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It just common anti-dumping measure. If foreign goods consider to harming goods that locally produced that your workforce or people relies on for jobs for simple, then put tariffs to the foreign way cheaper goods. The price of your local made goods for example 100 and foreign made 50, put tariffs to the foreign goods so the price also 100. If this not done, probably you gonna lose local jobs because people tend to buy goods with cheaper price, but risking local economy. Sadly, Indonesia flooded with these cheap goods and making local industries or industries in making cannot compete, answer yourself where the goods came from. It just waste of time try to compete against BBK phones for example for investors to made and sell here, doesn’t mean can’t.

Anyway that's how closed protectionist economy works, they know if they open up. Their sweat and tears that they invest into their industries will vaporize just like that due to better competition.

Bulgaria consumer electronics has that experience, getting swallowed by cheap Korean electronics that kills local industry. Imagine just how far Bulgarian computing will be had it not for the fall of iron curtain.

Why the fuss you care about the price of Chinese goods getting higher (with added tariffs) btw?

Am not. It's just funny for me to see the West goes full retard the moment they know they're getting beaten in their own game.


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Anyway that's how closed protectionist economy works, they know if they open up. Their sweat and tears that they invest into their industries will vaporize just like that due to better competition.
So better make your industries to die and people losing their jobs? Only vile governments let that happen to their fellow countrymen just for the sake of libertarian nightwatchman state not intervene the market ideology.


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So better make your industries to die and people losing their jobs? Only vile governments let that happen to their fellow countrymen just for the sake of libertarian nightwatchman state not intervene the market ideology.

I mean that's how logic works. the problem is, the West doesn't preach (and coerce) logic but cutthroat naivety that third worlders (mostly) swallow. Now that they're getting beaten at their own game, people with a working brain could measure if Western talking points actually worth the try.

And this is not just economics. This apply to ...well whatever the West preach, such as:

Women's role in politics ✅
The idea of Western liberty ✅
Universalism of Democracy ✅

and many more

So the burden of having to walk the talk is in the West. Not China, not Russia, not Indonesia or anyone else


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I mean that's how logic works. the problem is, the West doesn't preach (and coerce) logic but cutthroat naivety that third worlders (mostly) swallow. Now that they're getting beaten at their own game, people with a working brain could measure if Western talking points actually worth the try.

And this is not just economics. This apply to ...well whatever the West preach, such as:

Women's role in politics ✅
The idea of Western liberty ✅
Universalism of Democracy ✅

and many more

So the burden of having to walk the talk is in the West. Not China, not Russia, not Indonesia or anyone else
I knew where these talking points came from. Back then, libertarians were known or even called as “atheist fedora libertarian” but now the opposite, it just become US Tea Party movement. Even US Reason Rally was full of those people, but now, the total opposite values.


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I knew where these talking points came from. Back then, libertarians were known or even called as “atheist fedora libertarian” but now the opposite,

Nope, these talking point evolve overtime from the great Western experiment of secularism, cum liberalism cum democracy cum etc etc

When people think that they could manage their own, they're keen to believe that they are infaliable. So we come the point where the West couldn't even identify if a person is a male or a female less they lose their job. These people are not in a position to be the moral example that thirld worlders is seeking for.

, it just become US Tea Party movement.

The tea party movement that the Republicans started couldn't be more ironic. They named it after the 1776 Boston Tea Party event.

That protested the tax of tea by the Monarchy in England that led to the declaration of Independence (and the American war of Independence)

Fast forward 247 years, Republicans are wasting tax money on Israel (and Ukraine) and any form of internal dissent by Americans are met with arrest and criminalization.


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That protested the tax of tea by the Monarchy in England that led to the declaration of Independence (and the American war of Independence)
“No tax without representation” was the slogan back then. Just bow down to the monarchy without democracy as British wanted was total authoritarianism.


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“No tax without representation” was the slogan back then. Just bow down to the monarchy without democracy as British wanted was total authoritarianism.

The Americans are totally OK living under the crown and pay their shares for almost 70 years. Raise the tax 2% and they revolted.

Nowadays, American ruling class are collecting those tax, and instead of using that tax money for Americans, they siphoned it to foreign countries like Israel, and Americans are told to stay shut or risk losing their jobs and livelihoods by foreign agents like the ADL that operated under the blessings of Americans ruling elite.

And the American irony couldn't be anymore greater. those "representatives" are basically what the Red Coats were in the events leading up to the American revolution. Collect American money, use that money to siphoned it to the Crown (Israel) and crush down on dissent when Americans question why.

So the Americans are basically back at the same place they started .


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And the American irony couldn't be anymore greater. those "representatives" are basically what the Red Coats were in the events leading up to the American revolution. Collect American money, use that money to siphoned it to the Crown (Israel) and crush down on dissent when Americans question why.
Not again with this Zionist Occupied Government thingy. Zionism is just about Jewish people have their own country, about how the country act is different story.

You just kebetulan not born Jewish, if you are, I bet you would be with Ben Gvir or Smotrich.


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Not again with this Zionist Occupied Government thingy.

To know who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” . Voltaire

And this is the fact, the undeniable fact.

There's a reason why AIPAC controlled America is so hell bent on overthrowing the likes of Xi Jinping, Putin, Saddam etc. Because AIPAC can't thrive in that kind of environment.

Zionism is just about Jewish people have their own country, about how the country act is different story.

Nope it's an even longer story. Zionism is basically a bunch of people who can't stand seeing that the Jews are not put in (what is in their opinion) their rightful place in the world.

So they conspire to make way for their own fiefdom on top of people's suffering by means of deceit. And these Zionists...they are (I must admit) very patient.

Their journey doesn't actually start with Ben Gurion, Herzl or the likes. Their sepak terjang could be noted as far back as the French revolution, treaty of Westaphalia, the summoning of Sabbatai Zevi by Sultan Mehmet Avci and many more.

Like I said, the coming up of Israel is not something that come out of the blue, it is a result of carefuly orchestrated events and careful planting of order and norms that finally enable them to stand as a state. This why I said that the easiest thing you can do to help destroy their state as an individual, is make sure that democracy lose (starting with you and your family).

Without the current liberal world order, they will be again swallowed into irrelevance like what they used to be for 2000+ years.

You just kebetulan not born Jewish, if you are, I bet you would be with Ben Gvir or Smotrich.

Thanks god I'm not born a jew. But even Jews like Norman Finkelstein knows they're eventually at the wrong side of history.



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This why I said that the easiest thing you can do to help destroy their state as an individual, is make sure that democracy lose (starting with you and your family).
To save the world is to become totalitarian parents, what a good parenting advice.


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To save the world is to become totalitarian parents, what a good parenting advice.

Democracy has nothing to do with being totalitarian or not, I spent 3 months+ debating @contricusc in the Ukraine war thread about this.

There is no actual advantage between that of representative system from that of a non-representative system. What they do have is create an illusion of advantage.

Democracy in the end created the very kind of hereditary dynasty that democracy claim to abolish

and in the case of America create a mirror of when they use to be ruled by foreign government, back then it's the crown, nowadays it's AIPAC and ADL


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Democracy has nothing to do with being totalitarian or not, I spent 3 months+ debating @contricusc in the Ukraine war thread about this.

There is no actual advantage between that of representative system from that of a non-representative system. What they do have is create an illusion of advantage.

Democracy in the end created the very kind of hereditary dynasty that democracy claim to abolish

and in the case of America create a mirror of when they use to be ruled by foreign government, back then it's the crown, nowadays it's AIPAC and ADL
I hope your kids could stand your parenting, at least give them decent living lah

What kind of authoritarianism or totalitarianism you want actually? Heaven on earth? Open air prison? I bet open air prison and save the best for the belief of next life


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I hope your kids could stand your parenting,

I do not have one yet, but once I have, I consider them to be lucky. I'll teach the basics which my father fail me.

at least give them decent living lah
What kind of authoritarianism or totalitarianism you want actually? Heaven on earth? Open air prison? I bet open air prison and save the best for the belief of next life

One of the illusion of the West that lead people to adopt the 'monkey see monkey do' attitude is you must be like us to succeed.

The Chinese achieved the largest abolition of poverty in history not by modelling their political model with that of Western Europeans. Had the CCP allow opposition parties, the Chinese would never achieve greatness they enjoy now.


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The Chinese achieved the largest abolition of poverty in history not by modelling their political model with that of Western Europeans. Had the CCP allow opposition parties, the Chinese would never achieve greatness they enjoy now.
The one that made it, proponents of market economy in China were also the same people that wanted “gradual democratization” of China around Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang. Deng threw them away after that.

Even Tiananmen protest late 80s had something to do with support to Hu Yaobang ideas.


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The one that made it, proponents of market economics in China were also the same people that wanted “gradual democratization” of China around Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang. Deng threw them away when after that.

Even Tiananmen protest late 80s had something to do with support to Hu Yaobang ideas.
There's a difference between I want... And I did.

Independent of what Hu and Zhao thinks. China achieved modernization not by copycatting 100% Western governments style. Had they did, nowadays they would waste their time in domestic political debate rather than build roads and infrastructure.

The failure of Tianmen and the Hong Kong protests is a blessing and most Chinese understand this.


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Aihh pingin muntah

don't. Those Hongkongers are only now realizing the uselesness of their effort

Young Hong Kongers Who Defied Xi Are Now Partying in China​

A record number of residents are flocking to Shenzhen for cheap food and a good time, accelerating an integration once rejected by the city’s freedom-loving youth.



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don't. Those Hongkongers are only now realizing the uselesness of their effort

Young Hong Kongers Who Defied Xi Are Now Partying in China​

A record number of residents are flocking to Shenzhen for cheap food and a good time, accelerating an integration once rejected by the city’s freedom-loving youth.

It just like people everywhere enjoying Chinese stuff. What you expect when movements can’t do anything nowadays


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There's a difference between I want...
Be specific lah, Islamic Inquisition? Sharia Law, not the Mutazilites Mihna btw

Not related. People that yearning Bayt al Hikmah time maybe imprisoned if lived during that time for following textual Ahmad bin Hanbal.
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