Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)


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11 AUGUST 2021

Indonesian research body issues scathing assessment of country's air defence radars​

by Ridzwan Rahmat

An Indonesian governmental research agency has issued a scathing assessment of the country's network of air defence radars and suggested the nation is presently ill-equipped to detect incursions into its airspace.
The assessment was provided in an Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia: LIPI) presentation, which was co-published with private tertiary institution, Telkom Institute of Technology Purwokerto. LIPI is the de facto scientific research authority in Indonesia.
According to LIPI, the Indonesian National Air Defense Forces Command (Komando Pertahanan Udara Nasional: KOHANUDNAS) operates a constellation of air defence radars, most of which are largely obsolete.



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AR 1 Missiles for CH4 UCAV


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Kasau Resmikan Hanggar Skadron Udara 33 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin​

12 Agustus 2021

Hanggar Skadron Udara 33 Angkut besar di Lanud Hasanuddin, Makassar (photos : Media DPR, TNI AU)

TNI AU - Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara Marsekal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo, S.E., M.P.P., meresmikan Hanggar Skadron Udara 33 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin, Selasa (10/8/2021).

Turut hadir dalam acara ini Irjenau Marsda TNI R. Agung Handoko, S.H., M.M., M.H, Asrena Kasau Marsda TNI Dr. Ir. Purwoko Aji Prabowo, M.M., MDS, Asops Kasau Marsda TNI M. Khairil Lubis, Aslog Kasau Marsda TNI Djamaluddin, M.Si (Han), Aspotdirga Kasau Marsda TNI Kusworo, S.E., M.M, Wakapuslaiklambangjaau Marsma TNI Engkus Kuswara, S.Ip., M.Tr(Han), Kadisbangopsau Marsma TNI I Made Susila A, Kadisopslatau Marsma TNI Meka Yudanto, S.Sos., M.A.P, Kadisaeroau Marsma TNI Eddy Supriyono, S.E., M.M, Kadiskonsau Marsma TNI Ir. Made Mahendra, Kadiskomlekau Marsma TNI Teguh Purwo S, S.E., M.M, Kadispenau Marsma TNI Indan Gilang Buldansyah, S.Sos. serta pejabat Makoopsau II dan pejabat Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin.

Peresmian Hanggar Skadron Udara 33 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin di tandai penekanan tombol sirine dan penandatanganan prasasti bersama Kasau Marsekal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo, S.E., M.P.P didampingi Pangkoopsau II Marsda TNI Minggit Tribowo, S.I.P., Komandan Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Marsma TNI Danet Hendriyanto, S.Sos dan Komandan Skadron Udara 33 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Letkol Pnb Ari Susiono, S.E.

“Dengan selesainya pembangunan hanggar beserta fasilitas pendukungnya ini, saya berharap kepada Komandan Skadron Udara 33 Letkol Pnb Ari Susiono, S.E dan segenap personel Skadron Udara 33, agar dapat meningkatkan peran dan kontribusi skadron ini, untuk melaksanakan berbagai misi yang diamanahkan. Selama kurang lebih dua tahun, akhirnya pada hari ini kita dapat menghadiri dan menyaksikan langsung peresmian hanggar Skadron Udara 33, yang telah berdiri megah sesuai harapan kita bersama.,” ujar Kasau.

“Saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada Danlanud Sultan Hasanuddin Marsma TNI Danet Hendriyanto, S,Sos., beserta jajaran sehingga pembangunan Skadron Udara 33 Lanud Hnd ini dapat berjalan dengan baik, tolong dapat dirawat dan dijaga dengan baik,” tambah Kasau.

Usai peresmian hanggar Skadron 33 dilanjutkan peninjauan hanggar dan penyerahan mobil dinas kepada Danlanud dan Komandan Wing Udara 5 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Kolonel Pnb Vincentius Endy H.P., serta peninjauan pembangunan Base Ops Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin.


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Too much colour filter on that two pictures. Its ruins what supposed to be great shots
I thought I'm the only one who think that way.

While I can understand these are just the photographer's artistic rendition, but they are just overdone at least to my taste as an (ex)photo journalist.


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I thought I'm the only one who think that way.

While I can understand these are just the photographer's artistic rendition, but they are just overdone at least to my taste as an (ex)photo journalist.
But then again, I'm guessing the target audience are those whose not even familiar to seeing professional shot from full-frame 35mm. Same things could be said with that demographic when its about 4K video. How many here even have the bandwidth capacity to routinely streaming 4K video?


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it's funny really seeing FMP and AH claim that each have more valid information than the others. I think neither can make that claim, as pointed out in one of the post above, we really need to read information posted by both with some grain of salt


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it's funny really seeing FMP and AH claim that each have more valid information than the others. I think neither can make that claim, as pointed out in one of the post above, we really need to read information posted by both with some grain of salt
both succumb to megalomania, they both have a power in form of information that weren't easily accessible to others, latest alman statement are really strange though, that "Call out" move to FMP was rather unnecessary.


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[Exclusive] Applying ‘stealth paint’ to ‘KF-21 Boramae’

Reporter Shin, Shin | Input 2021-08-13 03:10:00


It is known that the first domestic fighter 'KF-21 Boramae', the prototype of which was unveiled in April of this year, is highly likely to have some stealth performance. Last year, the domestic stealth paint development was completed and the performance was proven, so they plan to apply it before mass production of the KF-21.

According to a related source on the 10th, the development of a paint with radio wave absorption function (RAM paint) that Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) entrusted with a research service entrusted to a private company was completed last year and its performance was recognized in the subsequent evaluation. The source said, "We are in the stage of applying (paint technology)." It is said that the performance will be verified by applying paint to the prototype in the process of developing the KF-21, which will undergo 2,200 flight tests over 4 years from July next year after ground testing.

The paint applied to the surface of the fuselage is the core technology of the stealth aircraft, along with the internal weapon window and the infrared emission suppression engine. The reason that the authorities initially started developing paints in Korea was because it was not easy to introduce them overseas due to technology leakage. Authorities believe that this domestically developed paint will greatly reduce the 'detection rate', which reduces the possibility of being detected by enemy radar.

The F-35A, a representative stealth aircraft, has a radar cross section (RCS) of 0.001 m2, the value of which the electromagnetic field emitted by the radar meets an object and returns back, and the F-22 'Raptor' reaches 0.0001 m2. It is said that these fighters are detected on the radar at the level of a 'golf ball'. Another source said, “It is not as good as the fifth-generation fighters such as the F-35A, but the detection rate will be significantly lower than that of existing air force fighters such as the KF-16. I think this will be the case.”

Although not developed as a stealth aircraft, the KF-21, which is similar in appearance to the F-22, is evaluated to have the highest specifications as a 4.5th generation fighter except for the 5th generation. The South Korean military plans to deploy 40 units by 2028 and 120 units by 2032 in total.

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[Exclusive] Applying ‘stealth paint’ to ‘KF-21 Boramae’

Reporter Shin, Shin | Input 2021-08-13 03:10:00


It is known that the first domestic fighter 'KF-21 Boramae', the prototype of which was unveiled in April of this year, is highly likely to have some stealth performance. Last year, the domestic stealth paint development was completed and the performance was proven, so they plan to apply it before mass production of the KF-21.

According to a related source on the 10th, the development of a paint with radio wave absorption function (RAM paint) that Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) entrusted with a research service entrusted to a private company was completed last year and its performance was recognized in the subsequent evaluation. The source said, "We are in the stage of applying (paint technology)." It is said that the performance will be verified by applying paint to the prototype in the process of developing the KF-21, which will undergo 2,200 flight tests over 4 years from July next year after ground testing.

The paint applied to the surface of the fuselage is the core technology of the stealth aircraft, along with the internal weapon window and the infrared emission suppression engine. The reason that the authorities initially started developing paints in Korea was because it was not easy to introduce them overseas due to technology leakage. Authorities believe that this domestically developed paint will greatly reduce the 'detection rate', which reduces the possibility of being detected by enemy radar.

The F-35A, a representative stealth aircraft, has a radar cross section (RCS) of 0.001 m2, the value of which the electromagnetic field emitted by the radar meets an object and returns back, and the F-22 'Raptor' reaches 0.0001 m2. It is said that these fighters are detected on the radar at the level of a 'golf ball'. Another source said, “It is not as good as the fifth-generation fighters such as the F-35A, but the detection rate will be significantly lower than that of existing air force fighters such as the KF-16. I think this will be the case.”

Although not developed as a stealth aircraft, the KF-21, which is similar in appearance to the F-22, is evaluated to have the highest specifications as a 4.5th generation fighter except for the 5th generation. The South Korean military plans to deploy 40 units by 2028 and 120 units by 2032 in total.

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The question is, are they willing to apply that coating to IFX too or not?


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The question is, are they willing to apply that coating to IFX too or not?
If I recall Indonesia tried to develop stealth paint technology in the past....tested on ships

Wonder what comes out of it...? If it is successful, maybe it could be further developed for fighter aircraft application


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The question is, are they willing to apply that coating to IFX too or not?
I dont think we should be worry about that for now. Even F35 coating technology is not mature yet, perhaps after their 4 years test is done we could come to them and give our best rayuan move to have it 😁


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I dont think we should be worry about that for now. Even F35 coating technology is not mature yet, perhaps after their 4 years test is done we could come to them and give our best rayuan move to have it 😁
Combat range and speed are currently are more priority for TNI-AU than stealth. Although it is always nice to have some stealth as a bonus.

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