Russia and China proclaim ‘no limits’ partnership to stand up to U.S.

Kara Khan

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Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing, China February 4, 2022. Sputnik/Aleksey Druzhinin/Kremlin via REUTERS

China and Russia proclaimed a deep strategic partnership on Friday to balance what they portrayed as the malign global influence of the United States as China’s President Xi Jinping hosted Russia’s Vladimir Putin on the opening day of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

In a joint statement, the two countries affirmed that their new relationship was superior to any political or military alliance of the Cold War era.

“Friendship between the two States has no limits, there are no ‘forbidden’ areas of cooperation,” they declared, announcing plans to collaborate in a host of areas including space, climate change, artificial intelligence and control of the internet.

The agreement marked the most detailed and assertive statement of Russian and Chinese resolve to work together – and against the United States – to build a new international order based on their own interpretations of human rights and democracy.

The statement was steeped in ideological discourse and it was not clear whether it would immediately translate into an increase in tangible and practical cooperation – although Putin trumpeted a new gas deal with China on Friday – or was intended as more of a statement of general policy intent.

The United States responded coolly. Asked about the meeting between Xi and Putin, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said President Joe Biden has his own relationship with China.

Referring to a massing of Russian troops near the Ukraine border, she said the U.S. focus is currently on working with partners in case Russia invades Ukraine, adding “we’ve also conveyed that destabilizing conflict in Europe would impact China’s interests all over the world.”

Daniel Russel of the Asia Society think tank, who served as the U.S. State Department’s top diplomat for East Asia in the Obama administration, said Xi and Putin were “announcing their determination to stand together and to stand against the U.S. and the West — ready to withstand sanctions and contest American global leadership”.

While not formally allied, the two “are making common cause as a tactical matter to better defend their respective interests and their authoritarian systems from Western pressure”, he said.

Jonathan Eyal of the London-based Royal United Services Institute said the declaration marked a “frontal rebuttal” of the U.S. and Western view of the world and a possible building block towards a military alliance.

“They both feel cornered and they feel their moment has arrived to state their vision of the world and promote it aggressively.”


The two countries have moved closer together as both have come under pressure from the West on issues including their human rights records and Russia’s military build-up near Ukraine. The timing of their announcement was highly symbolic, at a China-hosted that the United States has subjected to a diplomatic boycott.

In the lengthy document – nearly 5,400 words in English translation – each went significantly further than before in backing the other on flashpoints of tension with the West.

– Russia voiced its support for China’s stance that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, and opposition to any form of independence for the island. Moscow and Beijing also voiced their opposition to the AUKUS alliance between Australia, Britain and the United States, saying it increased the danger of an arms race in the region.

– China joined Russia in calling for an end to NATO enlargement and supported its demand for security guarantees from the West – issues at the heart of Moscow’s confrontation with the United States and its allies over Ukraine.

The two countries expressed concern about “the advancement of U.S. plans to develop global missile defence and deploy its elements in various regions of the world, combined with capacity building of high-precision non-nuclear weapons for disarming strikes and other strategic objectives”.

Elsewhere, without naming Washington, they criticised attempts by “certain states” to establish global hegemony, fan confrontation and impose their own standards of democracy.

Scott Kennedy, a China expert at Washington’s Center for Strategic and International Studies, said that despite the rhetoric, there would be limits to the alliance.

“China is willing to stand with Russia through thin but not thick. This collaboration works as long as it entails few costs. They are expanding their commercial ties, extolling a similar anti-American/pro-authoritarian narrative, and hoping their friendship weakens the West’s military position in Europe and Asia,” he said, adding, “If a war breaks out over Ukraine or Taiwan, we can expect this partnership to fracture.”


In the technology arena, Russia and China said they were ready to strengthen cooperation on artificial intelligence and information security.

They said they believed that “any attempts to limit their sovereign right to regulate national segments of the Internet and ensure their security are unacceptable”.

Meanwhile Russian state energy giants Gazprom and Rosneft on Friday agreed new gas and oil supply deals with Beijing worth tens of billions of dollars.

The deals capitalise on Putin’s drive to diversify Russian energy exports away from the West, which started shortly after he came to power in 1999. Since then Russia has become China’s top energy supplier and cut its reliance on the West for revenues.

The Kremlin said the presidents also discussed the need to broaden trade in national currencies because of unpredictability surrounding the use of the dollar.

U.S. President Joe Biden has said Russian companies could be cut off from the ability to trade in dollars as part of sanctions if Russia invades Ukraine.

Moscow denies any such intention, but has used a build-up of more than 100,000 troops near Ukraine’s border to grab the attention of the West and press its demands for security guarantees.



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Its good to see the Russians/Chinese alliance forming. Its an alliance based on the desire of both ruling factions in Russia and China not wishing to be overthrown by the English hegemony which is under the manipulation of the nomadic Jewish neo-cons. They hate Russia because it expelled them and they hate China because it refused to allow them to move to China after the collapse of the English hegemony. Once you add Iran to this, you have a very powerful and strategically viable alliance.

The issues for the civilizational alliance is that in the end they have different interests and perceptions of who they are. Leading to differences in many areas. However so long as they all view the major threat as regime change by the forces of the English hegemony and nomadic Jews their alliance will not only hold but grow stronger. They won't be split apart.

So this isn't going to be like the cold war, its going to be something new which humanity hasn't seen before, which is three powerful civilizations coming together against the hegemony to overthrow it and push it out of Eur-Asia. Britain, Australia, Canada, USA which make up the English hegemony and the European core around France/Germany/Low countries are still much more powerful overall. In cultural/economic/military/political power. However they aren't pushing in the same direction, some of them don't want to overthrow the governments of Russia/China/Iran, nor do they want a war with them.


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How long before China claims Russia's far east and Siberia?
I don't think either Russia/China/Iran are imperialist powers. They are civilizational powers. So long as the Russians give the Chinese a fair price of the resources in the Far-East and Siberia there won't be a reason for China to do anything. To be honest I think the geo-political stuff is very limited.


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I don't think either Russia/China/Iran are imperialist powers. They are civilizational powers. So long as the Russians give the Chinese a fair price of the resources in the Far-East and Siberia there won't be a reason for China to do anything. To be honest I think the geo-political stuff is very limited.
There is no reason to create disagreements over the territorial claim that simply does not exist and that is imaginatively put into perspective by those who think that there is or will be a rupture of Sino-Russian relations.

For example, the Russians are releasing land in the Far East to Chinese farmers as if it were a form of leasing, so there is a certain use of land that has no added value but the Russian government has found a way to use these lands to generate value. to Russia through Chinese farmers.


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United Kingdom
There is no reason to create disagreements over the territorial claim that simply does not exist and that is imaginatively put into perspective by those who think that there is or will be a rupture of Sino-Russian relations.

For example, the Russians are releasing land in the Far East to Chinese farmers as if it were a form of leasing, so there is a certain use of land that has no added value but the Russian government has found a way to use these lands to generate value. to Russia through Chinese farmers.
Yes a big change in my thinking is understand the ruling class theory of history, which is the ruling class decides what happens and the better ruling class wins. Russia and China right now have excellent ruling classes, which aren't going to do anything foolish which could harm their position. So long as the ruling classes of both civilizations remain capable, they won't have any issues and will come to high level understandings with each other.

We see with the terrible ruling class in Britain/US/Canada/Australia that your ruling class decides your fate and there is nothing the people can do about it, unless there is a different ruling class for them to support into power. China and Russia are all very intelligent and hard working peoples, they are tough and have compatibility in working together.


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China and Russia share the longest common border in the world, it's very important to have brotherly friendship bw the two countries. A China Russia alliance is unbeatable, China has money, unrivaled industrial and manufacturing power, Russia has world largest natural resources and raw material, both countries are also good at science and technology, China and Russia are also pretty strong in military power. The only thing the west has is consumer market, and even this is fast shrinking.


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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
China and Russia share the longest common border in the world, it's very important to have brotherly friendship bw the two countries. A China Russia alliance is unbeatable, China has money, unrivaled industrial and manufacturing power, Russia has world largest natural resources and raw material, both countries are also good at science and technology, China and Russia are also pretty strong in military power. The only thing the west has is consumer market, and even this is fast shrinking.
Imagine if you could flip Britain to being part of your alliance. That's my dream at this point. Not that Britain would offer much to you guy's.


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Imagine if you could flip Britain to being part of your alliance. That's my dream at this point. Not that Britain would offer much to you guy's.
For the time being, UK now is more America than America. They share the same roots and their natural bond is understandable.

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