeksikan kajiannya selama 1-3 tahun, meliputi studi geografi, topografi dan geologi, dan studi oseanografi.

Adapun pembangunan fasilitas mencakup pembangunan area, tempat peluncuran dan dermaga, dan penyiapan alat angkat selama 5-20 tahun serta penyiapan tenaga kerja selama 2-10 tahun. PT. PAL kini total memiliki 1.542 pekerja.

and damn lama banget ternyata waktunya.

ide lain percepatan perluasan/penambahan galangan kapal kalo mau cepat ya, beli yang udah existing (mau lahan ataupun share perusahaannya), walau mungkin galangan yang di beli itu skala kecil, kalo sistem bangun kapalnya dengan modul-modul / blok-blok, bisa juga kan, mereka tinggal bangun blok kapalnya, sesuai dengan timeline yang parallel dengan yang di galangan pusat, kemudian blok tersebut dikirim ke galangan pusat untuk di assembly, dan bisa selesai lebih cepat.

contohnya kayak HMS Queen Elizabeth class carrier, mereka dibangun dengan blok blok raksasa, yang pembangunan blok tersebut tersebar di 6 galangan berbeda di UK. Lalu terakhir di assembly di galangan Rosyth Dockyard by Babcock


Indonesia Correspondent
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You know the Kemhan plan to build new military industry complex in Lampung province right, the idea has been around since 2017, and one of them is shipbuilding facility.
ga yakin proyek kapal di Lampung ... masalah dana dan keseriusannya dipertanyakan

ide lain percepatan perluasan/penambahan galangan kapal kalo mau cepat ya, beli yang udah existing (mau lahan ataupun share perusahaannya), walau mungkin galangan yang di beli itu skala kecil, kalo sistem bangun kapalnya dengan modul-modul / blok-blok, bisa juga kan, mereka tinggal bangun blok kapalnya, sesuai dengan timeline yang parallel dengan yang di galangan pusat, kemudian blok tersebut dikirim ke galangan pusat untuk di assembly, dan bisa selesai lebih cepat.

Ini seharusnya Kemhan ataupun KKIP yang mendorong pelaksaannya/ menentukan perusahaan swasta mana yang diajak gabung, karena, PAL mah maunya semua dibikin sendiri walaupun ada kendala waktu dll.


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PAL mah maunya semua dibikin sendiri walaupun ada kendala waktu dll.
Tapi yang paling kredibel ya cuman PAL, yang lain pas dikasih kesempatan malah kek t4i, kek kemarin yang oiler/lst? Yang mangkrak, trus sekarang OPV juga pret.


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Tapi yang paling kredibel ya cuman PAL, yang lain pas dikasih kesempatan malah kek t4i, kek kemarin yang oiler/lst? Yang mangkrak, trus sekarang OPV juga pret.
betul ...

ini hanya opini ya bro, semua itu rame di depan tapi pelaksanaannya ga ada aksi alias NATO ...

masalah LST kan ga da dana, kalo OPV kayanya si diobok obok user, tapi belum tentu juga betul ... harusnya peran seperti 08 itu penting, rada keras , contoh Pindad dipaksa bikin ribuan maung baru jalan, nah yang lain juga harus ada orderan yang jelas didepan, bukan wacana tapi ga di dukung ma yang lain ...

ini skali lagi opini ya bro ...


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JIka DRU bikin kapal sesuai desain , pastinya udah selesai kaya kapal2 Palindo, yang tau-tau udah sea trial aj, kan ga mungkin DRU brani desain tapi ga bisa bikin, ilang lah reputasinya di dunia bisnis ... pertanyaannya kembali ada apa?


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US (or not US because not officially from the government) tries to replace or lessen the influence of Wagner after Prigozhin’s death in CAR by offering Bancroft Global Development’s service.

“The company is partly funded by the US State Department, but insists that it does not represent Washington.”

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