Turks in Western Thrace


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Teachers association pointing out the 305 schools protected by Lozan treaty has been reduced to 105, and no western country seems to respect treaties.


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Teachers association pointing out the 305 schools protected by Lozan treaty has been reduced to 105, and no western country seems to respect treaties.

You know we lost western thrace due to a dumb referendum.

Referendum was either we stay under greek or french rule.

As the Greeks used fear mongering to the local mullahs that if the French takeover they will get rid of your religion and sharia law.

Western Thrace Turks got duped thanks to our local religious leaders.

None of them had faith that Turks would win the Turkish independance war and come save Western Thrace as it was too late.

Western Thrace could have been the next Hatay.


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Teachers association pointing out the 305 schools protected by Lozan treaty has been reduced to 105, and no western country seems to respect treaties.
Turkey distorts reality; Greece, in contrast to Turkey, continues to implement the provisions of the Lausanne Treaty. The numbers speak for themselves. The Muslim minority in Thrace has about 120,000 members. The Greek one in Turkey, has shrunk to just 3,000. At the time of the Lausanne era, they were equal. For the academic year 2021-2022, in Thrace will operate more than 100 minority primary schools while in Istanbul only 3. Regarding what is mentioned in the relevant announcement of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is noted that, as is known, the criterion for suspending schools in Greece is completion of a minimum number of 9 students. In addition to the 12 minority schools, another 24 public primary schools were suspended in the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace alone. A fact that highlights equal and non-discriminatory treatment of minority students in Greece.


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Greece is placing their commandos in An around Derbent.

We placing military special forces because Turkish smugglers sending illegal imigrations via the Greek-Bulgarian borders .Turkey is weaponising refugees and immigrants by pushing them forward to the Greek borders,a clearly instrumentalisation tactic for political purposes.
By the way, in the picture are not....Greek troops, but US!!!:LOL::ROFLMAO:



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Just a remark : due to the multiethnic character of theMuslim Minority of Western Thrace, which includes Greek Muslims, Turks, Pomaks and Roma Muslims, Greece does not refer to it by a specific ethnic background, nor does recognize any of these ethnicities, including the Turks, as separate ethnic minority in Western Thrace, instead referring to the whole Muslim minority on religious grounds, as the "Muslim Minority of Western Thrace" or "Greek Muslims". This is in accordance with the Treaty of Lausanne. According to the Greek government, Turkish speakers form approximately 50% of the minority, Pomaks 35% and Muslim Roma 15%.


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Teachers association pointing out the 305 schools protected by Lozan treaty has been reduced to 105, and no western country seems to respect treaties.
When there are no students, what is the reason for Greece to pay for schools and teachers?
As a Turk you have to think a lot about talking about the Treaty of Lausanne, when the Greek minority in Constantinople from 200.000 in 1922, today is only 3.000 because of the turkish ethnic cleasing (pogrom, jailing Fortune Tax/Varlık Vergisi, e.tc.) .
Respectively, the Muslim Minority of Western Thrace, from 80.000 in 1922, is today at 100.000


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Turks in Thrace were guarenteed autonomy in Lozan treaty, but that’s being violated.
Nope, articles 37 through 45 of the Lausanne Treaty set forth the obligations of the Greek and Turkish governments to protect the Turkish and Greek minorities in their territories.
No autonomy mentioned as regards the Turks in Western Thrace.
The Lausanne Treaty defined the rights of the Muslim communities in Western Thrace, on the basis of religion, not ethnicity, as well as maintained a balance between the minority communities of both countries (Turks in Greece and Greeks in Turkey) on reciprocal obligations toward each of those minorities.
The Treaty contained specific obligations for their cultural and religious rights. These have been largely respected, in contrast to measures taken by successive Turkish governments against the Greek minority in Turkey (like forced labor battalions, the Istanbul pogrom and Varlik Vergisi), a minority that is nearly eliminated today.


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When there are no students, what is the reason for Greece to pay for schools and teachers?
As a Turk you have to think a lot about talking about the Treaty of Lausanne, when the Greek minority in Constantinople from 200.000 in 1922, today is only 3.000 because of the turkish ethnic cleasing (pogrom, jailing Fortune Tax/Varlık Vergisi, e.tc.) .
Respectively, the Muslim Minority of Western Thrace, from 80.000 in 1922, is today at 100.000
It's called Istanbul.

Your country doesn't even recognize it has Turkish minority.

And It's called quota, if you don't have enough students then you won't permit the classes to start. Which means minority will have to travel further away to be able to attend classes.

So claiming there are no students is BS.

How many Turks are there on Crete, and how many left ? It's pretty obvious that you're conducting ethnic cleansing slowly.


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When there are no students, what is the reason for Greece to pay for schools and teachers?
As a Turk you have to think a lot about talking about the Treaty of Lausanne, when the Greek minority in Constantinople from 200.000 in 1922, today is only 3.000 because of the turkish ethnic cleasing (pogrom, jailing Fortune Tax/Varlık Vergisi, e.tc.) .
Respectively, the Muslim Minority of Western Thrace, from 80.000 in 1922, is today at 100.000

Greece had lots of Turkish minorities like in Selanik a lot of them got butchered or deported.

Greece cant even recognise it has a Turkish minority while in Turkey they are recognised as Rum's.


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It's called Istanbul.

Your country doesn't even recognize it has Turkish minority.

And It's called quota, if you don't have enough students then you won't permit the classes to start. Which means minority will have to travel further away to be able to attend classes.

So claiming there are no students is BS.

How many Turks are there on Crete, and how many left ? It's pretty obvious that you're conducting ethnic cleansing slowly.
Read what I wrote....
"The Lausanne Treaty defined the rights of the Muslim communities in Western Thrace, on the basis of religion, not ethnicity, as well as maintained a balance between the minority communities of both countries".

As regards the name of the Constantinople, is true that during the time had and has a lot names such as the Turkish Ḳosṭanṭīnīye, the Greek Κωνσταντινούπολη/Επτάλοφη/Νέα Ρώμη/Βυζάντιο/Πόλη, the Romanize Roma Constantinopolitana, the Russians as Charigrand, the Arabs as Rūmiyyat al-Kubra, even the Vikings called it as Miklagarðr.
Every nation call it as is want, but the modern Turkish name for the city, İstanbul, derives from the Greek phrase eis tin Polin (εἰς τὴν πόλιν), meaning "(in)to the city".
Dictionary is clear on that.....



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Greek court acquits Turkish minority’s elected religious official​


ISTANBUL DEC 09, 2021 - 11:05 AM GMT+3

Parents and their supporters take part in a demonstration protesting the Greek government's postponement of community board member elections at minority schools in Komotini (Gümülcine), northern Greece, April 6, 2021. (AA Photo)
Parents and their supporters take part in a demonstration protesting the Greek government's postponement of community board member elections at minority schools in Komotini (Gümülcine), northern Greece, April 6, 2021. (AA Photo)

AGreek court on Wednesday found an elected mufti of the country's 150,000-strong Muslim Turkish minority not guilty of overstepping his authority by carrying out his duties as a religious official.

Ibrahim Şerif, the elected mufti of Komotini (Gümülcine) in northeastern Greece, had been charged by Greek authorities in 2018 with usurping authority after attending a circumcision ceremony in 2016 and was to stand trial in the northern city of Thessaloniki on Thursday.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency (AA), Ercan Ahmet, Şerif’s lawyer, said that the prosecutor asked the court to acquit the mufti, saying there is insufficient evidence to convict.

Lawyers from the Istanbul, Turkey-based International Jurists Union and the second Istanbul Bar Association were also present in the court.

In a statement, they stressed that they are worried that the Turkish Muslim minority in Western Thrace are not able to exercise their rights under various bilateral and international treaties, including the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne.

"Furthermore, Greek doesn't respect decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in favor of the Turkish Muslim minority," the statement said, adding that the European Parliament (EP) overlooks this illegal state of affairs.

Pointing to Turkey's constructive approach toward Greece, the statement called on Greek authorities to comply with the treaties and ECtHR rulings, and the EP to monitor minority-related developments in the country.

Turkey in June also condemned a recent Greek court decision to sentence the elected mufti of Iskeçe (Xanthi) in Greece’s Western Thrace to 15 months in prison, describing the decision as "another manifestation of the legal pressure and intimidation policies by Greece against the Western Thrace Turkish minority's elected muftis by their own will."

Ahmet Mete was sentenced to 15 months in prison by a Greek court, in another apparent attempt to suppress the country’s ethnic Turkish minority.
A criminal court in Thessaloniki sentenced Mete to time in prison, with a three-year deferment of the sentence, over allegedly "disrupting public order by sowing public discord."

Turkey expressed hope for the "unfair decision" to be corrected in the later stages of the legal process.

"We invite Greece once again to put an end to its oppressive practices that violate the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Western Thrace Turkish Minority and its elected muftis," it added.

Dating back centuries, a population of 150,000 Muslim Turks lives mainly in the Komotini and Xanthi areas in Greece's Western Thrace region.

The election of muftis, or Islamic clerics, by Muslims in Greece is regulated by the 1913 Treaty of Athens, a Greek-Ottoman Empire pact that was implemented by Athens in 1920.

But in 1991, in violation of international law, Greece annulled its law regarding the 1913 treaty and unlawfully started to appoint muftis.

The muftis appointed by the Greek state have since usurped local Muslims' rights of jurisdiction on family and inheritance matters.

Most Muslim Turks in Western Thrace do not recognize muftis appointed by the Greek state and instead rightfully elect their own muftis.

However, since 1991, the Greek state has refused to recognize the elected muftis, and authorities have even put clerics on trial for performing religious rites.

Turkey has long decried Greek violations of the rights of its Muslim and Turkish minority, from the closing down of mosques and letting historic mosques fall into disrepair, to refusing to allow local groups to use "Turkish" in their name.

These measures violate the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne, as well as ECtHR verdicts, making Greece a state that flouts the law, say Turkish officials.

Turkey has frequently urged Greece to comply with the ECtHR decisions upholding the freedoms of the local Turkish minority.



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....... of the country's 150,000-strong Muslim Turkish minority ........

........ a population of 150,000 Muslim Turks lives mainly in the Komotini and Xanthi areas in Greece's Western Thrace region.
Any source for the accuracy of this number?


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The election of muftis, or Islamic clerics, by Muslims in Greece is regulated by the 1913 Treaty of Athens, a Greek-Ottoman Empire pact that was implemented by Athens in 1920.

But in 1991, in violation of international law, Greece annulled its law regarding the 1913 treaty and unlawfully started to appoint muftis.

The muftis appointed by the Greek state have since usurped local Muslims' rights of jurisdiction on family and inheritance matters.

Most Muslim Turks in Western Thrace do not recognize muftis appointed by the Greek state and instead rightfully elect their own muftis.

However, since 1991, the Greek state has refused to recognize the elected muftis, and authorities have even put clerics on trial for performing religious rites.
There is full transparency in the procedure of appointment of the Muftis of the Minority. As a general rule, the Muslim religious leaders are appointed and not elected.
In Turkey itself, the Mufti is appointed by the Prefect according to the latter’s judgement.
In non-Islamic countries Muftis may be appointed, if the state does not involve itself in the religious matters of the Faithful.
In Greece, the Mufti is appointed by the Administration in a procedure in which prominent members of the Minority have their say.
The Law of 1991 defines the procedure of appointment of the Mufti, his status as appointee, his duties and the rules of functioning of his office. A further reason for the appointment of the Mufti by the Administration is that he performs certain judicial functions in matters of family and inheritance Law concerning the interpersonal relations of the Moslems. The Prefect initiates the procedure for the choosing of candidates who are proposed by eminent members of the Minority. The Mufti is appointed by Presidential Decree following the recommendation of the Minister of Education and Religion. For the first time in 1990, the possession of an Islamic Theology Degree at university level became a prerequisite for the candidature. It should be noted that from 1923 until 1990 the Muftis were appointed by the Prefect without anyone ever having protested or contested the procedure of appointment.
In my opinion, Sa
Anyway, Greece is obliged to respect the religious rights of the Muslim minority according to the Treaty of Lausanne. As long as they do not violate the principles of the Constitution and international human rights law



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Parents and their supporters take part in a demonstration protesting the Greek government's postponement of community board member elections at minority schools in Komotini (Gümülcine), northern Greece, April 6, 2021. (AA Photo)
Where are the mothers?
At that time at April 6, 2021 as also and the Dec. 22, 2020, Greece was in Lockdown.
Elections postponed at all Greek schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic at the school year 2020-21.


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Turkey has frequently urged Greece to comply with the ECtHR decisions upholding the freedoms of the local Turkish minority.
Agree, sharia law must be end.
The application of Islamic law in Western Thrace does not seem to provide a uniform treatment of all citizens, since it discriminates against a large segment of Greek citizens, the Muslim women of the minority.
Islamic Law can be applied as sui generis law without violating the fundamental human rights rules. In search of a solution of the legal and cultural conflict between international human rights(ECHR decisions) law and Islamic Law, the Mufti could be separated from his judicial powers.
In particular, since the Muslim-Greek citizens have the option of resolving their cases by Greek civil law. The religious courts and the Mufti in Western Thrace could take the initial approach by offering counselling, mediation and arbitration resulting in a satisfactory settlement of the case.
Thus, the Mufti will no longer have to carry the heavy political weight neither will he attract any political aspirations from the people or Turkey, who wish to manipulate and control the institution of the Mufti.



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Any source for the accuracy of this number?
Since there was no answer, according to official statistics, in 1993, the Greek state estimated the number of “Muslims” living in Western Thrace to 98. 000, and clarified that
  • 50 % of them were of “Turkish origin”,
  • 35 % were “Pomaks”
  • 15 % were “Athingani” or "Roma".
Greek mfa recently estimates ranged up to 120.000 people.

The number of 150,000 Turks is a fantastic and propagandistic number, which is circulated by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the aim of discrediting Greece and the national demotion of other groups such as the Pomaks.



Since there was no answer, according to official statistics, in 1993, the Greek state estimated the number of “Muslims” living in Western Thrace to 98. 000, and clarified that
  • 50 % of them were of “Turkish origin”,
  • 35 % were “Pomaks”
  • 15 % were “Athingani” or "Roma".
Greek mfa recently estimates ranged up to 120.000 people.

The number of 150,000 Turks is a fantastic and propagandistic number, which is circulated by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the aim of discrediting Greece and the national demotion of other groups such as the Pomaks.

you live in copenhagen?

Because you are coping and seething in your every post that can't be a coincidence

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