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Ukraine will base it's F-16 in either Romania or Poland.

Btw I think Russia could retaliate by supplying the Houthis with its Kh-35 series missile, helping Iran to close the traffic bound for the West while securing ships flying it's flag.

Russia could use it's military cargo like the Ivan Gren LST to port right into Houthi controlled area if they felt like the US is going to board civilian Russian cargo ship.


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USAF’s Chief of Staff said that CCA (USAF loyal wingman) is designed not to be “built to last” or could be flown to thousands of hours, even 10 years could be considered above-average service life. They want to make it to be short life cheap platform that can be replenished faster or acquired quickly in iterative cycles.

Only two designs left for the CCA’s Increment 1, General Atomics XQ-67 and Anduril Fury, with expected price for first iteration (Increment 1) is one-third or one-fourth of F-35 price.

CCA seen by the USAF as key to get “affordable mass” to succeed the future conflict against near-peer adversaries, especially China.

WWII they had military transport gliders, in the near future they have CCA. Both not “built to last”, but significant parts for success.


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nggak perlu terlalu secretive, lawas tapi masih ganas.
Tapi aku yakin tetep dipakein radar reflector biar gak ketangkep RCS stealth (tanpa radar reflector) nya gimana, jadi kayak pesawat biasa aja di radar. F-35 dulu landing di Bali juga dipakein radar reflector.


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Baru tahu tahun ini techno Berlin masuk Warisan Budaya Takbenda UNESCO.

Setelah Nazi jatuh di Jerman, Jerman sama Berlin dibagi jadi 4 sektor pendudukan AS, Inggris, Perancis, Soviet.

Tahun ‘46, pemilihan legislatif Berlin, partai yang dapet kursi paling banyak partai kiri-tengah SPD yang akhirnya Kepala DPD nya diangkat jadi Walikota dan buat 3 partai lainnya yang masuk legislatif; SED, CDU, LDPD untuk masuk kabinet walikotanya. Tapi akhirnya walikotanya dapet tekanan dari partainya sendiri untuk buat partai kiri jauh (ekstrem) SED gak dimasukin ke kabinet dia, karena alot akhirnya SPD gak dukung dia lagi yang mana syarat jadi walikota didukung 2/3 kursi dan ngangkat orang SPD lain namanya Ernst Reuter. Soviet yang gak suka sama Ernst Reuter yang anti-komunis jadi walikota, mereka sebagai pihak yang secara formal lebih tinggi dari pemerintah Berlin gak ngakuin pemerintahan dia. Ernst Reuter akhirnya diganti sama Walikota lain.

Sektor AS sama Inggris setuju untuk buat Bizone yang mana secara ekonomi mereka jadi terikat banget, termasuk mata uang dari Reichsmark berubah jadi Deutsche mark. Soviet gak suka itu buat blokade Berlin (posisi kota ini sekelilingnya sektor Soviet semua) yang mana bakal diturunin blokadenya kalo Bizone itu dibubarin, terjadilah Berlin Airlift, misi airlift paling besar dalam sejarah untuk nyuplai semua kebutuhan Bizone. Akhirnya malah Perancis gabung Bizone juga jadi Trizone. Tahun ‘48, Berlin (Barat) akhirnya pemilihan legislatif sendiri dan hasilnya sama, SPD paling banyak, Ernst Reuter jadi Walikota.

‘49 Republik Federal Jerman (Jerman Barat) berdiri, tapi belum resmi lepas dari pendudukan 3 negara sampe tahun 1955 (Bonn–Paris conventions) karena Perancis masih takut kalo Jerman dikasih kedaulatan sendiri jadi kayak Nazi Jerman lagi. Tapi itu Jerman Barat, sementara Berlin Barat secara formal masih dilakukan pendudukan sampe awal ‘90an.

Itu buat status Berlin (Barat) unik (ambigu). Hukum Federal FRG belum tentu berlaku di Berlin-Barat, termasuk wajib militer. Karena wajib militer gak berlaku di Berlin-Barat, banyak anak muda yang pindah kesitu. Anak muda itu buat “musik elektronik Jerman” yang techno Berlin termasuk turunannya, jadi flourished di Berlin-Barat.

Tembok Berlin runtuh, techno Berlin nyebar ke Jerman Timur lebih terbuka.


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The liability of having Israel as your ally🙄

You get what you deserve

South Africa: South Africa’s reasons for not backing the communique were different. The country’s National Security Advisor Sydney Mufamadi wrote in a statement that “it was surprising that at this conference, Israel is present and participating”,


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MintPress News, an anti-Western aligned news agency reported that US, Israel and UAE gathering intelligence in Yemen, especially against Houthi with the help of former President Saleh’s nephew Ammar Mohammad Saleh Force 400, also called as Ammar Affash cells. Ammar Saleh usually called by the name Al-Faris too.

They said Force 400 base called “Anbar” is in Mokha (Mocha) southwestern Yemen which required 4 gates to gain entry, with the third gate guarded by Sudani force, I don’t know from Burhan’s military or RSF, and the fourth gate guarded by Emirati force.

Emirati–Israeli intelligence cooperation in Yemen was long known, written on this article. Soccotra Island, an island controlled by UAE backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), a militia that announced its readiness to join international efforts to protect international shipping and ready or already have contact with Israeli is one of the location for the intelligence gathering. Mayon (Mayyun) Island at the southern end of Bab El-Mandeb also reportedly housed the base to monitor shipping.


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Menurutku kalau TNI AL sekarang mau flat top, itu untuk lebih ke mendukung operasi amfibi sih, untuk isiannya: drone, helikopter angkut & serang.


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Menurutku kalau TNI AL sekarang mau flat top, itu untuk lebih ke mendukung operasi amfibi sih, untuk isiannya: drone, helikopter angkut & serang.
Flat top yg ada well decknya


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70s was the decade when terrorism was at its height. Waves of aircraft hijackings, kidnappings etc and militaries around the world had no dedicated trainings and tools against it. 1972 Munich massacre was the trigger for many countries to realized that they need to have capabilities against the new trends.

Months after 1972 Munich massacre, SAS made Pagoda Troops as first dedicated anti-terrorism and anti-hijacking unit under Counter Revolutionary Wing (CRW). To spread the capabilities to the whole 22nd SAS Regiment, they rotated its 4 squadrons with one for training, one ready on call, one on long duration training like jungle training etc and another one ready themselves to replace the unit on call. Don’t asked who invented flash grenade which first intended against 70s threats lol

Israel, for decades their threats always revolves around terrorist style attacks, even 1968 one of El Al flight was already hijacked. One of the biggest coordinated aircraft hijackings that all the aircrafts were landed on PLO occupied airfield in Jordan, the Dawson’s Field hijacking was aimed against them, with the hijackers used the hostages as bargain chips for Israel to released Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jail. Jordan thought they were enough with PLO in their country launched what called as Black September campaign after the hijackings and pushed PLO out of Jordan, mainly to Lebanon. Even though Israeli couldn’t doing anything about it, but they knew what’s gonna coming to them. Their first successful hostage rescue against aircraft hijackers was Operation Isotope, just months before Munich massacre.

West Germany where the event happened also made their dedicated counter-terrorist unit under the German Border Police –its original job was to guarding inner German border between the west and east–, the GSG 9, Border Guard Group 9. Ulrich Wegener was the first commander of GSG 9 and he was usually became the consultant for military around the world for counter terrorism. West German magazine Stern said he was also took part in Entebbe raid as “guest observer”. One year later he led GSG 9 raid on hostage rescue mission of Landshut hijacking in Mogadishu.

US like others, not gonna far from that three, and they were late to the game actually. Some may gonna say late 70s Delta Force, okay, but don’t forget about Detachment A, Berlin Brigade. Because of rising threat of aircraft hijacking during the 70s, Detachment A which at first had a role for unconventional warfare, they started to trained with GSG 9 for the possible scenario of Pan Am hijacking by West German Red Army Faction (RAF) or others in Berlin (West) airports.

Indonesia, you know by yourself.

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