Germany refuses to service engines for Russian Navy


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Western countries continue to tighten the noose of technological sanctions against Russian industry.
Following the aviation industry, the Russian United Shipbuilding Corporation, a 100% state-owned holding company uniting 40 design bureaus, shipyards, ship repair, and machine-building companies, fell under the blow of export control, prohibiting the supply of dual-use products to the Russian Federation.

“Foreign companies are increasingly refusing to service components supplied to Russian shipbuilding companies,” said at a briefing the head of the Russian United Shipbuilding Corporation Alexei Rakhmanov.
"The problem is growing every day," he added. "Both the number of delays in the supply of products from abroad and the number of complete denials of service by foreign contractors are growing".
According to him, in particular, difficulties arose with engines from Germany.

"We have, for example, one ship, for which the German engine supplier announced a recall campaign, notified us about it and has not come [to install the engine] for the fifth month. And they explain this by the fact that, even though the contract was signed, and the engine was delivered to our plant, they have to re-apply to BAFA (Federal Office for Economics and Export Control of Germany)," Rakhmanov was quoted as saying by TASS.



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If we want to talk about a totally wrecked and declining people and power, lets talk about Germany. Relies on Russia for energy, then in a petty move won't help the Russians with their engine. I mean its silliness.


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If we want to talk about a totally wrecked and declining people and power, lets talk about Germany. Relies on Russia for energy, then in a petty move won't help the Russians with their engine. I mean its silliness.

Well thats one way of seeing it, a completely distorted and inaccurate view, but you know its you POV.


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United Kingdom
Well thats one way of seeing it, a completely distorted and inaccurate view, but you know its you POV.
Thanks I appreciate your comment. I meant no offense to any German people. Just that they are totally dependent on exports, they are reliant on Russia for energy. Its the same issues Germany had before the WW's. They still haven't broken out of their constraints.


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Thanks I appreciate your comment. I meant no offense to any German people. Just that they are totally dependent on exports, they are reliant on Russia for energy. Its the same issues Germany had before the WW's. They still haven't broken out of their constraints.

Germany has a complicated relationship with Russia. Russia will never cut the flow of gas to Germany, they might do for other countries and did, but Germany is not at risk. North Stream 2 was bad for Europe or Eastern Europe, but serves German interests.

Germany can hurt Russia more economically then Russia ever could hurt Germany. Otherwise you would have seen some repercussions after all these years of sanctions.

Defence wise Germany is very anti-militaristic for historic reasons, too anti for my taste. And then afraid of losing its edge and stupidly agreeing some shitty deals with France to build a jet that is clearing favouring the French industry, for Europe and the EUs sake. Germany often hated for profiting the most from the EU sacrifices a lot to keep that Union going.


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United Kingdom
Well, they wanted autarky but they lost. They aren't going to invade an oil-rich country to solve this problem now so criticizing them for buying Russian gas is.... I don't know what you're expecting them to do.

You're doing much better I suppose. How is Brexit going?
The North Sea, which has oil and gas, which Germany could get more of its energy from.

Brexit is going well. Just been sailing a carrier group in the Pacific.


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United Kingdom
Germany has a complicated relationship with Russia. Russia will never cut the flow of gas to Germany, they might do for other countries and did, but Germany is not at risk. North Stream 2 was bad for Europe or Eastern Europe, but serves German interests.

Germany can hurt Russia more economically then Russia ever could hurt Germany. Otherwise you would have seen some repercussions after all these years of sanctions.

Defence wise Germany is very anti-militaristic for historic reasons, too anti for my taste. And then afraid of losing its edge and stupidly agreeing some shitty deals with France to build a jet that is clearing favouring the French industry, for Europe and the EUs sake. Germany often hated for profiting the most from the EU sacrifices a lot to keep that Union going.
Germany has any number of problems in terms of being the great power it once was.

First is that Poland is stronger now, so the Germans can't push east to the border with Russia. Second is that it can't feed, fuel or export its industry within its own internal market. Without the EU Germany would lose 5 million people and 20% of its GDP within 2 years. Some will move back to their nations of origin, others will leave for economic reasons. Third Germany can't build a navy to become the major naval power in the North Sea and Baltic sea. Fourth the German demographics are bad and Germany is over populated as it is. So over population and falling demographics is the worst position to be in for a land power. Fifth the German political system with its states and chancellor is fragile to breaking apart and in fighting. What has united Germany is their massive economic production and then their need for a greater market and resources. At this point Germany without the EU can't get access to the market it needs and it doesn't have the demographics to fight a war in Europe as once did.

With Britain leaving the EU, the French now much become more nationalistic and force Germany to concede to things it wouldn't normally do to maintain its exports and access to energy. The Germans are in a desperate position in my view geo-politically. And Brexit really didn't help them as now the major naval power in western Europe is no longer economically tied to them. And is now a geo-political problem, free to act according to its own interests. The French rightly fear Britain, given our history and will want the EU to take a hard line with Britain, leading the British to push a harder line themselves. There is now great power competition in Europe for the first time since the Second World War.

Every thing Germans worked 60 years to build was actually a trap for them, to enable them to decline peacefully, rather than always going to war with everybody. They have been defeated slowly by the British and French, with the help of the Americans. Don't get me wrong here Germany will remain a great power, will have a big and successful economy, it will have a very capable military and hold the balance of power in Europe. However it isn't the major power in Europe anymore, able to fight 2 two front wars in a two in 25 years and effectively hold the Russians/British/French to a standstill until the Americans come in. That sort of power the Germans wasted and lost their territories in east Prussia. As of now the Germans need to look closer to home. To the mid/smaller European powers and work to gain manipulation over them and rebuild their power. So Denmark/Holland/Belgium/Switzerland/Austria/Czech Republic and others. But the French and British will be greater powers, the Polish will be a greater power and the Russians will still be Russia.

Its my view Britain is now the major power in western Europe, France second. And that will be the major conflict in Europe over the next 50-100 years.


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United Kingdom
And buying from Britain instead of Russia will make Germany not a "totally wrecked and declining people and power" in your eyes?

:ROFLMAO: Okay..

I love you man, try not to get stabbed. Terorism is part and parcel of living in big cities :)
Hahaha. I live in Cumbria. The largest and least populated county in England. But I appreciate your sentiments.

I laid out my reasons for calling Germany a wrecked and declining people and power above in a longer post. Also I think the Germans being petty is the issue. Just treat the Russians with the respect they deserve, they are giving you your energy, stop being silly. I bet Putin's like 'why you do this man, why?' Its like stealing a pen off your drug dealer, and thinking you owned him.

Britons, strike home.



Every criticism you have for Germany can be answered by "because they lost the war" Ever since German unification Britain was conspiring to destroy it. You got what you wanted. Yeah Germany isn't a military power and they will never be again. But don't fool yourself, neither are you.

Your time has passed. In EU or out of it, doesn't matter.

Poland and Hungary are doing alright but Europe in general has lost steam.

France? There are more beheadings in Paris than Baghdad.
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United Kingdom

Every criticism you have for Germany can be answered by "because they lost the war" Ever since German unification Britain was conspiring to destroy it. You got what you wanted. Yeah Germany isn't a military power and they will never be again. But don't fool yourself, neither are you.

Your time has passed. In EU or out of it, doesn't matter.

Poland and Hungary are doing alright but Europe in general has lost steam.

France? There are more beheadings in Paris than Baghdad.
Epic comment. I enjoyed reading it.

It isn't because they lost the war, its because they were deceived into believing they won the peace.

Also there is a huge difference between Britain and Germany, that Britain is an island and a naval power. Our demographics are less important, we can have 30 million people and still spend more and build more ships than anyone in Europe. Our power is based on dominating the waters around Britain. The North Sea-Irish Sea-Channel, and projecting outward from that position. So Britain is the most powerful nation a western Europe now. There is also the wider English civilization which I have talked about in another thread I made. Which is currently at war with China across the world.

The French have a Muslim migrant issue, they French have had other issues, which they have overcome. The issue for the French is what its always been, they are surrounded on all sides and have to go to war with everybody and win to be the major European powerful. Britain and Germany also have migrant and common wealth migration issues too. Not as impossible to overcome as the US/Canada/Australia/New Zealand issues, but still issues compared to China or Russia.

Also I have no doubt Germany will be a great power again, it will just take a generation for their demographics to recover and for technology to develop to a point where they either have renewable's or crystal based energy capture so they don't need to keep producing energy. None of the great powers are finished, they have still have a story to write. Look at Israel, didn't exist for 2,000 years and look at it now. So long as your people aren't genocided out of existence like the Romans and Greeks, you always have a chance to come back.

Its also clear that Turkey is reemerging as a major power, so Vienna should watch itself.
I agree about the European age coming to an end and Asians powers rising, it turns out naval power is vapid and leaves your vulnerable to being dependent on external trade and policing the worlds oceans. Much better to be a land power, with a solid navy. Like China/Russia/Iran.
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Any friction between conventiinal powers is good for the rest of the world, with that for Turkey to.


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Germany did itself dirty by shutting down its nuclear reactors due to stupid panic by the public after what happened in Japan. Every year Electricity prices are rising in Germany. Just compare prices between France and Germany. France took the right direction by going full in on nuclear reactors.

Nuclear Power + Clean Power (Air/Solar/Thermal/Water) are the Future but Germany decided to stay in the last. Instead it imports gas from Russia and continues operation coal power plants.

And the average Hans has to pay for it by being getting billed ludicrous amounts for the electricity he uses.


It isn't because they lost the war, its because they were deceived into believing they won the peace.
Well said,

If I hear from one more German saying "I'm glad we lost" I'm going to lose my shit.

How can someone be stupid enough to think "yeah they split the country in two, occupied us, systematically raped our women, turned us into slaves, used us to clear minefields, stole all of our scientists but I'm glad that mustache man is gone" Get a nation to hate their own ancestors and they will never amount to much again.

But frankly, even this defeated remnants of a once great nation has more say in the world than your collapsed empire whose military is reduced to America's sidekick. At this point why even bother? You handed over Hong Kong to China. Basically destroyed Rhodesia. You must be really proud to have kept the falklands islands because your military didn't achieve anything else of note in the last 80 years.

Speaking of hating one's ancestors

Someone had photoshopped Hitler smiling at this from the sky, but I couldn't find it now :)
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Please keep the barbs to a minimum. UK is still capable of quite a bit, and so is Germany, the Nuclear power plant deal is really messed up IMO.

They should have just increased the control and security processes up through the roof instead of shutting them down.

France is being France and historically that's what they've always done.

I think Germany is losing out because the world atm. has grown very nationalistic, while Germany sees the value of sharing the burden. That won't end well imo because while everyone is acting egoistic Germany seems to be the only one trying to share.



Stupidity and god complex masquerading as virtue. Erdog. Wants to become father of ummah,

Germany has a similiar mindset for the whole world.


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United Kingdom
Germany did itself dirty by shutting down its nuclear reactors due to stupid panic by the public after what happened in Japan. Every year Electricity prices are rising in Germany. Just compare prices between France and Germany. France took the right direction by going full in on nuclear reactors.

Nuclear Power + Clean Power (Air/Solar/Thermal/Water) are the Future but Germany decided to stay in the last. Instead it imports gas from Russia and continues operation coal power plants.

And the average Hans has to pay for it by being getting billed ludicrous amounts for the electricity he uses.
The problem with energy isn't producing it, it is storing produced energy. The world produces plenty of energy, just most of it is expended through the grid or lost because it isn't used. If we can store energy in crystal circuit batteries which not only store energy, but recharge themselves, your energy problems go away, the other issue is transport and logistics of energy as well, which you need to be able to change the energy into light or beam form to move it to where it needs to be. However right now using wires and surge energy production its very inefficient. This is the problem with nuclear power, its the most inefficient, you produce loads of energy, but you can't store and save it. Nuclear isn't the long term answer. People need to work on storing and transporting, not producing more.

Not to get away from things, but I use spiritual golden orbs to store light and love energy when I am sleeping, and create a circuit to fuel itself while I am sleeping. So I don't get why other 'scientists' haven't done this yet in the physical world. Any new age or outside of the box thinking is trashed though. Instead we need the Chinese to invest billions in our energy grid and nuclear, while we have millions of tons of coal in the UK.


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United Kingdom
Well said,

If I hear from one more German saying "I'm glad we lost" I'm going to lose my shit.

How can someone be stupid enough to think "yeah they split the country in two, occupied us, systematically raped our women, turned us into slaves, used us to clear minefields, stole all of our scientists but I'm glad that mustache man is gone" Get a nation to hate their own ancestors and they will never amount to much again.

But frankly, even this defeated remnants of a once great nation has more say in the world than your collapsed empire whose military is reduced to America's sidekick. At this point why even bother? You handed over Hong Kong to China. Basically destroyed Rhodesia. You must be really proud to have kept the falklands islands because your military didn't achieve anything else of note in the last 80 years.

Speaking of hating one's ancestors
View attachment 29628

Someone had photoshopped Hitler smiling at this from the sky, but I couldn't find it now :)
Just out of interest, what do think the strengths and weaknesses of Britain are right now?


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Stupidity and god complex masquerading as virtue. Erdog. Wants to become father of ummah,

Germany has a similiar mindset for the whole world.

Actually this leader of the Ummah is nothing new but a major role in geopolitics of the Islamic World.

Every Islamic Empire or Sultanate always claimed that they were the leaders of ummah they justified their conquests or wars with this mindset.

Ottomans, Ummayads, Abbassids, Seljuks, Mamluks, Babur's empire, Timurids and various other Islamic Empires used this Ummah as a tool for geopolitical agendas.

A lot of the leaders like Saladin, Nureddin Zengi, Emir Timur, Babur, Yavuz Sultan Selim all claimed that they had to unite the ummah either politically, diplomatically or with force.

Emir Timur was praised by Ibn Khaldun for uniting much of the Islamic World when most Islamic leaders failed to do it. Yavuz Sultan Selim's campaigns in the Middle East was due to him believing the Ottomans should be rulers of the Islamic and Turkic Worlds. Yavuz Sultan Selim even wanted to march into Central Asia.

I always thought this Ummah leadership was something new but its not just like the Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants who clash with each other but among themselves to claim themselves leaders of Christendom worldwide for centuries.

Of course Erdogan is no Yavuz, Emir Timur or Babur.

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