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Few weeks ago I think

Congrattutrasyonn peko!


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Indonesian Doctor Arrested after Saying Covid is a Deadly Lie​

Jakarta. An Indonesian doctor who appeared on podcasts and a television talk show to state that Covid-19 is a lie and that healthy people died from “excessive Covid medication” has been arrested, police said on Monday.

Dr. Lois Owien said on several occasions that many people have died after being given various drugs against Covid-19, which she also doubted ever existed.

“It’s called drug-drug interactions. If you check hospital data, [Covid patients] are given more than six medications,” she said in a television talk show hosted by celebrity lawyer Hotman Paris earlier this month.

She went to social media to actively assert her belief that there is no such thing as the Covid-19 pandemic and to oppose mask-wearing advices despite thousands of new cases and hundreds of Covid-related deaths being reported on a daily basis across the country.

“Covid-19 is not a virus, nor is transmissible,” she tweeted on Friday.

She wrote there was no equal opponent to debate her logic here and that she would only take a challenge from “professors of an international caliber”.

She went further by tweeting the current Covid lockdown across Java and Bali was a policy formulated by “Satan-worshipping officials”.

Her Twitter profile reads “Covid-19 is not coronavirus”.

On a widely circulated podcast interview, she said: “No medical school has ever taught about using a testing kit as a major diagnostic tool, any patient must first be asked about symptoms. But now healthy, asymptomatic people are declared sick just because the kit says so.”

National Police spokesman Chief Comr. Ahmad Ramadhan said Lois was arrested a day earlier for “spreading hoaxes” and alleged breaches of the Law on Infectious Disease Outbreak.

“She has deliberately and knowingly spread hoaxes on various social media platfor2ms that could potentially trigger public disorder and hamper Covid-19 mitigation efforts," the officer said in a news conference.

The suspect is detained at the Jakarta Police headquarters, he added.

Lois, who grew up in Tarakan, East Kalimantan, graduated from Christian University of Indonesia’s faculty of medicine in Jakarta in 2004 and continued her study in Malaysia specializing in anti-aging hormone medicine, according to her social media profile.

The lesser-known doctor gained popularity after appearing on the Hotman Paris show and more and more people have since come to her social media accounts or watched her interviews on podcasts.

Local media reports said she was no longer registered with the Indonesian Doctors Council since 2017, meaning that she couldn’t run a clinic.

The Indonesian Doctors Association, or IDI, warned against Lois’ baseless remarks and told the public to rely on science-based advices when it comes to Covid-19.

“Her opinions are both false and baseless. We must trust doctors who really take care of us when we get sick,” said Pukovisa Prawiroharjo, the chairman of IDI’s ethic board.

He added that qualified doctors across the globe including those of the World Health Organization have contrasting opinions from everything Lois has said about Covid-19.

He said the ethic board is considering a hearing against Lois.



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Indonesian Doctor Arrested after Saying Covid is a Deadly Lie​

Jakarta. An Indonesian doctor who appeared on podcasts and a television talk show to state that Covid-19 is a lie and that healthy people died from “excessive Covid medication” has been arrested, police said on Monday.

Dr. Lois Owien said on several occasions that many people have died after being given various drugs against Covid-19, which she also doubted ever existed.

“It’s called drug-drug interactions. If you check hospital data, [Covid patients] are given more than six medications,” she said in a television talk show hosted by celebrity lawyer Hotman Paris earlier this month.

She went to social media to actively assert her belief that there is no such thing as the Covid-19 pandemic and to oppose mask-wearing advices despite thousands of new cases and hundreds of Covid-related deaths being reported on a daily basis across the country.

“Covid-19 is not a virus, nor is transmissible,” she tweeted on Friday.

She wrote there was no equal opponent to debate her logic here and that she would only take a challenge from “professors of an international caliber”.

She went further by tweeting the current Covid lockdown across Java and Bali was a policy formulated by “Satan-worshipping officials”.

Her Twitter profile reads “Covid-19 is not coronavirus”.

On a widely circulated podcast interview, she said: “No medical school has ever taught about using a testing kit as a major diagnostic tool, any patient must first be asked about symptoms. But now healthy, asymptomatic people are declared sick just because the kit says so.”

National Police spokesman Chief Comr. Ahmad Ramadhan said Lois was arrested a day earlier for “spreading hoaxes” and alleged breaches of the Law on Infectious Disease Outbreak.

“She has deliberately and knowingly spread hoaxes on various social media platfor2ms that could potentially trigger public disorder and hamper Covid-19 mitigation efforts," the officer said in a news conference.

The suspect is detained at the Jakarta Police headquarters, he added.

Lois, who grew up in Tarakan, East Kalimantan, graduated from Christian University of Indonesia’s faculty of medicine in Jakarta in 2004 and continued her study in Malaysia specializing in anti-aging hormone medicine, according to her social media profile.

The lesser-known doctor gained popularity after appearing on the Hotman Paris show and more and more people have since come to her social media accounts or watched her interviews on podcasts.

Local media reports said she was no longer registered with the Indonesian Doctors Council since 2017, meaning that she couldn’t run a clinic.

The Indonesian Doctors Association, or IDI, warned against Lois’ baseless remarks and told the public to rely on science-based advices when it comes to Covid-19.

“Her opinions are both false and baseless. We must trust doctors who really take care of us when we get sick,” said Pukovisa Prawiroharjo, the chairman of IDI’s ethic board.

He added that qualified doctors across the globe including those of the World Health Organization have contrasting opinions from everything Lois has said about Covid-19.

He said the ethic board is considering a hearing against Lois.

This case, your Rp 10,000 materai can't save her anymore


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Indonesian Doctor Arrested after Saying Covid is a Deadly Lie​

Jakarta. An Indonesian doctor who appeared on podcasts and a television talk show to state that Covid-19 is a lie and that healthy people died from “excessive Covid medication” has been arrested, police said on Monday.

Dr. Lois Owien said on several occasions that many people have died after being given various drugs against Covid-19, which she also doubted ever existed.

“It’s called drug-drug interactions. If you check hospital data, [Covid patients] are given more than six medications,” she said in a television talk show hosted by celebrity lawyer Hotman Paris earlier this month.

She went to social media to actively assert her belief that there is no such thing as the Covid-19 pandemic and to oppose mask-wearing advices despite thousands of new cases and hundreds of Covid-related deaths being reported on a daily basis across the country.

“Covid-19 is not a virus, nor is transmissible,” she tweeted on Friday.

She wrote there was no equal opponent to debate her logic here and that she would only take a challenge from “professors of an international caliber”.

She went further by tweeting the current Covid lockdown across Java and Bali was a policy formulated by “Satan-worshipping officials”.

Her Twitter profile reads “Covid-19 is not coronavirus”.

On a widely circulated podcast interview, she said: “No medical school has ever taught about using a testing kit as a major diagnostic tool, any patient must first be asked about symptoms. But now healthy, asymptomatic people are declared sick just because the kit says so.”

National Police spokesman Chief Comr. Ahmad Ramadhan said Lois was arrested a day earlier for “spreading hoaxes” and alleged breaches of the Law on Infectious Disease Outbreak.

“She has deliberately and knowingly spread hoaxes on various social media platfor2ms that could potentially trigger public disorder and hamper Covid-19 mitigation efforts," the officer said in a news conference.

The suspect is detained at the Jakarta Police headquarters, he added.

Lois, who grew up in Tarakan, East Kalimantan, graduated from Christian University of Indonesia’s faculty of medicine in Jakarta in 2004 and continued her study in Malaysia specializing in anti-aging hormone medicine, according to her social media profile.

The lesser-known doctor gained popularity after appearing on the Hotman Paris show and more and more people have since come to her social media accounts or watched her interviews on podcasts.

Local media reports said she was no longer registered with the Indonesian Doctors Council since 2017, meaning that she couldn’t run a clinic.

The Indonesian Doctors Association, or IDI, warned against Lois’ baseless remarks and told the public to rely on science-based advices when it comes to Covid-19.

“Her opinions are both false and baseless. We must trust doctors who really take care of us when we get sick,” said Pukovisa Prawiroharjo, the chairman of IDI’s ethic board.

He added that qualified doctors across the globe including those of the World Health Organization have contrasting opinions from everything Lois has said about Covid-19.

He said the ethic board is considering a hearing against Lois.

Waiting for MUI Sumbar chief and his secretary arrested too

This side of Sumatra got more backward by each passing year, even Aceh got it better


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Waiting for MUI Sumbar chief and his secretary arrested too

This side of Sumatra got more backward by each passing year, even Aceh got it better

Ada juga dulu pas disuruh pembatasan akses wilayah / isolasi protes bawa2 agama padahal ada hadist yang bilang kalau ada wabah ya dibatasi dulu mobilitas antar wilayah.

Trus di artikel diatas ada juga hadist kalau mending dirumah aja dulu.



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Ada juga dulu pas disuruh pembatasan akses wilayah / isolasi protes bawa2 agama padahal ada hadist yang bilang kalau ada wabah ya dibatasi dulu mobilitas antar wilayah.

Trus di artikel diatas ada juga hadist kalau mending dirumah aja dulu.


Well kebanyakan cuman menang hafalan tapi ga punya otak untuk implementasi kebijakan dan contohnya yang diberikan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW. Atau mereka (MUI Sumbar) memang memiliki Rasullullah yang berbeda selain dari Nabi Muhammad SAW, dan juga para Sahabat Nabi .... Bisa dianggap murtad dari ajaran Nabi Muhammad sih ini anjuran mereka.


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Uploaded in 2006. I didn't even knew yet that Internet existed at that time, I was still very young.
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Bahkan tahun 2000 warnet sudah mulai menjamur di Indonesia.
Iyo, tapi 2006 itu aku masih kecil banget, belum tau Internet. Aku mulai tau sama make itu 2008 an lah kayanya.

Liat video itu sekarang rasanya kayak buka time capsule bagiku wkwk
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Kisaran tahun 1998 mulai menjamur, termasuk pemain2x gede. Saya mulai utak-atik internet & netwoking (Novell Netware) di tahun 1996


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gotta prepare for social credit in the future if things goes on naga utara favor 🤣🤣 , im surprised there's actually CCP controlled influencer cell already operational in indonesia.
Well be living in prosperity

Udah lebih dari 5 tahunan itu para 🇨🇳 influencer operasi di 🇮🇩. Yang herannya kok dibiarkan, padahal tinggal kasih perintah aja akan langsung "kita jemput" itu mereka. Kita juga sudah tau kok mereka itu siapa2x aja dan dimana tinggal & nongkrongnya.


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She's flagged by Facebook as a verified "influencer." I wonder how many of "China state-controlled medias" aka CCP inpluenzer like her in our country?

btw I'll just leave it here
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