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Hahahaha ... ini orang mah pro eropa, makanya slalu anti barang slain dari eropa

kalo kemhan serius mah , bank Exim bisa ko nalangin tu barang, apalagi 02 menang, smua bisa diatur,
palingan jumlahnya menurun atau di cicil pembeliannya ...
menurut gw mah, slama 02 menang, pesanan yg dia suka bakal bisa masuk, beda kalo 01/03 yg menang, baru bubar deh tuh pesanan ..

lagian ini kebutuhan pertahanan dan ada unsur ToT buat inhan, pasti proyek strategis bgini lancar jaya kedepannya, lain halnya kalo beli yang ga jelas ... baru prediksi AH bisa kenyataan ...


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Disini ada juga yang merasa kalau sound system yang dipakai buat hajatan dan acara pawai pawai sudah mencapai tahap yang mengganggu?
Dulu itu gak ada isu kek gini tapi semakin berkembangnya jaman, hardware semakin canggih dan suara sound system semakin keras dan menggangu. Yang ane lihat dihajatan pas bukan acaranya tapi pas muter lagunya, suaranya sengaja diputar maksimum sama situkang sound karena sekalian promosi dan parahnya bassnya tinggi dibikin jedag jedug, rumah sekitar sampai getar. Kalau pas acara hajatan sih gak masalah, karena cuman suara orang aja.

Ada juga fenomena baru, truk dijejali soundsystem dan diputar keras, banyak berita bermunculan tentang kerusakan yang timbul pada rumah warga pas truk tersebut lewat, terkadang karena sound yang dijejalkan ditruk ukuran truk jadi besar, banyak video di youtube yang memperlihatkan jembatan, pagar bahkan genteng rumah warga dirusak agar truk tersebut bisa lewat.
Fenomena penggunaan soundsytem dengan kekerasan diatas batas normal mengakibatkan banyak masalah, mulai dari rumah warga rusak, genteng berjatuhan plafon rontok dll. Kaca mobil juga goyang dan bisa pecah. Paling parah adalah adanya berita kalau sampai ada orang yang meninggal karena memiliki masalah medis dan diganggu dengan suara keras sound system, harusnya pemerintah bertindak tegas untuk pengaturan tingkat kebisingan soundsytem yang digunakan diruang publik.

Jangan biarkan budaya urakan tumbuh.
Kejadian paling baru:
Niat takbirannya bagus, dulu aku juga ikut takbiran keliling pake truk tapi sound cuman pake toa aja, asal keras. Baru beberapa tahun terakhir ini semakin parah, budaya sound system urakan.
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Disini ada juga yang merasa kalau sound system yang dipakai buat hajatan dan acara pawai pawai sudah mencapai tahap yang mengganggu?
Dulu itu gak ada isu kek gini tapi semakin berkembangnya jaman, hardware semakin canggih dan suara sound system semakin keras dan menggangu. Yang ane lihat dihajatan pas bukan acaranya tapi pas muter lagunya, suaranya sengaja diputar maksimum sama situkang sound karena sekalian promosi dan parahnya bassnya tinggi dibikin jedag jedug, rumah sekitar sampai getar. Kalau pas acara hajatan sih gak masalah, karena cuman suara orang aja.

Ada juga fenomena baru, truk dijejali soundsystem dan diputar keras, banyak berita bermunculan tentang kerusakan yang timbul pada rumah warga pas truk tersebut lewat, terkadang karena sound yang dijejalkan ditruk ukuran truk jadi besar, banyak video di youtube yang memperlihatkan jembatan, pagar bahkan genteng rumah warga dirusak agar truk tersebut bisa lewat.
Fenomena penggunaan soundsytem dengan kekerasan diatas batas normal mengakibatkan banyak masalah, mulai dari rumah warga rusak, genteng berjatuhan plafon rontok dll. Kaca mobil juga goyang dan bisa pecah. Paling parah adalah adanya berita kalau sampai ada orang yang meninggal karena memiliki masalah medis dan diganggu dengan suara keras sound system, harusnya pemerintah bertindak tegas untuk pengaturan tingkat kebisingan soundsytem yang digunakan diruang publik.

Jangan biarkan budaya urakan tumbuh.
Kejadian paling baru:
Niat takbirannya bagus, dulu aku juga ikut takbiran keliling pake truk tapi sound cuman pake toa aja, asal keras. Baru beberapa tahun terakhir ini semakin parah, budaya sound system urakan.
Sebenarnya ada alasan kenapa praktek yang dibuat-buat (Bid'ah) itu dilarang keras dalam Islam. Salah satunya ya ini.

Nabi sendiri ga pernah mengajarkan ini. Amal Ibadah ga dapat, dosa iya.


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Not related, city or town of Zarqa that you can see there was place of birth of Abu Mus’ab al-Zarqawi


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Sebenarnya ada alasan kenapa praktek yang dibuat-buat (Bid'ah) itu dilarang keras dalam Islam. Salah satunya ya ini.

Nabi sendiri ga pernah mengajarkan ini. Amal Ibadah ga dapat, dosa iya.
Parah banget tadi takbirannya, pada pake truk pikup dikasih sound, tadi ada yang malah bukannya pake mic buat takbiran gitu malah diputer lagu disko jedag-jedug yang diremix takbiran terus di loop nonstop, tengah malem baru berenti. Yang mushalla sebelah rumah aja pas udah larut tapi masih tetep takbiran (asli mulut) tapi pas larut pake sound internal mushalla, lha si goblok masih muter jedag-jedug ngalahin yang takbiran di mushalla, jam 12 lebih dikit baru berenti. Miris.
Takbiran perintahnya sunnah, kalau dilakukan ya lumayan dapat pahala, lah ini si kocak malam takbiran malah bikin dosa ngangguin orang.


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Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri semuanya, Minal 'Aidin wal-Faizin Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin.


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Gotta be the clearest video of IDF dogs getting shot.

Happy Eid Mubarak

Common ‘Arabic’ Al-Jazeera with a pro-Iranian X account. Last time Iran tried to export revolution to Saudi was answered with 1987 Mecca massacre. Qatar was ostracized by the others Gulf kingdoms for the fear it will be same as Iran about their revolutionary ambition.


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Common ‘Arabic’ Al-Jazeera with a pro-Iranian X account. Last time Iran tried to export revolution to Saudi was answered with 1987 Mecca massacre. Qatar was ostracized by the others Gulf kingdoms for the fear it will be same as Iran about their revolutionary ambition.
View attachment 67237

And you think your beloved Western Media is any different ?



One of thing about the war in Ukraine and Gaza happening at the same time is we get to compare in real time the actual credibility of the vaunted "honest and critical" Western media. The likes of NYT, BBC, WSJ etc.


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What Israel does in Gaza now is unacceptable. An extreme measure of deterrence. Not the first time, Qibya witness it early.

19541, group of fedayeen that found out to originated from Qibya killed Kanias family near Tel Aviv. To stop further attack, extreme measure taken by Moshe Dayan by ordering Ariel Sharon’s Unit 101 to ‘avenged’ the whole Qibya. This was called as Dayan Doctrine.

In short, ‘collective punishment’ as deterrent. You don’t want your family, neighbors and community to be destroyed, don’t dare to attack us or you will pay a high price. Make a high and big wall right there to prevent another strike.

1) Sorry. 1953
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Experienced member
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What Israel does in Gaza now is unacceptable. An extreme measure of deterrence. Not the first time, Qibya witness it early.

1954, group of fedayeen that found out to originated from Qibya killed Kanias family near Tel Aviv. To stop further attack, extreme measure taken by Moshe Dayan by ordering Ariel Sharon’s Unit 101 to ‘avenged’ the whole Qibya. This was called as Dayan Doctrine.

In short, ‘collective punishment’ as deterrent. You don’t want your family, neighbors and community to be destroyed, don’t dare to attack us or you will pay a high price. Make a high and big wall right there to prevent another strike.

Fair enough, but then again could they actually sustain it ?

3000 years of Jewry and most of the time they're either:
  1. Persecuted and killed.
  2. Driven out from wherever they tried to stay.
Remember this ?


or this ?


No surprise because Jewry does not allow them to thrive in in the political environment that humans had known for Millenium. Their doctrine are too exclusive to actually let them grow and that's why for most of their history they're just 2nd class citizens to the various Pagans, Islamic and Christian polity that rule the world for most of human history.

And only at around the Mid-20th century, the universe happen to allow them to exist with a state due to various unique factor. Such as:

  1. The eclipsing of the various world power to Europe
  2. The advent of an entirely new political system based on democracy that uniquely allow for lobby groups to basically hijack the country (AIPAC anyone?)
  3. The defeat of traditional political system to that of liberal democracy that the Jews find interesting.
And now you have the impossible, a situation where the world is held hostage to basically a select group that represent less than 1 percent of humanity (0.2% to be exact) that allows Israel to be unharmed.

See, the thing about "playing it tough" is you want yourself to be actually tough, and not like a school bully "tough" whose "toughness" rely on either the accumulated power of his co-bully at his disposal or the power of his/her parents at school to make sure when SHTF, you'd still be in one piece.

A country whose sole existence is "might is right", would find it the hard way that once might go away, so will their right. Their U.S daddy, who allows them to play tough? They'll go away. In fact the U.S is actually very close to their finish line had anybody notice. But the Arabs and Muslims around them ? They're not going anywhere, on the contrary at this very century they will represent the single largest human groups.

So Israel will soon find a situation where they could no longer actually look at our eyes the wrong way and not expect us to (at one point in time) drown them all in the Mediteranean. Let alone talk about "paying a high price".

Sustainability, not one off event is how the great civilizations in the past made it all the way to the 21st century, Israel lacks those, but it seems they missed the note.

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