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United States of Aipac.
Like it or not, political funding like that happens everywhere around the world, with or without lobbying law, with interests of their own; labor, environment, foreign policies etc, and yes, AIPAC is quite big, but lobbying is not just about that.

In Indonesia, we have no such law. The effect, political fundraising are lack of transparency and accountability. We don’t know who pay who, how much, et cetera.


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Basically, aipac give millions of dollars to US politicians and in exchange US give billions of dollar to israel.

This has been the best trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever.

Lets use past genocide to advance our agenda, scare the people and to prevent such thing to happen again, but we also need to make sure that the genocide in Gaza continue.
-The USI


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Basically, aipac give millions of dollars to US politicians and in exchange US give billions of dollar to israel.
That’s why in Indonesia sometimes political donors called as investor politik. For example, you’re a rekanan making or repairing roads, one effort you can do so that the government next give the project or contract to you is by helping the candidates with stuff.

But with idea driven lobbying like AIPAC, your goal is to make pro-Israel candidates to win the elections.

Kalo di suatu dapil ada kandidat pro-Israel sama anti-Israel atau bahkan worse, prasangka nya jelek ke orang Yahudi, banjirin uang ke kandidat yang pro-Israel dengan harapan mesin politiknya lebih bagus dari saingannya. Sekarang yang ditarget untuk kalah orang-orang progressive caucus, lebih spesifik The Squad.


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Basically, aipac give millions of dollars to US politicians and in exchange US give billions of dollar to israel.

This has been the best trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever.

Lets use past genocide to advance our agenda, scare the people and to prevent such thing to happen again, but we also need to make sure that the genocide in Gaza continue.
-The USI

Now that it's crystal clear that Zionist Jews are actually pulling the strings on international politics. It is apparent why Jew-controlled America is so hell-bent on spreading so-called 'liberal democracy' worldwide.

Simply put if the Zionists are a bunch of dung flies, then Western-style democracy is the shit they clung into. They thrive in this kind of political landscape. And they wish they entire world adopted this kind of political model.

There's a reason why the Americans are so against the likes of Putin or Xi Jinping. It's not because of their respect for human rights nor because it has anything to do with 'freedom' or 'democracy'. It's simply because AIPAC-style political hijacking can't thrive in the likes of CCP or one man one-man-dominated country like Putin in Russia.

If you look at the proponents of so-called liberal democracy A.K.A 'neocons', most of them are Jews. The likes of Kagan, and Nuland (they're both husband and wife surprise surprise).

Screenshot 2024-05-03 185921.png

The political Jews (zionists) realize all too well that if the world is not pacified A.K.A liberal democratized. They will again return to what is their original lowly status in world politics. They can't call it 'Jewish pacification' so they style it as 'Liberal Interventionism". And this is what the Lobby-controlled America is doing all over the world. One of the reasons they invaded Iraq, is this. Because they know at one point the Arabs are going to be:

  1. A lot more advanced
  2. Will eventually Islamize (as Iraq in the 90s saw until to this day)
Point No.2 is a lot more concerning than point No. 1. They have no problem with Arab advancement as long as they adopt the political model of their liking (UAE for example). Islamize and they will eventually come for them. And who do you think is one the staunchest proponents of the invasion of Iraq?

in 2013, the Maidan protests erupted. Who do you think go all the way to Maidan Square and agitate the protestors against Putin's ally?

Victoria Nuland of course, the wife of the previously mentioned Robert Kagan. Here seen sharing sandwiches in Maidan square.


in 2019, when the HK protests started, who do you think came into direct contacts with HK protestors to direct these younglings ? That's Julie Eadeh with Jsohua Wong.


It's crystal clear that the Zionists-controlled America is hell-bent on destroying anything that doesn't opt their preferred political model

People saw Israel power as something that came out from nowhere or coming from their imagined competency, When in fact the very basic problem why they continue to exist is because even the most rabid anti-Israelis doesn't realize they're making sure this model of Western democracy thrives.Whicj in turn allow for Zionists lobby to hijack everything.

The easiest long-term way to destroy Zionism basically starts by defeating liberal democracy and their world order (so-called Rules based order). And it can start by you telling how bad liberal democracy is to your relatives, families, sons and daughters.

Putin did a great job btw in undermining this order, kudos to him.


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One of the reasons they invaded Iraq, is this. Because they know at one point the Arabs are going to be:
  1. A lot more advanced
Not the first time for Baghdad then, Al-Ma’mun and his father, Harun Al-Rashid known for this


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Point No.2 is a lot more concerning than point No. 1. They have no problem with Arab advancement as long as they adopt the political model of their liking (UAE for example). Islamize and they will eventually come for them. And who do you think is one the staunchest proponents of the invasion of Iraq.

Saddam Hussein who came to power from a secular Baathist background started to Islamicize starting from 1993.

Regardless of the true motive of this, as Sam Huntington predicted earlier every head of state (who started Western) will eventually turn to their roots just to save their skin. This of course would have dire long-term consequences for Israel as championing Islam, meant championing the only one faith that has the foundational persevere in the grand and noble mission to destroy their state.

So putting yourself in the position of Israel (in the 1990s). You have like 50 years or so of projected American hegemony to hijack the country to start engineering the Islamic world, especially in the Middle East, to follow the politics that are not hostile to a Jewish state and that would involve having a political landscape for AIPAC Middle Eastern cousin in each and every Arab state to thrive.

Basically the Jews saying..."The Middle East and Muslims is inherently hostile to us, we must engineer it to be more acceptable of us". The invasion of Iraq and the embargo of Sudan followed many years later with meddling in Syria is the implementation of this

That engineering phase is divided into two. Military and Psychological (Moral). The invasion and occupation of the Middle East in combination with some and moral and social engineering is what the Israeli planners at the time wished to transform the ME to their liking.

The military aspect started with the invasion of Iraq, and the flowering of U.S military missions by CENTCOM while the moral engineering involved the so-called "Abrahamic faith" campaign by their ally in the UAE. Such an attempt is initiated to blur the distinction between the idea of "us and them (jew)" among the Muslim populations

Of course 20+ years later and GWOT ended up with the Middle East even more hostile to Israel and even more militant + Islam re-entrenched even more. Iraq, instead of becoming a liberal society that accepts Israel came up with ISIS and the Shia militia that is now regularly bombing Israel via drones. Omar Al Bashir was overthrown not long ago, but in a short span of time the two loyal dogs of Israel tat overthrow him started chewing each other which somewhat opened the way for Iran to enter Sudan's politics via arms sales.

Moving forward, Israel has even less time and even less guarantee that America will stay forever superpower. But what is certain is that Islam is there to stay and so is the ultimate goal to destroy ther entity.

Hamas 7th October attack basically re-energize this eroding hatred and overturn the slow acceptance of Israel among the Muslim and most importantly Arab people.


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The entire system (that the likes of MbZ depended upon) rests on the American ability to keep all things in order at once, this ability has been degraded and will continue to be actively undermined. I couldn't care less about MbZ and his mercenaries. They're actually just a small player in the grand scheme of things.

The Taliban is cited to have said "You have the watch but we have the time".

The UAE (and MbZ) knows it's running out of time

The U.A.E. informed the U.S. in February that it would no longer permit American warplanes and drones based at Al Dhafra air base in Abu Dhabi to carry out strikes in Yemen and Iraq without notifying Emirati officials ahead of time. That has prompted U.S. commanders to send the additional aircraft to Al Udeid air base in Qatar, the small Persian Gulf monarchy that hasn’t imposed similar restrictions, U.S. officials said.
The U.S. has access to numerous bases across the Middle East that it has used in recent months to conduct airstrikes in Iraq, Syria and Yemen. It has also intercepted drones and missiles over the Red Sea and in the airspace over Jordan and other countries.
But as regional tensions have risen, the U.A.E. has grown increasingly nervous that it could be targeted by Iranian proxies in the region if it is seen to be publicly aiding U.S. military operations, officials said.

the happy 2000s when small countries could rely on U.S. protection while they advanced their interests, hosting foreigners and intervening in other country's domestic politics is going to an end. Pull the U,S out of the equation, followed by some ugly development in Saudi Arabia and the UAE will find itself naked in the middle of the desert.

I heard the Saudis are close to a defense agreement with the U.S. and in return the U.S demands normalization with Israel. If this gets through I have only one conclusion: The Royal Saudi Military that spends up to $60B a year is not up to the job and the Saudis don't have an inch of trust in the capability of their military that necessitate Bin Salman to gamble on a normalization after what's happening in Gaza.

Good, the Saudis aren't going to professionalize anyway...and we have the time

Destroy this, cut and carve it up and you'll have a land bridge to the UAE.


Unlike the Western part, the Eastern Arabian topography is mostly flat, ideal for fast and light maneuvering forces like this.

another example in 2014. ISIS mobile force swept through 1/4th or 1/5th of this distance in a month. Mostly in the same topography Western part of Iraq (where it is flat),

But found less success in the mountainous front facing the KRG (Kurdistan Regional Government).



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Does 4x4 MArG and 8x8 MGS use same gun system and just being put on different platform?

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