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Kalau ke Filippina?
Lompatan yang wow sekali, sekarang aja cuman punya FA-50 berapa biji trus mau 4.5++ aja juga masih mbulet.

Bisa jadi, meskipun kemungkinan kecil. Untuk filipina sendiri keknya mereka lebih prefer yang lebih murah dan bisa dapat lebih banyak. Untuk 4.5++ mereka tentunya bakal siap.

Kalau filipina terlibat perang dan kalau pun dapat kiriman pespur paling juga pespur seken, diutamakan yang paling familiar bagi filipin.


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During that time, even ISIS was still fought against Assad with FSA, but few months next, they started to fought FSA and other factions friend of FSA, including Jabhat Al–Nusra that now become Hayat Tahrir as–Syam. ISIS called this alliance of anti–Assad rebels as Shohawat.
About ISIS Media Office (Diwan Al-I’lam/Diwanul I’lam) Chief named Abu Muhammad Al Furqan. This part of his article released through ISIS Al-Naba newsletter also talked about this part of history. He and Abu Abdurahman Al-Bilawi went to Syria to met with the rest of Shura Council, highest organizational body just below Amir Al-Mukminin, and talked about started to published their presence in Syria that they covered it with Jabhatun Nusra before, that this group turned out didn’t wanted to be part of Islamic State even though Al-Jaulani himself sent to Syria by Al-Baghdadi. And tensions with Sahwa (Shohawat) forces (FSA and around, including Jaulani that still collaborate with FSA) got higher and ordered ISIS in Idlib, Latakia, and few place in Aleppo to withdrew to ISIS controlled territory.

Abu Abdurahman Al-Bilawi, ex–Saddam military officer turned Islamist because of Camp Bucca, was important for ISIS because he was the one that planned to took second biggest city of Iraq, Mosul, just by the count of hours that the plan was executed after he was killed.

This Abu Muhammad Al-Furqan was also the Chief of Delegated Committee (organizing Diwan-Diwan, very important) replacing Abu Muhammad Al-Adnani. During his time as chief of this, if you like to reading about ISIS, the phenomenon of Ghuluw (berlebihan/too extreme) existed within ISIS, and yes, mainly on their publications, not weird. ISIS kind of became 2 that even killing each others, one pro to Turki bin Ali (ISIS ulema from Bahrain and his office) and one to Delegated Committee. Those who pro to Turki bin Ali called those who with Delegated Committee as Hazimi, many Tunisian called as Hazimi, even some reported ambushed perpetrated by them.



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Tahnoun Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, from Abu Dhabi’s Al-Nahyan family that the President of UAE is always gonna be for them, and Dubai’s Al-Maktouk as Vice President. De facto second most important man of UAE, some called him as Shadow Prince. Officially he is national security advisor (and the one that controls all of their intelligence activities maybe) for his brother MBZ, de facto he is also exchequer (bendahara) of Al-Nahyan family wealth, so he not just talking about security and foreign policy, but also making money.

Late 2023, he was appointed as the chairman of Abu Dhabi’s giant SWF ADIA, not just this one, but also other companies. Converting money from ADNOC etc to more future proof investments, tech sector for example.

But he is not yet got a problem, if someday UAE start to doing something wrong, he and his web of investments for sure the main target for economic sanctions. Dibuat kering for sure. Right now, even though their adventures against Arab Spring across Middle East, that MBZ said “if Middle East become democracy, Muslim Brotherhood would always win”, they are not clearly threatening region and outside (yet). Indonesia just need money for sure lol.

Edit: Al-Maktoum as Prime Minister, not Vice President.

Seperepat GDP Indonesia sendiri lol. Semua aktivitas ekonomi Indonesia dari Sabang sampe Merauke, dari transaksi mbok-mbok pasar sampe investasi, ekspor-impor yang nilainya gede, dia seorang punya kendali seperempatnya wkwk, udah gila. Salah liat yang PPP lagi, ngelebihan GDP nominal Indonesia malah lol
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NATO imposed minimum 2% of GDP for defense spending for each members. Not all members do it actually, but it’s there. Semua anggota setuju sama ini, gak diindahkan sendiri sama mereka-mereka lol.

Animus in consulendo liber, that’s how NATO’s works, bukan sepihak maunya AS aja yang lain tertindas gak bisa ngapa-ngapain, nurut-nurut aja, mereka status nya sama-sama negara merdeka1, gak ada yang lebih rendah. Kalo selama pengambilan keputusan gak ada yang ngelawan, berarti dianggep setuju (tacit consent).

I just knew that it doesn’t have to be Ministry/Department of Defense spending. If for example Ministry of Interior or others has components that could be appropriated for defense, that spending also consider as defense spending by this NATO article.

Edit: 1. Add ‘merdeka’
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Widodo offers sale of anti-sub aircraft to PH​

nice ...
Care nothing about geopolitics, dagang is our only interest lol
Japan Inc. ❌
Maju menyongsong Indonesia Inc.


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Jokowi apresiasi kepercayaan Filipina pada produk alutsista RI​

Pernyataan itu dia sampaikan ketika menerima kunjungan kehormatan Menteri Pertahanan Filipina Gilberto Eduardo Gerardo C. Teodoro di Manila pada Kamis.

"Saya mengapresiasi kepercayaan Departemen Pertahanan Nasional Filipina terhadap produk-produk BUMN Indonesia khususnya produk alutsista seperti pesawat dan kapal," kata Presiden Jokowi.

Terkait kerja sama pengadaan pesawat, Presiden Jokowi menyebutkan bahwa hubungan kerja sama tersebut telah terjalin lama, dan saat ini sedang diproses pengadaan enam unit pesawat NC212i produksi PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI).

“Ini bukan pertama kali, hubungan ini telah terjalin selama 38 tahun. Bahkan pada 2018 PTDI sudah kirimkan dua unit pesawat NC212i,” ujar dia.

Emang boleh nawarin kapal?


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