Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia


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And then some people consider this as "proof" that Indonesia is leaning toward China.
You can’t control people. Just cool and get used with it. Or maybe debate them if you want confrontation lol
For both of them, it's always "if you're not with us, you're against us".
Bush’s words lol. He said it with the context of GWOT.


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Honestly, I want Indonesia to be a nuclear-capable state. There are literally no cons to this on its own, having scientific and industrial advancement is always a good thing. The controversy surrounding nuclear proliferation is keberpihakan, that is great powers don't like it and will be ketar-ketir than they have to keep watch yet another non-NATO nuclear state. That's why they try to limit the number of countries that can control nuclear power via meaningless treaties, to convince that nuclear weapon possession is bad as to keep everyone else weak while monopolizing nuclear capability for themselves.

"Pacifistic" treaties like NPT are just clownish pretension that assumes papers and dialogues can control geopolitical interest out of the good hearts of men. Face it, humans are naturally are aholes, this is the truth, and in this awful world, a "good man" who will survive and thrive is a well-armed and well-prepared men. Not those gullible naive well-intentioned "weakness is a virtue" men.


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You can’t control people. Just cool and get used with it. Or maybe debate them if you want confrontation lol

Bush’s words lol. He said it with the context of GWOT.
Bush was clearly contradicting his own faith by believing and saying that, for it is written: "for whoever is not against us is for us". Funny that Indonesia lives by this rule more than Bush and his regime.


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Honestly, I want Indonesia to be a nuclear-capable state. There are literally no cons to this on its own, having scientific and industrial advancement is always a good thing. The controversy surrounding nuclear proliferation is keberpihakan, that is great powers don't like it and will be ketar-ketir than they have to keep watch yet another non-NATO nuclear state. That's why they try to limit the number of countries that can control nuclear power via meaningless treaties, to convince that nuclear weapon possession is bad as to keep everyone else weak while monopolizing nuclear capability for themselves.

"Pacifistic" treaties like NPT are just clownish pretension that assumes papers and dialogues can control geopolitical interest out of the good hearts of men. Face it, humans are naturally are aholes, this is the truth, and in this awful world, a "good man" who will survive and thrive is a well-armed and well-prepared men. Not those gullible naive well-intentioned "weakness is a virtue" men.
Better just pelan-pelan decrease the number of nuclear weapons. The best scenario is nuclear powers to sit down together and make a deal to reduce the number of their nuclear weapons to 0 aka disarmament. 50 to 25, 25 to 0, kind of like that, START like treaties but bigger scale and for fully disarmament.

Instead of increase the number of nuclear weapon to balance the power of another nuclear power, make deal to reduce it.

“buang satu-satu senjatanya yok”, kata nuclear powers di ring tinju

Remember, that’s the best and most peaceful “scenario” lol


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Dijadiin cannon fodder + jagal...
jadi kaya inget modelan gini make orang yang "berbeda" etnis kultur atau latarnya. Kaya ambil contoh dulu China di Tiananmen pakai pasukan dari luar Beijing dan pasukan yang jauh dari Beijing biar secara kultural, perasaan dll ga terikat sama orang2 Beijing
Hari gini masih download file dan ga cukup streaming? 🧐
nanti hilang bro, link dood dll
I don't know whether you're being serious or joking, but here's the news of Kominfo lifted the ban on Paypal temporarily for 5 days.

Could you test access the normal way without VPN / DNS and see whether you can open it or not? I can't open Steam store without VPN on my end.

steam kata temen gw buka lagi, kemarin main FiFa gatau deh ntr ditutup lagi apa gimana. PayPal 5 hari


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And the cherry on top is our cyber security still sucks.

Nanti bisa kaya Cina VPN boleh dipakai secara legal tapi hanya dari perusahaan VPN yg sudah setuju untuk share lognya dgn pemerintah lol
For the case of Russia

Article above also mentioned China successful story of blocking Tor tho, they put Vice article about it

I don't think Indonesia has the same sophistication as China lol


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Not related to Indonesia, but very interesting to know. Zawahiri potential successor as many think is Saif al Adl. Looking at his history, this guy is exceptional I think. An ex Egyptians Army officer that went to Afghanistan during the Soviet Invasion to Afghanistan. And after that he was known to travel to East Africa, including trained anti-UN forces in Somalia that he also possibly involved during the well known Black Hawk Down event. This Africa thing is not surprising at all since Osama was also in Africa (Sudan) during the 90s until he was known to involved in terror attacks and his assets in Africa including his drug factory were tomahawked by the US. Just another rich kid from Saudi that had his fortune from his family Bin Laden Group lol.

And his pragmatism above dogma also noted. He was okay to trained by Hezbollah, which you know, Sunni and Shia stuff is quite sensitive to both. He was also went to Iran for refuge after US Invasion to Afghanistan. Some said he is under house arrest in Iran, some also said, from the account of Al Qaeda member that he is actually not under arrest in Iran, but the Iranian just striped some of his rights like always under surveillance and stuff.

This one is interesting to read. Whatever you want to believe it or not lol. His kunya is also lit tho, 'pedang keadilan'


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Something I would hear from old 90s Indonesian dub Anime, shout by MC.
Honestly, I don't get it wkwk. Btw, Al Qaeda have lit nasheed completely halal without musical instrument that I want you to enjoy it lol

Guaranteed to put you on NSA watch list wkwk


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If Hong Kong and Taiwan will be under PRC's full jurisdiction, it will inevitably complicate Indonesia's relationship with the PRC. PRC was mostly able to avoid conflict with Indonesia due to its relative isolation compared to HK and Taiwan which hosted a large number of Indonesians. With a completely different social and political system enforced after a takeover, Indonesians there will find themselves in a complicated situation, which could cause tension between RI and PRC.

When a possible takeover happens, my best hope is for them to be repatriated back to Indonesia in a safe and orderly manner, which ideally should involve PRC personnel for political and technical help to avoid conflict of interest.


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semoga ga jadi ke Taiwan biar aman. Ini amerika iseng banget sih, Ukr-Rus belum selesai dia dah mainin kompor di Taiwan....... 😒
Kabar gak resmi nanti malem sampe. Biden gak bisa ngelarang Pelosi, jabatannya yang satu ketua kongres, yang satu ketua eksekutif.

Pelosi kalo mau bisa ngajuin impeach presiden di kongres, walaupun perlu suara dua kamar karna bicameral, House sama Senate, gak on demand gitu. Jadi dua orang itu kuat semua.

Kalo takut sama ancaman China, nanti mereka ngerasa kuat karena apa yang dimau diturutin, mereka mau apa-apa tinggal ngancem aja, nanti bakal dapet apa yang dimau. Sama kayak approach ke teroris. Ada teroris nyandera pesawat contohnya, mereka punya demand apalah terserah, kalo gak dikasih, sanderanya dibunuh semua. Sekali demandnya dikasih, besok mau apa-apa nyandera lagi, makanya kasih tau ke mereka kalo nyandera itu cuman ngasih rugi untuk mereka aja, biar gak tuman.

Gak bakal berani ngapa-ngapain China, untung sama rugi banyak ruginya ke mereka. Kapal-kapal buat donat untuk FONOP ngasih tau China "kamu klaim ini? Nyoh kapalku muter muter disini", mereka aja gak ngapa-ngapain. Walaupun ya kasusnya kebalik sama LCS, Taiwan de jure punya China, tapi de facto Taiwan negara sendiri.

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